Opening song
Sign language for spring
Book: Welcome Spring by Jill Ackerman, illustrated by Nancy Davis

Rhyme: Garden snail
Slowly, slowly, very slowly, creeps the garden snail. (Move hands down legs)
Slowly, slowly, very slowly, up the wooden rail. (Move hands up legs)
Quickly, quickly, very quickly, runs the little mouse, (Down legs)
Quickly, quickly, very quickly, in his little house. Squeak! (Up legs and body, make ears)
Rhyme: Pizza, pickle, pumpernickel
My little baby deserves a tickle! [tickle baby]
One for her nose, and one for her toes
And one for her belly where the hot dog goes!
Song: “Say, Say Oh Baby” – Priscilla Hegner: Baby Games
Book: Rain by Robert Kalan, illustrated by Donald Crews

Song: Itsy Bitsy Spider
Song: “Little Red Wagon” – Old Town School of Folk Music: Wiggleworms Love You
Book: Baby Loves Spring by Karen Katz

Rhyme: That’s Me Complete
I have ten little fingers and ten little toes (wiggle fingers and toes)
Two little arms and one little nose (wave arms, touch nose)
One little mouth and two little ears (touch mouth and ears)
Two little eyes for smiles and tears (touch your eyes)
One little head and two little feet (touch head, wiggle feet)
One little chin, that’s ME complete! (touch chin and pat chest)
(Source: Wadsworth Library)
Song: Here we go up, up, up (Tune: “Here we go looby loo”)
Here we go up, up, up (lift baby)
Here we go down, down, down,
Here we go up, up, up
Here we go down, down, down.
Song (with shakers): “Red, Red Robin” – Rosie Flores: Sing Along with Putumayo
Closing Rhyme