Rainbow Story Time – Sensory Friendly

Opening song

Book: Black is a Rainbow Color by Angela Joy

Flannel: Rainbow Soup
Take an apple
Put it in the pot.
Stir it, stir it, stir it a lot.
Take it out now. What will it be? The prettiest red you ever did see!

Take an orange
Put it in the pot.
Stir it, stir it, stir it a lot.
Take it out now. What will it be? The prettiest orange you ever did see!

Take an banana
Put it in the pot.
Stir it, stir it, stir it a lot.
Take it out now. What will it be? The prettiest yellow you ever did see!

Take an pear
Put it in the pot.
Stir it, stir it, stir it a lot.
Take it out now. What will it be? The prettiest green you ever did see!

Take some blueberries
Put it in the pot.
Stir it, stir it, stir it a lot.
Take it out now. What will it be? The prettiest blue you ever did see!

Take some grapes
Put it in the pot.
Stir it, stir it, stir it a lot.
Take it out now. What will it be? The prettiest purple you ever did see!

What did  we make with our rainbow stew?  A magical rainbow for me and you!
(Credit: Library Village)

Book: Rainbows by Martha E. H. Rustad

Song: “Rainbow Song” (Tune: “Hush, Little Baby”)
Rainbow purple
Rainbow blue
Rainbow green
And yellow too

Rainbow Orange
Rainbow red
Rainbow shining over head.

Come and count
The colors with me
How many colors
Can you see?  (Count the colors!)

Rainbow purple
Rainbow blue
Rainbow green
And yellow too

Rainbow Orange
Rainbow red
Rainbow shining over head.

Book: Rainbow: a First book of Pride by

Song:  “Rainstorm” – Kira Willey: Mindful Moments for Kids

Yoga/breathing: Rainbow
Instructions: stand up tall, and bend slightly to the left and then to the right. Form a rainbow!

Book: There is a Rainbow by Theresa Trinder

Closing Rhyme