Pirates Story Time – Baby

Opening Song: “My Bubble Floats Over the Ocean”
My bubble floats over the ocean,
My bubble floats over the sea,
My bubble floats over the ocean,
Oh, bubbles make me so happy!
(Credit: CSLP 2022)

Sign Language: Pirate, boat, water

Book: Go, Go, Pirate Boat by Katrina Charman, illustrated by Nick Sharratt

Rhyme: “We’re Going on a Treasure Hunt”
We’re going on a treasure hunt (drag fingers down back)
X marks the spot (draw big X on back)
Three lines down, with a dot, dot, dot (make 3 lines down back)
Gold and jewels (open one hand, then the other)
And so much more (tickle tummy)
With a pinch (light pinch with thumb and forefinger)
And a squeeze (light squeeze with both hands)
And a tropical breeze (blow on nape of the neck)
Now you’ve got the shivers! (grab and tickle)

Song: “Pirate Zoom, Zoom, Zoom”
Zoom, zoom, zoom (brush hands together)
We’re hunting for doubloons (hold hand like a visor over your eyes)
Zoom, zoom, zoom
We’re hunting for doubloons
If you want to take a trip
Climb aboard my pirate ship and
Zoom, zoom, zoom
We’re hunting for doubloons
In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… AHOY! (lift baby)
(Credit: CSLP 2022)

Flannel: “Five Little Pirates”
Five little pirates on a treasure chest
One jumped off and four are left.

Four little pirates on a treasure chest
One slid off and three are left.

Three little pirates on a treasure chest
One fell down and two are left.

Two little pirates on a treasure chest
One was pushed off and one is left.

One little pirate on the treasure chest
They climbed down and then there were none.

No little pirates on the treasure chest
Yo ho ho and now it’s all mine.
(Credit: Barberton Public Library)

Book: Bubble Bath Pirates! by Jarrett J. Krosoczka
bubble bath pirates cover image

Lap Song: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.

Repeat with: bounce, sway, tickle

Lap Song: “Over the Deep Blue Sea”
‘Twas a sunny day when I went to play down by the sea.
I climbed aboard a pirate ship, and the captain said to me,
“We’re going this way, that way, forwards, backwards.
Up and down, up and down, over the deep blue sea.”

Repeat with: windy day, rainy day, stormy day
(Credit: Super Simple Songs)

Lap Song: “The Pirates on the Sea” (Tune: “The Farmer in the Dell”)
The pirates on the sea, the pirates on the sea (bounce baby)
Yo, ho, yo, ho, the pirates on the sea.

Additional verses:
They’re sailing on their ships… (rock back and forth)
They’re looking for some gold… (hand above eye, look around)

Book: Where’s the Pirate? by Ingela P. Arrhenius

Shaker Eggs: “This is the Way We Shake Our Eggs”
This is the way we shake our eggs,
Shake our eggs, shake our eggs.
This is the way we shake our eggs,
So early in the morning!

Repeat with: high, low, fast, slow

Shaker Eggs: “Shake Your Shaker Up”
Shake your shaker up
Shake your shaker down
Shake it side to side
Shake it all around
Shake it on your shoulder
Shake it on your head
Shake it on your tummy
And shake it right to bed!

Closing Rhyme