Cupcakes Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song

Book: Little Mouse and the Big Cupcake by Thomas Taylor, illustrated by Jill Barton

Song: “This Is the Way We Bake a Cake”
This is the way we mix the batter,
Mix the batter, mix the batter.
This is the way we mix the batter
When we bake a cake!

Additional verses:
Spread the frosting
Sprinkle the toppings
Eat our piece

Rhyme: “Pat-a-Cake”
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man, (clap)
Bake me a cake as fast as you can. (clap)
Roll it, (roll one hand over the other)
And pat it, (pat legs)
And mark it with a “B,” (make the letter B on baby’s tummy)
And put it in the oven for Baby and me! (hands flat, then point to baby, then you)

Book: Monsters Love Cupcakes by Mike Austin

Flannel w/Puppets: “Five Fancy Cupcakes”
Down around the corner at the bakery shop
Were five fancy cupcakes with sprinkles on top!
Along comes a (insert animal puppet) with a dollar to pay.
She picks up a cupcake and takes it away.

Repeat with other animals

Song: “Peanut Butter and Jelly” – Old Town School of Folk Music: Songs for Wiggleworms

Book: Baby Cakes by Theo Heras, illustrated by Renné Benoit

Shaker Eggs: “Milkshake Song” – Old Town School of Folk Music: Songs for Wiggleworms

Shaker Eggs: “Shake it On Your Shoe”
1, 2, shake it on your shoe.
3, 4, shake it on the floor.
5, 6, stir and mix.
7, 8, stand up straight.
9, 10, wave to your friends.

Closing Rhyme

Pinkalicious Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song

Book: Pinkalicious by Victoria Kann and Elizabeth Kann

Action Rhyme: “Pinkalicious, Pinkalicious Turn Around”
Pinkalicious, Pinkalicious turn around.
Pinkalicious, Pinkalicious touch the ground.
Pinkalicious, Pinkalicious jump up high!
Pinkalicious, Pinkalicious touch the sky.
Pinkalicious, Pinkalicious bend down low.
Pinkalicious, Pinkalicious touch your nose.
Pinkalicious, Pinkalicious dance to the beat.
Pinkalicious, Pinkalicious take a seat!
(Credit: Book Cart Queens)

Book: Pinkalicious: Message in a Bottle by Victoria Kann

Flannel with puppet animals: “Five Fancy Cupcakes”
Down around the corner at the bakery shop
Were five fancy cupcakes with sprinkles on top!
Along comes a (insert animal puppet) with a dollar to pay.
She picks up a cupcake and takes it away.

Song: “Pink” (Tune: “Are You Sleeping?”)
That spells pink.
That spells pink.
Bubble gum is pink,
Cotton candy is pink,
Pink, pink, pink.
Pink, pink, pink.

Other words to use: flamingo, pigs, flowers
(Credit: Book Besotted Librarian)

Book: Pinkalicious: Puptastic! by Victoria Kann

Closing Rhyme

Fancy Nancy Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song

Book: Fancy Nancy by Jane O’Connor, illustrated by Robin Preiss Glasser

Song: “Fancy Nancy Bingo”
There was a girl whose name was Nancy and fancy was her game-o.
F-A-N-C-Y, F-A-N-C-Y, F-A-N-C-Y and fancy was her game-o.

Book: Fancy Nancy: There’s No Day Like a Snow Day by Jane O’Connor, illustrated by Robin Preiss Glasser

Flannel with animal puppets: “Five Fancy Cupcakes”
Down around the corner at the bakery shop
Were five fancy cupcakes with sprinkles on top!
Along comes a ___________ with a dollar to pay.
She picks up a cupcake and takes it away.

Song: “If You’re Fancy and You Know It”
Drink your tea
Put on your crown
Wear your bowtie
Say oh la la

Flannel: “Where’s Nancy?”
(Look behind the fancy-colored teacups to find Nancy.)
Lavender, fuchsia, cerulean, daffodil, emerald

Closing Rhyme

Baking Story Time – Preschool

Opening Song

Book: Fry Bread: A Native American Family Story by Kevin Noble Maillard, illustrated by Juana Martinez-Neal

Song: “The Mixing Bowl” – Kira Willey: Kings & Queens of the Forest

Felt Story: “Five Little Cookies”
Five little cookies, with frosting galore
Cookie Monster ate the pink one, then there were four.
Four little cookies, two and two, you see,
Cookie Monster ate the green one, then there were three.
Three little cookies, but before I knew,
Cookie Monster ate the blue one, then there were two.
Two little cookies, oh, what fun!
Cookie Monster ate the orange one, then there was one.
One little cookie, watch me run!
Cookie Monster ate the red one, then there were none.

cookie monster prop image

Rhyme: Making Cookies
I am making cookie dough. (hold out arms in a circle, like a bowl)
Round and round the beaters go. (roll hands)
Add some flour from a cup. (shake a pretend cup)
Stir and stir the batter up. (stirring motion)
Roll them, cut them nice and neat. (rolling pin motion)
Put them on a cookie sheet. (place pretend cookies)
Bake them, count them 1-2-3. (counting motion)
Serve them to my friends for tea. (take a bite!)
(Credit: Sunflower Storytime)

Book: Everyone Loves Cupcake by Kelly DiPucchio, illustrated by Eric Wight

Song: “The Cookie Bakers of the Night” – Laurie Berkner: Buzz Buzz

Book: Yum Yum! What Fun! by Mara Bergman, illustrated by Nick Maland

Closing rhyme