Water Story Time – Preschool

Opening song

Show sign for water in sign language.

You can find water in all kinds of areas- can you think of some water you find outside? (Ocean, lakes, rivers, etc). Oceans are the largest body of water on our planet. This first book is about a fish in the ocean who is very grumpy.

Book: The Pout-Pout Fish by Deborah Diesen

pout pout fish

Song: “It’s raining/Itsy-bitsy spider medley” – Music for Little People: 101 Toddler Favorites

Rain is part of a water cycle, where the water comes up from the oceans, lakes, and rivers and evaporates into the sky. It turns into clouds, and when the clouds get full, it rains again down onto the ground. Our next book is about this water cycle. (Monday only)

Book: Water Dance by Thomas Locker (Monday only)

water dance

Activity: Make a rainstorm

Sometimes, it sprinkles a little bit of rain and sometimes we have big thunderstorms. Let’s make our very own rainstorm today. Grownups, I think we’re going to need your help today to make a really great rainstorm.

Start by rubbing hands together to make wind, the wind is rustling the leaves in the trees

Snap fingers for raindrops. The raindrops start falling.

Pat hands on lap/legs- The raindrops are falling faster!

Stomp feet- there’s some thunder too

Pat hands on lap/legs- the rain is slowing down

Snap fingers– now we have just little raindrops

Rub hands together- the rain stopped, and now all we have is the breeze through the leaves on the trees

Water can come from the earth and the sky but there is also water in your house. Can you think of some places you find water at home? (Sink, faucet, bathtub**)

Book: Bath Time by Eileen Spinelli


Flannel: What’s in the bathtub?

Fill the tub with water, what do you see? I see bubbles floating with me.

…a washcloth, shampoo bottle, soap, a little boat, rubber ducky

Song: Row, row, row your boat
Row, row, row your boat
gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream

Rock, rock, rock your boat
gently down the stream
If you see a crocodile,
don’t forget to scream (“Ahhhh!”)

Row, row, row your boat
gently to the shore
If you see a lion there,
don’t forget to roar (“Rawwwwr!”)

Song: The Goldfish – Laurie Berkner: Victor Vito

Craft: Rainclouds made with small paper plates, cut in half; blue construction paper, cut into strips for rain; cotton balls for clouds


Water Story Time- Toddler

Welcome song: “We Clap and Sing Hello” (Tune: Farmer in the Dell)


STEM Activity: Sink or Float?

With a small tub of water and several items to put in the water, make predictions of which items will float and which will sink (rubber ducks, paper clips, clothespins, washers, popsicle sticks, etc.)

Song: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream.

Rock, rock, rock your boat
Gently down the stream
If you see a crocodile
Don’t forget to scream! (Aahhh!)

Row, row, row your boat
Gently to the shore
If you see a lion there
Don’t forget to roar! (Roar!)

Book: Splash! by Flora McDonnell


Song: “It’s Raining, it’s Pouring/The Itsy Bitsy Spider Medley”

Rhyme:Rain is Falling Down

Rain is falling down, splash!
Rain is falling down, splash!
Pitter, patter, pitter, patter,
Rain is falling down, splash!

Sun is peeking out, peek-a-boo!
Sun is peeking out, peek-a-boo!
Peeking here, peeking there,
Sun is peeking out, peek-a-boo!

Book: Storm Song by Nancy Viau

storm song

Song:All the Fish are Swimming in the Water

All the fish are swimming in the water (swimming motions with arms)
Swimming in the water
Swimming in the water
All the fish are swimming in the water
Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble…SPLASH! (waggle fingers up and clap above head)

All the ducks are quacking in the water (doggy paddle motion with hands)
All the frogs are jumping in the water (jump with both feet)
All the children are splashing in the water (splash hands in the air)

Book: Hooray for Fish! by Lucy Cousins

hooray for fish

Song: “The Fish in the Sea” (Tune: The Wheels on the Bus)

The fish in the sea go swish, swish, swish, (put hands together like a fin and swim along!)
Swish, swish, swish,
Swish, swish, swish,
The fish in the sea go swish, swish, swish,
All day long!

The lobsters…pinch, pinch, pinch (Make pinching motions with fingers)
The sharks…chomp, chomp, chomp (Chomp with your arms)
The stingray…flap, flap, flap (Move arms in slow, flying motions)
The crabs…skit, skat, skit (Run in place)
The octopus…wiggle, wiggle, wiggle (Wiggle your body and arms)
The clams…open and shut (Two hands together to make a clam)

Closing Song: “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum”- David Landau

Craft: Rainbow coffee filter art

Use markers to draw on coffee filters and spray with water when finished for a color-mixing effect. Patrons took them home in plastic bags to dry.



Water Story Time- Day Care

Welcome Song: All Through the Pond (Tune: “The Wheels on the Bus”)

All the little frogs went “Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit
ribbit, ribbit, ribbit,
ribbit, ribbit, ribbit.”
All the little frogs went “Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit,”
All through the pond.
(ribbit = simulate jumping by patting hands on thighs or knees)
All the little ducks went “Quack, quack, quack”
(duck bill with both hands)
All the little fish went “Glub, glub, glub”
(fins on top of head, big cheeks for the glub sound)

Book: All the Water in the WorldGeorge Ella Lyon, Katherine Tillotson

all the water in the world

Book: Life in the PondCraig Hammersmith

life in a pond

Song: “Five Green and Speckled Frogs

Five Green and Speckled Frogs
Sat on a speckled log
Eating some moist, delicious bugs
Yum, yum! (rub belly)
One jumped into the pool
Where it was nice and cool (fan self)
Then there were four green speckled frogs.
Four green and speckled frogs…
…Then there were no green speckled frogs.

Book: Hooray for Fish, Lucy Cousins

hooray for fish

Video Story: Fish is Fish, Leo Lionni

fish is fish