Hibernation Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song

Sign Language: Sleep

Book: Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson, illustrated by Jane Chapman

Bear Snores On Cover Image

Rhyme: “Here is a Cave”
Here is a cave. Inside is a bear. (bend fingers on one hand; put thumb inside)
Now he comes out to get some fresh air. (pop out thumb)
He stays out all summer in sunshine and heat.
He hunts in the forest for berries to eat. (move thumb in a circle)
When snow starts to fall, he hurries inside
His warm little cave and there he will hide. (put thumb inside fingers)
Snow covers the cave like a fluffy white rug.
Inside the bear sleeps all cozy and snug. (place one hand over the other)

Book: Hibernation Station  by Michelle Meadows, illustrated by Kurt Cyrus

Hibernation Station Cover Image

Puppet Story: “Where is Bear?”
Where is Bear? Where is Bear?
Here I am. Here I am.
How are you this winter?
Very tired, thank you.
Go to sleep. Go to sleep.

Repeat with snake, bat, hedgehog

Song: “Big Brown Bear” — Kira Willey: Dance for the Sun

Book: Hibernation by Margaret Hall

hibernation cover image

Song: “Gray Squirrel” – Learning Station: Where is Thumbkin?

Book: Old Bear by Kevin Henkes

old bear cover image

Song: “Clap Your Hands” — They Might Be Giants: No!

Closing Rhyme




Snow Story Time – Toddler

Opening song

Sign language for snow

Book: Olaf’s 1-2-3 by Olga T. Mosqueda, Elena Naggi, and Grace Lee


Flannel: Red mitten
Red mitten, red mitten, what do you see?
I see an orange mitten looking at me.

Orange mitten, orange mitten, what do you see?
I see a yellow mitten looking at me, etc.

Song: Snowflake snowflake (Tune:“Twinkle, twinkle”)

Snowflake, snowflake dance around
Snowflake, snowflake touch the ground
Snowflake landing on my nose
Snowflake landing on my toes
Snowflake, snowflake dance around
Snowflake, snowflake touch the ground.

Book: Under My Hood I Have a Hat by Karla Kuskin, illustrated by Fumi Kosaka

under my hood i have a hat

Song: Boots and parka, scarf and hat (Tune: “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”)
Boots and parka, scarf and hat, scarf and hat
Boots and parka, scarf and hat, scarf and hat
In wintertime we dress like that!
Boots and parka, scarf and hat, scarf and hat
(Credit: Mel’s Desk)

Song: “Snowy Pokey”

You put your right mitten in, You take your right mitten out,
You put your right mitten in and you shake it all about.
You do the Snowy Pokey and you turn yourself around.
That’s what it’s all about!

You put your left mitten in….
You put your right boot in…
You put your hat in…
You put your snowself in…..
(Credit: Sturdy for Common Things)

Book: Snowballs by Lois Ehlert


Fingerplay: I’m a Friendly Snowman

I’m a friendly snowman big and fat (stretch arms out at sides)
Here is my tummy and here is my hat (point to tummy and then top of head)
I’m a happy fellow, here’s my nose  (smile and then point to nose)
I’m all snow from my head to my toes (point to head and then to toes)
I have two bright eyes so I can see (point to eyes)
All the snow falling down on me (flutter fingers downward)
When the weather’s cold I’m strong and tall (stand up tall)
But when it’s warm I get very small. (crouch down low)
(Credit: primarysuccess.ca)

Song: “Bodies 1-2-3” – Ellen and Peter Allard: Sing it! Say it! Stamp it! Sway it! vol. 2

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Closing rhyme

Craft: Tissue paper trees with snowflakes on black paper, inspired by marymaking.blogspot.com and theteacherwife.blogspot.com.au.


Snow Story Time – Baby

Opening song

Book:  Spot’s Snowy Day by Eric Hill

spots snowy day

Song: “Snowflake, Snowflake” (Tune: “Twinkle, Twinkle”)

Snowflake, Snowflake, dance around,
Snowflake, snowflake, touch the ground,
Snowflake, landing on your nose,
Snowflake, landing on your toes,
Snowflake, Snowflake, dance around,
Snowflake, snowflake, touch the ground.

Rhyme: Jack Frost’s Nose

Where did you get that little red nose? (touch baby’s nose)
Jack Frost kissed it (pinch nose gently) I suppose.
He kissed it once (one kiss on nose)
He kissed it twice (two kisses)
Poor little nose, it’s as cold as ice (give baby’s nose a wiggle)

Book: Under My Hood I Have a Hat by Karla Kuskin, illustrated by Fumi Kosaka

under my hood i have a hat

Song: Boots and parka, scarf and hat (Tune: “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”)
Boots and parka, scarf and hat, scarf and hat
Boots and parka, scarf and hat, scarf and hat
In wintertime we dress like that!
Boots and parka, scarf and hat, scarf and hat
(Credit: Mel’s Desk)

Rhyme: Roly poly ever so slowly [slowly roll baby’s hands]
Roly poly faster faster faster faster! [roll hands faster]

Song: “Hands Go Up and Down” – Fisher Price: Babbles to Books

Book: In the Snow -by Sharon Phillips Denslow, illustrated by Nancy Tafuri

in the snow

Song: “Let’s Tap our Feet Together” (Tune: “The More We Get Together”)

Let’s tap our feet together, together, together,Let’s tap our feet together, because it’s fun to do.

Let’s clap our hands….
Let’s touch our nose…
Let’s touch our ears…

Rhyme: Tick tock, tick tock, I’m a little cuckoo clock (swing baby side to side)
Tick tock, tick tock, stop!
What time is it? It’s one-o-clock.
Cuckoo! (lift baby)

Song (with jingle bells): “Jingle Bells” – Kimbo Educational: Where is Thumbkin?

Closing rhyme