Turtle Story Time – Sensory Friendly

Opening Song

Sign Language: Turtle

Book: Turtles by Emily Green

Song: “Turtle, Turtle” (Tune: “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”)
Turtle, turtle, moves so slow,
Crawling, crawling, watch him go.
At the pond he looks around,
See his head move up and down.
Turtle, turtle, wants to swim,
Now he slides and dives right in!
(Credit: PreschoolExpress)

Book: Scoot! by Cathryn Falwell

Song/Video: “Dance for the Sun” – Kira Willey: Dance for the Sun

Yoga: Talking turtle

Social Story: Little Turtle Tries by Michael Dahl, illustrated by Oriol Vidal

Closing Song

Craft: Paper plate turtle

Turtle Story Time – Toddler

Opening Song

Book: Turtles by Emily Green

Puppet Rhyme: “There Was a Little Turtle”
There was a little turtle
Who lived in a box.
He swam in the puddles.
He climbed on the rocks.
He snapped at a mosquito,
He snapped at a flea,
He snapped at a minnow,
He snapped at me.
He caught the mosquito,
He caught that flea,
He caught that minnow,
But he didn’t catch me!
(Credit: Jbrary)

Song: “Turtle, Turtle” (Tune: “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”)
Turtle, turtle, moves so slow,
Crawling, crawling, watch him go.
At the pond he looks around,
See his head move up and down.
Turtle, turtle, wants to swim,
Now he slides and dives right in!
(Credit: PreschoolExpress)

Song: “Fast and Slow” – Laurie Berkner: Rocketship Run

Book: I Spy Pets by Edward Gibbs
I Spy Pets book cover

Song: “The Butterfly Song” – David Landau: Rocket to the Moon

Book: Little Turtle Tries by Michael Dahl, illustrated by Oriol Vidal

Song: “All the Fish” – Sue Schnitzer: Wiggle and Whirl, Clap and Nap

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Closing Rhyme