Breakfast Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song

Book: Bear’s Big Breakfast by Lynn Rowe Reed, illustrated by Brett Helquist

Song: “I’m Toast in the Toaster” (Tune: “I’m A Little Teapot”)
I’m toast in the toaster, (mime holding a loaf of bread)
And I’m getting very hot!
Tick, tock, (move hands back and forth)
Tick, tock,
Up I pop! (jump in the air and raise hands)

Action Song: “Bananas Unite!”
Bananas unite! (put your hands above your head so your body makes a banana shape)
Sing each line twice.
Peel bananas, peel, peel bananas. (“peel” your arms down to your sides)
Chop bananas, chop, chop bananas. (hold one hand straight up and down and chop on the other hand)
Mash bananas, mash, mash bananas. (make one hand into a fist and mash the other hand)
Eat bananas, eat, eat bananas. (pretend to eat)
Go bananas, go, go bananas! (do a silly dance)
(Credit: Jbrary)

Book: Ellie’s Breakfast by Sarah Garland

Song: “If You Like Your Eggs Scrambled” (Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
If you like your eggs scrambled, clap your hands.
If you like your eggs scrambled, clap your hands.
Yes, they’re yummy and they’re yellow,
So you’ll be a happy fellow,
If you like your eggs scrambled, clap your hands.

Additional verses:
If you like your eggs fried, jump up high…
If you want bacon with your eggs, wiggle your legs…
(Credit: King County Library System)

Shaker Eggs: “I Know a Chicken” – Laurie Berkner: Whaddaya Think of That?

Book: Please, Mr. Panda by Steve Antony

Song: “Peanut Butter” – Dr. Jean: Keep on Singing and Dancing with Dr. Jean

Fingerplay: “Five Fat Sausages”
Five fat sausages frying in a pan. (hold up 5 fingers)
One went POP! The other went BAM! (clap hands)

Repeat, counting down until there are no sausages left.

Song: “Roll Your Hands” – Carol Totsky Hammett: Toddlers on Parade

Closing Rhyme

Breakfast Story Time – Preschool

Opening Song

Book: Little Mouse’s Big Breakfast by Christine Pym

Fingerplay: “Five Fat Sausages”
Five fat sausages frying in a pan. (hold up 5 fingers)
All of a sudden, one went BANG! (clap hands)

Repeat, counting down until there are no sausages left.

Last line:
Now there are no fat sausages frying in the pan.

Song: “I’m Toast in the Toaster” (Tune: “I’m a Little Teapot”)
I’m toast in the toaster, (like holding a loaf of bread)
And I’m getting very hot! (fan yourself)
Tick, tock, tick, tock, (move hands back and forth)
Up I pop! (jump in the air and raise hands)

Repeat with: waffles, Pop-tarts, English muffins, bagels

Book: Hey, Pancakes! by Tamson Weston, illustrated by Stephen Gammell

Movement: “Pancakes”
Mix a pancake,
Stir a pancake,
Pop it in a pan.
Fry a pancake,
Toss a pancake,
Catch it if you can!

Flannel: “Eggs for Breakfast”

Song: “If You Like Your Eggs Scrambled” (Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
If you like your eggs scrambled, clap your hands.
If you like your eggs scrambled, clap your hands.
Yes, they’re yummy and they’re yellow,
So you’ll be a happy fellow.
If you like your eggs scrambled, clap your hands.

Additional verses:
If you like your eggs fried, jump up high…
If you want bacon with your eggs, wiggle your legs…
If you want toast instead, nod your head… (nod and say “mmm-hmmm”)
(Credit: King County Library System)

Puppets/Book: Ellie’s Breakfast by Sarah Garland

Closing Rhyme