Winter Story Time – Baby

Opening Song

Puppet Song: “When Ducks Get Up in the Morning”
When ducks get up in the morning, they always say good day.
When ducks get up in the morning, they always say good day.
Quack, quack, quack, quack, this is what they say.
Quack, quack, quack, quack, this is what they say.

Repeat with other animals/sounds
(Credit: King County Library System)

Sign Language: Snow, winter

Book: One Snowy Day by Diana Murray, illustrated by Diana Toledano

Song: “Let’s All Do a Little Clapping” (Tune: “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”)
Let’s all do a little clapping,
Let’s all do a little clapping,
Let’s all do a little clapping,
And spread winter cheer.

Repeat with: stretching, tapping, bouncing
(Credit: Jbrary)

Song: “Roly Poly” (Tune: “Frère Jacques”)
Roly poly, roly poly
Up, up, up
up, up, up
Roly roly poly
roly roly poly
down, down, down
down, down, down

Repeat with: out/in, fast/slow
(Credit: Jbrary)

Book: First Snow by Bomi Park

Lap Song: “Bumping Up and Down in My Little Blue Sled”
Bumping up and down in my little blue sled,
Bumping up and down in my little blue sled,
Bumping up and down in my little blue sled,
Won’t you be my darling?

Additional verses:
Snow’s coming down on my little blue sled…
Waving to my friends on my little blue sled…
(Credit: Jbrary)

Lap Rhyme: “I’m a Little Cuckoo Clock”
Tick tock, tick tock, I’m a little Cuckoo clock. (rock gently side to side)
Tick tock, tick tock, now I’m striking one o’clock.
Cuckoo! (lift in air once)

Repeat with: two o’clock (lift into air 2x), three o’clock (lift into air 3x)
(Credit: King County Library System)

Lap Song: “Giddyap Giddyap”
Giddyap, giddyap ride to town, (bounce)
Giddyap, giddyap up and down, (lift)
Giddyap fast, giddyap slow,
Giddyap, giddyap WHOA! (lean baby back)
(Credit: Read Sing Play)

Scarf Song: “Snow on the Rooftops” – Kathy Reid-Naiman: Sing the Cold Winter Away

Scarf Song: “Dance Like Snowflakes” (Tune: “Frère Jacques”)
Dance like snowflakes, dance like snowflakes,
In the air, in the air,
Whirling, twirling snowflakes,
Whirling, twirling snowflakes,
Everywhere, everywhere.
(Credit: Jbrary)

Closing Rhyme

Snow – Baby Story Time

Opening song

Sign language: Snow; Coat; Hat

Book: Best in Snow by April Pulley Sayre

Song: “Snowflake, Snowflake” (Tune: “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”)
Snowflake, Snowflake, dance around,
Snowflake, snowflake, touch the ground,
Snowflake, landing on your nose,
Snowflake, landing on your toes,
Snowflake, Snowflake, dance around,
Snowflake, snowflake, touch the ground.

Rhyme: “Jack Frost’s Nose”
Where did you get that little red nose? (touch nose)
Jack Frost kissed it (pinch nose)
I suppose.
He kissed it once (one kiss on nose)
He kissed it twice (two kisses)
Poor little nose, it’s as cold as ice (wiggle nose)

Book: Frozen Noses by Jan Carr, illustrated by Dorothy Donohue

Song: “This is the Way”
This is the way we drink our milk
Drink our milk, drink our milk.
This is the way we drink our milk,
Early in the morning.
Additional verses: Juice, Water

Rhyme: “Round About”
Round about, round about, goes the wee mouse (draw circle)
Up a bit, up a bit, in a wee house (tickle chin)

Book: Red Sled by Patricia Thomas, illustrated by Chris L. Demarest

Song: “Did you ever see a baby?”
Did you ever see a baby, a baby, a baby
Did you ever see a baby go this way and that? (lean side to side)
Go this way and that way and this way and that way (lean front to back, side to side)
Did you ever see a baby go this way and that? (lean front to back)

Rhyme: “Icky bicky soda cracker”
Icky, bicky, soda cracker (bounce to rhythm)
Icky, bicky, boo! (lean forward on ‘boo‘)
Icky, bicky, soda cracker (bounce to rhythm)
Up goes you! (lift baby up)
Icky, bicky, soda cracker (bounce to rhythm)
Icky, bicky, boo! (lean forward on ‘boo‘)
Icky, bicky, soda cracker (bounce to rhythm)
I love you! (hug baby)
(Credit: King County Library System)

Puppets/Book: Oh! By Kevin Henkes, illustrated by Laura Dronzek
Oh! book cover

Song (shaky eggs): “Let’s Play in the Snow” – Rachel Buchman; Sing a Song of Seasons

Closing Rhyme