Book: What’s an Apple? by Marilyn Singer, illustrated by Greg Pizzoli
Song: “Autumn Leaves Are Falling Down” – Junior Jukebox: Four Seasons
Rhyme: “Way Up High in the Apple Tree”
Way up high in the apple tree, (stretch arms in air)
Two little apples smiled at me. (make two fists)
I shook that tree as hard as I could, (shake arms in air)
And down came the apples. (drop fists to floor)
Mmmmm, they were good! (rub tummy)
Book/Flannel: Ten Red Apples by Pat Hutchins
Rhyme: “Wiggle Worms”
Here are some worms who are, oh, so sad.
They’ve lost all the wiggles that they once had.
They wonder if you, just for today,
Would lend them your wiggles so they can play.
Wiggle them up and wiggle them down,
Wiggle the worms around and around.
Wiggle them high and wiggle them low,
Wiggle them fast and wiggle them slow.
Wiggle them over your shoes and your socks,
Then wiggle them back into their box.
Fingerplay: “Five Little Apples”
Song: “Put Your Finger in the Air” – Bob McGrath: Sing Along with Bob #2
Flannel/Puppet Story: Little Mouse’s Big Secret by Éric Battut
Song: “A Little Apple Seed” (Tune: “The Itsy Bitsy Spider”)
Once a little apple seed
Was planted in the ground.
Down came the raindrops falling all around.
Out came the big sun,
Bright as bright could be,
And that little apple seed grew up
To be an apple tree.