Opening Song
Book: Mouse Count by Ellen Stoll Walsh

Song: “Roly Poly” (Tune: “Frère Jacques”)
Roly poly, roly poly
Up, up, up
up, up, up
Roly roly poly
roly roly poly
down, down, down
down, down, down
Repeat with: out/in, fast/slow
(Credit: Jbrary)
Rhyme: “6 Silly Snakes”
One silly snake, alone and blue,
Called for a friend: “Hiss!”, and then there were two.
Two silly snakes, fast as can be,
Called for a friend: “Hiss! Hiss!”, and then there were three.
Three silly snakes, slithering by the door,
Called for a friend: “Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!”, and then there were four.
Four silly snakes, happy and alive,
Called for a friend: “Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!”, and then there were five.
Five silly snakes, doing silly tricks,
Called for a friend: “Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!”, and then there were six.
Six silly snakes, tired of all the fun,
Said time for a nap: “Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!”
And then there were none!
Book: Snakes in Space by Kathryn Dennis

Song: “Zoom, Zoom, Zoom”
Zoom, zoom, zoom,
We’re going to the moon.
Zoom, zoom, zoom,
We’re going to the moon.
If you want to take a trip
climb aboard my rocket ship.
Zoom, zoom, zoom,
We’re going to the moon.
In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,
Blast off!
(Credit: Jbrary)
Puppet Song: “Old MacDonald Had a Reptile Farm”
Verses: Snake, alligator, iguana, frog
Book: I Saw Anaconda by Jane Clarke, illustrated by Emma Dodd

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties
Closing Rhyme