Opening Song
Book: What’s That Noise? by Naomi Howarth

Song: “If You’re a Penguin and You Know It” (Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
If you’re a penguin and you know it, flap your wings,
If you’re a penguin and you know it, flap your wings,
If you’re a penguin and you know it, then your face will surely show it,
If you’re a penguin and you know it, flap your wings.
Additional verses:
Stomp your feet
Waddle around
Action Rhyme: “Polar Bear, Polar Bear”
Polar bear, polar bear, turn around,
Polar bear, polar bear, touch the ground,
Polar bear, polar bear, bend down low,
Polar bear, polar bear, touch your toe.
Polar bear, polar bear, slide on the ice,
Polar bear, polar bear, spin around twice,
Polar bear, polar bear, reach up high,
Polar bear, polar bear, wave goodbye.
Book: Way Up in the Arctic by Jennifer Ward, illustrated by Kenneth Spengler

Flannel: “Five Playful Penguins”
Five playful penguins
Stood on the shore.
One went for a swim,
And then there were four. (swimming motions)
Four playful penguins
Looked out to sea. (look around)
One went swimming,
And then there were three. (swimming motions)
Three playful penguins
Said, “What can we do?” (shrug shoulders)
One went swimming,
And then there were two. (swimming motions)
Two playful penguins
Sat in the sun. (fan self)
One went swimming,
And then there was one. (swimming motions)
One playful penguin
Said, “This is no fun!” (grumpy look)
They went swimming,
And then there were none. (swimming motions)

Puppet Song: “I’m a Little Penguin” (Tune: “I’m a Little Teapot”)
I’m a little penguin, black and white,
Short and wobbly, an adorable sight.
I can’t fly at all, but I love to swim.
So I’ll waddle to the water and dive right in!
Book: Penguins, Penguins, Everywhere! by Bob Barner

Song: “The Party Freeze Dance Song” – The Kiboomers
Closing Rhyme