Silly Story Time – Sensory Friendly

Opening Song

Book: Silly Sally by Audrey Wood

Song: “Shake My Sillies Out” – Raffi: The Singable Songs Collection

Book: Rhyming Dust Bunnies by Jan Thomas

Song: “Tap, Tap, Tap” – Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer: Get Set for School Sing Along

Yoga/Breathing: Pedal laughing

Social Story: “Greeting My Teacher” from Quinn at School: Relating, Connecting, and Responding at School by Rick H. Warren
Quinn at School: Relating, Connecting and Responding - A Book for ...

Closing Song

Craft: Silly sculptures (used pipe cleaners instead of straws)

(Credit: Life with Moore Learning)

Silly Story Time – Preschool

Opening Song

Book: How to Be Cooler Than Cool by Sean Taylor, illustrated by Jean Jullien

Action Song: “Bananas Unite!”
Bananas unite! (put your hands above your head so your body makes a banana shape)
Sing each line twice.
Peel bananas, peel, peel bananas. (“peel” your arms down to your sides)
Chop bananas, chop, chop bananas. (hold one hand straight up and down and chop on the other hand)
Mash bananas, mash, mash bananas. (make one hand into a fist and mash the other hand)
Eat bananas, eat, eat bananas. (pretend to eat)
Go bananas, go, go bananas! (do a silly dance)
(Credit: Jbrary)

Book: I Made These Ants Some Underpants! by Derick Wilder, illustrated by K-Fai Steele

Song: “Shakes Your Sillies Out” – The Wiggles: Yummy Yummy

Book: Problem Solved! by Jan Thomas

Song: “There’s a Dog in the School” – Stuart Stotts & Tom Pease: Celebrate

Closing Rhyme

Silly Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song: “Bread and Butter”

Book: The Duck Never Blinks by Alex Latimer

Song: “Bananas Unite!”
Bananas unite!
Peel bananas, peel, peel bananas!
Chop bananas, chop, chop bananas!
Mash bananas, mash, mash bananas!
Eat bananas, eat, eat bananas!
Go bananas, go, go bananas!
(Credit: Jbrary)

Song: “Shake My Sillies Out” – Raffi: The Singable Songs Collection

Puppet Story: Bark, George by Jules Feiffer
Bark, George book cover

Song: “Tooty Ta” – Dr. Jean: Dr. Jean & Friends

Book: Is That Wise, Pig? by Jan Thomas

Song: “Silly Dance Contest” – Jim Gill: The Sneezing Song and Other Contagious Tunes

Closing Rhyme