Opening Song
Book: All for Pie, Pie for All by David Martin, illustrated by Valeri Gorbachev

Flannel: “Alligator Pie”
Alligator, alligator, alligator pie.
If I don’t get some,
I think I’m gonna cry.
Take away the green grass,
Take away the sky,
But don’t take away
My alligator pie.
Alligator, alligator, alligator cake.
If I don’t get some,
I think I’m gonna shake.
Take away the river,
Take away the lake,
But don’t take away
My alligator cake.
Alligator, alligator, alligator soup.
If I don’t get some,
I think I’m gonna droop.
Take away my basketball,
Take away my hoop,
But don’t take away
My alligator soup.
Alligator, alligator, alligator stew.
If I don’t get some,
I don’t know what I’ll do.
Take away my socks,
Take away my shoe,
But don’t take away
My alligator stew.
Alligator, alligator, alligator tea.
If I don’t get some,
I think I’ll climb a tree.
Take away the ocean,
Take away the sea,
But don’t take away
My alligator tea.
(Credit: Pre-K Fun)
Book: Apple Pie ABC by Alison Murray

Yoga: Basket pose (aka rocking horse)
Social Story: Pete’s a Pizza by William Steig

Closing Song
Craft: Paper plate pumpkin pie