Opening Song
Puppet Song: “When Ducks Go on an Adventure”
When ducks go on an adventure, they always say good day.
When ducks go on an adventure, they always say good day.
Quack, quack, quack, quack, this is what they say.
Quack, quack, quack, quack, this is what they say.
Repeat with other animals/sounds
(Credit: King County Library System)
Sign Language: Trees, squirrel, rabbit, owl
Book: The Very Hungry Caterpillar’s Forest Hide & Seek by Eric Carle

Song: “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
Eyes and ears and mouth and nose,
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.
Song: “Our Arms Go Up and Down” (Tune: “The Farmer In the Dell”)
Our arms go up and down,
Our arms go up and down,
Hi ho the derry-o,
Our arms go up and down.
Additional verses:
Our feet go back and forth…
Our heads go side to side…
We all go up and down…
(Credit: Bucks County Free Library)
Puppet Rhyme: “There’s Something in the Forest”
There’s something in the forest
That I can’t really see.
There’s something in the forest.
Now what can it be?
Repeat for bear, rabbit, owl, fox, squirrel, and mouse.
Book: Hide-and-Seek In the Forest by Rachel Elliot, illustrated by Gareth Lucas

Lap Song: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.
Repeat with: bounce, sway, tickle
Lap Song: “Way Up High in the Apple Tree”
Way up high in the apple tree, (lift baby)
I saw a little baby smiling at me.
I shook that tree as gently as I could, (shake gently)
Down came the baby, (bring down)
Mmm, was she good! (kiss)
(Credit: King County Library System)
Lap Song: “Giddyap Giddyap”
Giddyap, giddyap ride to town (bounce)
Giddyap, giddyap up and down (lift)
Giddyap fast, giddyap slow
Giddyap, giddyap WHOA! (lean baby back)
(Credit: Read Sing Play)
Scarf Song: “Rain on the Grass”
Rain on the grass, (shake on floor)
Rain on the trees, (shake high)
Rain on the roof, (hold above head)
But not on me. (drop)
Repeat with sun and leaves.
(Credit: Jbrary)
Scarf Song: “Peekaboo” (Tune: “Frère Jacques”)
Peekaboo, peekaboo,
I see you, I see you,
I see your button nose,
I see your tiny toes,
Peekaboo, I see you.
Closing Rhyme