Baking Story Time – Preschool

Opening Song

Book: Fry Bread: A Native American Family Story by Kevin Noble Maillard, illustrated by Juana Martinez-Neal

Song: “The Mixing Bowl” – Kira Willey: Kings & Queens of the Forest

Felt Story: “Five Little Cookies”
Five little cookies, with frosting galore
Cookie Monster ate the pink one, then there were four.
Four little cookies, two and two, you see,
Cookie Monster ate the green one, then there were three.
Three little cookies, but before I knew,
Cookie Monster ate the blue one, then there were two.
Two little cookies, oh, what fun!
Cookie Monster ate the orange one, then there was one.
One little cookie, watch me run!
Cookie Monster ate the red one, then there were none.

cookie monster prop image

Rhyme: Making Cookies
I am making cookie dough. (hold out arms in a circle, like a bowl)
Round and round the beaters go. (roll hands)
Add some flour from a cup. (shake a pretend cup)
Stir and stir the batter up. (stirring motion)
Roll them, cut them nice and neat. (rolling pin motion)
Put them on a cookie sheet. (place pretend cookies)
Bake them, count them 1-2-3. (counting motion)
Serve them to my friends for tea. (take a bite!)
(Credit: Sunflower Storytime)

Book: Everyone Loves Cupcake by Kelly DiPucchio, illustrated by Eric Wight

Song: “The Cookie Bakers of the Night” – Laurie Berkner: Buzz Buzz

Book: Yum Yum! What Fun! by Mara Bergman, illustrated by Nick Maland

Closing rhyme