Bunnies Story Time – Baby

Opening Song

Sign Language: sun, rain, book, happy, please, thank you, rabbit (bunny)

Book: Hush Little Bunny by David Ezra Stein

Song: “Where is Thumbkin?”
Where is Thumbkin? Where is Thumbkin?
Here I am! Here I am!
How are you today, sir? Very well, I thank you!
Run away, run away.
(Credit: Jbrary)

Rhyme: Five Fat Peas
Five fat peas in a pea pod pressed (hold hands in a fist)
One grew, two grew, so did the rest. (Put fingers up one by one.)
They grew and they grew and did not stop,
Until one day that pea pod POPPED! (clap hands together.)

Book: Love from Peter Rabbit

Song: “I’m Little Bunny” (Tune: “I’m a Little Teapot”)
I’m a little Bunny, watch me hop, (Hop around.)
Here are my two ears, see how they flop. (Hold hands at sides of head and flop them.)
Here is my cotton tail, here is my nose, (Wiggle hips, then point to nose.)
I’m all furry from my head to my toes. (Point to head, then to toes.)
(Credit: Twiggle Magazine)

Song: “Hop, Hop, Hop Along” (Tune: “Row Your Boat”)
Hop, hop, hop along (hop)
Or bounce on someone’s knee (bounce)
Higher and higher and higher and higher (lift)
Bunny hop with me. (hop)

Book: Bunnies Near and Far by Sarah Jones

Song (Recording) with shaky eggs:  “Jumping and Counting” – Jim Gill: Jim Gill’s Irrational Anthem

Closing Song

Family Story Time – Everybody

Opening song

Book: One Big Family by Marc Harshman, illustrated by Sara Palacios

Rhyme: I Can
I can hug, hug, hug
I can hop, hop, hop
I can kiss, kiss, kiss
I can stop, stop, stop
I can nod my head for yes,
And I can shake my head no,
And I can sit down very slow.
(Credit: Surlalune Storytime)

Book: One Family by George Shannon, illustrated by Blanca Gomez

Flannel: “HEARTS” (Tune: “BINGO”)
I know a shape and it means love
And Heart is its name-o
H-E-A-R-T, H-E-A-R-T, H-E-A-R-T,
And Heart is its name-o

Song: “Love Grows”
Love grows one by one, two by two, and four by four
Love grows, round like a circle
And comes back knocking at your front door
(Credit: Actions from Tom Pease)

Book: The Family Book by Todd Parr
The Family Book book cover

Song: “If You Love Someone” (Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
If you loves someone and you know it, blow a kiss
If you loves someone and you know it, blow a kiss
If you loves someone and you know it and you really want to show it
If you loves someone and you know it, blow a kiss

Additional verses:
…clap your hands
…jump up and down
…shout hooray

Song: “Pig on Her Head” – Laurie Berkner: Buzz Buzz

Closing rhyme

Craft: Cards for loved ones

Hugs and Kisses Story Time – Baby

Opening Song

Sign Language: hugs, kisses, I love you

Book: All Kinds of Kisses by Nancy Tafuri
All Kinds of Kisses book cover

Rhyme: Rock the Baby
Rock the baby, rock the baby, 1-2-3
Watch the baby, watch the baby, smile at me
Bounce the baby, bounce the baby, on your lap
And teach the baby how to clap, clap, clap!
(Credit: Read Sing Play)

One Little, Two Little, Three Little Fingers”
One little, two little, three little fingers             (wiggle each finger)
Four little, five little, six little fingers
Seven little, eight little, nine little fingers
Ten little fingers on my hand

They wiggle and they wiggle and they wiggle all together       (wiggle fingers)
They wiggle and they wiggle and they wiggle all together
They wiggle and they wiggle and they wiggle all together
Ten little fingers on my hand

They clap and they clap and they keep on clapping            (clap)
They clap and they clap and they keep on clapping
They clap and they clap and they keep on clapping
Ten little fingers on my hand

One little, two little, three little fingers             (wiggle each finger)
Four little, five little, six little fingers
Seven little, eight little, nine little fingers
Ten little fingers on my hand
(Credit: Jbrary)

Book: Love Makes a Family by Sophie Beer

Song: “Blow a Kiss” – Laurie Berkner: Under a Shady Tree

Flannel: Hearts
Hearts, hearts, how many do I see?
Hearts, hearts, count them with  me.
I have a red one, orange one, yellow one too.
I have a green one, purple one, and one that is blue.
I have a pink one, brown one, and one that is white.
And one last valentine as black as the night.
Hearts, hearts, how many do I see?
Hearts, hearts, count them with  me.

Song: Grand Old Duke of York” (Tune: “The Farmer in the Dell”)
The grand old Duke of York                                   (bounce baby)
He had ten thousand men
He marched them up to the top of the hill               (lift baby)
And marched them down again.

‘Cause when you’re up you’re up                           (lift baby)
And when you’re down you’re down
And when you’re only halfway up                          (lift baby)
You’re neither up nor down.

He marched them to the left                                   (bounce left)
He marched them to the right                                 (bounce right)
He marched them to the top of the hill                   (lift baby)
Oh, what a silly sight!
(Credit: Jbrary)

Book: We Love Each Other by Yusuke Yonezu

Song (Recording) with shaky eggs: “Skinnamarink” – Sharon, Lois, and Bram: One Elephant Went Out to Play

Closing rhyme

Love Story Time – Toddler

Opening Song

Book: 10 Little Kisses by Taylor Garland

Flannel: Valentine Hearts
Valentines, valentines, how many do I see?
Valentines, valentines, count them with  me.
I have a red one, orange one, yellow one too.
I have a green one, purple one, and one that is blue.
I have a pink one, brown one, and one that is white.
And one last valentine as black as the night.
Valentines, valentines, how many do I see?
Valentines, valentines, count them with  me.

Song: “Blow a Kiss” – Laurie Berkner: Under a Shady Tree

Song: “If You Love Someone” (Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
If you love someone and you know it clap your hands.
If you love someone and you know it clap your hands.
If you love someone and you really want to show it,
If you love someone and you know it clap your hands!

Additional verses:
If you love someone and you know it shout hooray…
If you love someone and you know it blow a kiss…

Book: All Kinds of Kisses by Nancy Tafuri
All Kinds of Kisses book cover

Song: “Skinnamarink” – Sharon, Lois and Bram: Sing Around the Campfire

Book: Disney Baby My First Valentine’s Day by Sara Miller, illustrated by Jerrod Maruyama

Book: Where is Baby’s Valentine? by Karen Katz

Song: “Jumping and Counting” – Jim Gill: Jim Gill’s Irrational Anthem

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubblegum”- David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Closing Song

Craft: “Woolly be my Valentine” sheep with pom poms

Family Story Time – Baby

Sign Language:
Intro: family, mom, dad, I love you
The Family Book: book, same, different, special
“More! More! More!” Said the Baby: more, say/said, baby, grandma
Huggy Kissy: hug, kiss, want, friend, grandpa, uncle, auntie

Book: The Family Book by Todd Parr
The Family Book book cover

Song: “Bouncing, Bouncing, Baby on My Knee”
Bouncing, bouncing, baby on my knee.
Bouncing, bouncing, 1 – 2 – 3!

Clapping, clapping, baby on my knee.
Clapping, clapping, 1 – 2 – 3!

Rocking, rocking, baby on my knee.
Rocking, rocking, 1 – 2 – 3!
(Credit: Jbrary)  

Rhyme: Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling
Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son John
Went to bed with his sweatpants on;
One shoe off, and one shoe on,
Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son John.

Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my little Sue
Fell asleep in her jeans so blue.
One shoe old, and one shoe new.
Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my little Sue.
(New rhyme credit: Christina Makos)

Book: “More, More, More,” Said the Baby by Vera B. Williams
"More, More, More," Said the Baby book cover

Flannel: Hearts
Hearts, hearts, how many do I see?
Hearts, hearts, count them with  me.
I have a red one, orange one, yellow one too.
I have a green one, purple one, and one that is blue.
I have a pink one, brown one, and one that is white.
And one last valentine as black as the night.
Hearts, hearts, how many do I see?
Hearts, hearts, count them with  me.

Song: “Blow a Kiss” – Laurie Berkner: Under a Shady Tree

Rhyme: “Icky bicky soda cracker”
Icky, bicky, soda cracker (bounce to rhythm)
Icky, bicky, boo! (lean forward on ‘boo‘)
Icky, bicky, soda cracker (bounce to rhythm)
Up goes you! (lift baby up)
Icky, bicky, soda cracker (bounce to rhythm)
Icky, bicky, boo! (lean forward on ‘boo‘)
Icky, bicky, soda cracker (bounce to rhythm)
I love you! (hug baby)
(Credit: King County Library System)

Book: Huggy Kissy by Leslie Patricelli

Song (shaky eggs): “Skinnamarink” – Sharon, Lois & Bram: One Elephant Went out to Play

Closing rhyme

Superheroes Story Time – Baby

Opening Song

Sign Language: brave, love

Book: Super Jumbo by Fred Koehler

Rhyme (fingerplay): Five Brave Superheroes
Five brave superheroes (hold up five fingers)
ready to save the day. (hands on hips in superhero stance)
One flies off to chase a villain. (fly one finger behind back)
Up, up and away! (arms up in flying stance)

Count down four, three, two

One brave superhero
ready to save the day.
She flies off to chase a villain.
Up, up and away!
Hooray for Superheroes!
(Credit: Sunflower Storytime)

Song/Rhyme: Mama’s Little Baby (Tune: “Shortnin’ Bread”)
Mama’s little baby loves bouncin’ bouncin’
Mama’s little baby loves bouncin’ round,
Mama’s little baby loves bouncin’ bouncin’
Mama’s little baby loves bouncin’ round.

Lean to the left, lean to the right
Hug that baby nice and tight!
Lean to the left, lean to the right
Hug that baby nice and tight

Daddy’s little baby loves wigglin’ wiggling’
Daddy’s little baby loves wigglin’ round, (repeat)

Book: Super Sam! by Lori Ries; illustrated by Sue Rama

super sam

Song: “Did You Ever See a Superhero?” (Tune: “Did You Ever See a Lassie?”

Did you ever see a hero, a hero, a hero,
Did you ever see a hero, flying through the sky?
Fly this way and that way, and that way and this way
Did you ever see a hero flying through the sky?

Additional verses:
…bouncing up and down?
…clapping their hands?
Altered for babies, from jbrary.com

Rhyme: Away Up High
Away up high in the apple tree (lift baby)
I saw a little baby smiling at me
I shook that tree as hard as I could (shake gently)
Down came the baby (bring down)
Mmm, was s/he good! (Kiss) 

Book: Superhero Me by Karen Katz

Song (Recording) with shaky eggs:  “Superhero” – – Laurie Berkner: Superhero 

Closing Song

Love and Friendship Story Time – Preschool

Opening Song

Book: Love the World by Todd Parr

Song: “The More We Get Together” – Raffi: The Singable Songs Collection (with sign language for “more” “together” and “happy”)

Book: I Just Ate My Friend by Heidi McKinnon

Movement/Rhyme: Little Heart
I have a little heart, (place hand over heart)
And it goes thump, thump, thump (pat chest three times)
It keeps right on beating,
When I jump, jump, jump (jump three times)
I get a special feeling, when I look at you. (point to child)
It makes me want to give you a hug or two. (hug yourself)
(Credit: The Best Kids Book Site)

Book: I Need a Hug by Aaron Blabey

Flannel:  “Heart” (Tune: “B-I-N-G-O”)
I know a shape and it means love
and heart is its name-o
H-E-A-R-T 3x
And heart is its name-o
(Credit: Everything Preschool)

Song: “Love Grows One by One” – Tom Pease: I’m Gonna Reach!

Puppet Story: Porcupining by Lisa Wheeler

Closing Rhyme

Craft: Porcupine fork painting

Love Story Time – Toddler

Opening song

Book: Love from Sesame Street by Sesame Street, illustrated by Ernie Kwiat

Flannel: Valentine Hearts
Valentines, valentines, how many do I see?
Valentines, valentines, count them with  me.
I have a red one, orange one, yellow one too.
I have a green one, purple one, and one that is blue.
I have a pink one, brown one, and one that is white.
And one last valentine as black as the night.
Valentines, valentines, how many do I see?
Valentines, valentines, count them with  me.

Song: “Blow a Kiss” – Laurie Berkner: Under a Shady Tree

Song: If You Love Someone (Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
If you love someone and you know it clap your hands…
If you love someone and you know it shout hooray…
If you love someone and you know it blow a kiss…

Book: Hugs and Kisses for The Grouchy Ladybug by Eric Carle

Song: “Skinnamarink” – Sharon, Lois, and Bram: One Elephant Went Out to Play

Book: Who Loves Boo? by Salina Yoon

Song: “Love Grows One by One” – Tom Pease: I’m Gonna Reach!

Book: Valentine’s Shapes by Barbara Barbieri McGrath, illustrated by Peggy Tagel

Song: “Put Your Finger in the Air” – Bob McGrath: Sing Along with Bob #2

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Closing rhyme

Craft: “Loads of Love” truck cards

Love and Friendship Story Time – Preschool

Opening Song

Book: Just Right for Two by Tracey Corderoy, illustrated by Rosalind Beardshaw

Just Right for Two book cover

Song: “The More We Get Together” – Raffi: The Singable Songs Collection (with sign language for “more” “together” and “happy”)

Rhyme: Little Heart
I have a little heart, (place hand over heart)
And it goes thump, thump, thump (pat chest three times)
It keeps right on beating,
When I jump, jump, jump (jump three times)
I get a special feeling, when I look at you. (point to child)
It makes me want to give you a hug or two. (hug yourself)
(Credit: The Best Kids Book Site)

Book: The Hide-and-Scare Bear by Ivan Bates

Hide and Scare Bear book cover

Song: “Love Grows One By One” – Tom Pease: I’m Gonna Reach!

Flannel: Valentine Hearts
Valentines, valentines, how many do I see?
Valentines, valentines, count them with  me.
I have a red one, orange one, yellow one too.
I have a green one, purple one, and one that is blue.
I have a pink one, brown one, and one that is white.
And one last valentine as black as the night.
Valentines, valentines, how many do I see?
Valentines, valentines, count them with  me.

Puppet Story: Love and Kisses by Sarah Wilson

Love and Kisses book cover

Craft: Valentine’s Day card with two hands shaping a heart (Tip: when making a cutting template, make the heart shape first, then trace your hands)

Closing Rhyme

Love Story Time – Toddler

Opening song

Book: Besos for Baby by Jen Area, illustrated by Blanca Gomez


Flannel: Valentine Hearts
Valentines, valentines, how many do I see?
Valentines, valentines, count them with  me.
I have a red one, orange one, yellow one too.
I have a green one, purple one, and one that is blue.
I have a pink one, brown one, and one that is white.
And one last valentine as black as the night.
Valentines, valentines, how many do I see?
Valentines, valentines, count them with  me.

Song: “Blow a Kiss” – Laurie Berkner: Under a Shady Tree

Song: “If You Love Someone” (Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
If you love someone and you know it clap your hands…
If you love someone and you know it stomp your feet…
If you love someone and you know it shout hooray…
If you love someone and you know it blow a kiss…

Book: All Kinds of Kisses by Nancy Tafuri

All Kinds of Kisses book cover

Song: “Skinnamarink” – Sharon, Lois, and Bram: One Elephant Went Out to Play

Song: “Love Grows One by One” – Tom Pease: I’m Gonna Reach!

Book: Where is Baby’s Valentine? by Karen Katz

Song: “This Is How I Do It” – Laurie Berkner: Superhero

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Closing rhyme

Craft: Sheep Valentine (from Hello Wonderful)
