Dog Story Time – Baby

Opening Song

Puppet Song: “When Ducks Get Up in the Morning”
When ducks get up in the morning, they always say good day.
When ducks get up in the morning, they always say good day.
Quack, quack, quack, quack, this is what they say.
Quack, quack, quack, quack, this is what they say.

Repeat with other animals/sounds
(Credit: King County Library System)

Sign Language: Dog, puppy, ball

Book: Found Dogs by Erica Sirotich

Song: “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
Eyes and ears and mouth and nose,
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

Song: “Bingo”
There was a farmer had a dog,
And Bingo was his name-o!
B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O,
And Bingo was his name-o!

Flannel: “Dog Houses”
Little dog, little dog, come out to play.
What color house are you in today?
Are you in the green house?

Repeat for different colored houses until you find the dog.
(Credit: Mel’s Desk)

Book: Dog’s First Baby by Natalie Nelson

Lap Song: “Bumpity Bumpity Goes the Dump Truck”
Bumpity bumpity goes the dump truck.
Bumpity bumpity goes the dump truck.
Bumpity bumpity goes the dump truck.
Dump out the load. (tip baby to the side)
(Credit: Jbrary)

Lap Rhyme: “Leg Over Leg as the Dog Goes to Dover”
Leg over leg, (bounce baby on knees)
As the dog goes to Dover.
When he comes to a wall,
Jump! He goes over! (lift baby up)

Lap Rhyme: “I’m Toast in the Toaster”
I’m toast in the toaster, (bounce baby gently on lap)
And I’m getting very hot.
Tick, tock, tick, tock, (sway baby from side to side gently)
Up I POP! (lift baby up in the air)
(Credit: King County Library System)

Shaker Eggs: “There’s a Dog in the School” – Stuart Stotts and Tom Pease: Celebrate: A Song Resource

Closing Rhyme

Earth Story Time – Sensory Friendly

Opening Song

Book: Red House, Tree House, Little Bitty Brown Mouse by Jane Godwin, illustrated by Blanca Gómez

Song: “Sammy” – Hap Palmer: Getting to Know Myself

Book: The Earth Is Good: A Chant in Praise of Nature by Michael DeMunn, illustrated by Jim McMullan

Song: “Mat Man” – Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer: Get Set for School Sing Along

Yoga: Mountain and tree

Social Story: Big Earth, Little Me by Thom Wiley, illustrated by Kate Endle

Closing Song

Craft: Earth suncatchers

House Story Time – Sensory Friendly

Opening Song

Book: Building a House by Byron Barton

Song: “Here is a House”
Here is a house built up high (hands over head to make a roof)
With two big chimneys
Reaching for the sky. (raise arms up high)
Here is a window. (draw a square)
Here is a door. (pretend to open a door)
If we look inside, (peek through fingers)
There’s a mouse on the floor! (scamper fingers away)
(Credit: Storytime Katie)

Book: Little Houses by Kevin Henkes, illustrated by Laura Dronzek

Fingerplay: “Houses”
Here is a nest for robin, (cup both hands)
Here is a hive for bee, (fists together)
Here is a hole for bunny, (make a circle)
And here is a house for ME! (make a roof)
(Credit: Storytime Katie)

Yoga/Breathing: Child’s Pose

Song/Video: “Dance for the Sun” – Kira Willey: Dance for the Sun

Social Story: “Pointing at Stuff” from Quinn at School: Relating, Connecting, and Responding at School by Rick H. Warren

Closing Song

Craft: Paper Bag Houses

Home Story Time – Preschool

Opening Song

Book: Home Is… by Hannah Barnaby, illustrated by Frann Preston-Gannon

Flannel: “Can We Find?” (Tune: “The Muffin Man”)

Song: “In and Out the Doors” (Tune: “Go In and Out the Window”)
Step in and out the front door. (take a step forward, then back)
Step in and out the front door. Step in and out the front door.
Then make a doorbell sound. (say “ding dong”)

Jump in and out the back door. (jump forward, then back)
Jump in and out the back door. Jump in and out the back door.
Bend down and touch the ground. (touch ground with hand)

Slide in and out the side door. (slide to one side, then other)
Slide in and out the side door. Slide in and out the side door.
And then turn all around. (turn around)

Step in and out the front door.
Jump in and out the back door.
Slide in and out the side door.
Then sit yourself right down. (sit down)
(Credit: Susan M. Dailey)

Book: Windows by Julia Denos, illustrated by E. B. Goodale

Finger Puppets: “A Window Light”
A window light,
So bright at night.
The shade goes up (open shade)
Who do I see?
________ is there,
Waiting for me!
Goodnight, ________. (close shade)
(Credit: Leah Portz)

Song: “Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Book/Puppets: Lilah Tov, Good Night by Ben Gundersheimer, illustrated by Noar Lee Naggan

Closing Rhyme

Houses Story Time – Toddler

Where We Live!

Opening Song

Book: Red House, Tree House, Little Bitty Brown Mouse by Jane Godwin, illustrated by Blanca Gomez

Song/Flannel: “Can you find?”

Song: In and Out the Doors (Credit: Susan M. Dailey)
(sung to “Go In and Out the Window”)

Step in and out the front door. (take a step forward, then back)
Step in and out the front door. Step in and out the front door.
Then make a doorbell sound. (say “ding dong”)

Jump in and out the back door. (jump forward, then back)
Jump in and out the back door. Jump in and out the back door.
Bend down and touch the ground. (touch ground with hand)

Slide in and out the side door. (slide to one side, then other)
Slide in and out the side door. Slide in and out the side door.
And then turn all around. (turn around)

Step in and out the front door.
Jump in and out the back door.
Slide in and out the side door.
Then sit yourself right down. (sit down)

Book: Roy’s House by Susan Goldman Rubin, art by Roy Lichtenstein

Rhyme: Fingerplay: “Houses”
Here is a nest for robin (cup both hands)
Here is a hive for bee (fists together)
Here is a hole for bunny (make a circle)
And here is a house for ME! (make a roof)
Credit: Perry Public Library

Book: Flower Garden by Eve Bunting
Flower Garden book cover

Rhyme/flannel: Some Houses
Some houses are wood and some are stone.
But let’s build one with shapes alone.

Start with a square but we won’t stop.
Add a triangle up on the top.
Then a rectangle for the door.
Now square windows 1, 2, 3, 4!
A little circle just for fun.
Now our shape house is all done!


(Credit: Finger Tales by Joan Phelps)

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Closing Song

House Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song

Book: Roy’s House by Susan Goldman Rubin, art by Roy Lichtenstein


Song: “Five Little Monkeys”- David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Book: There’s an Alligator Under My Bed by Mercer Mayer

There's an Alligator Under My Bed book cover

Rhyme/flannel: Some Houses

Some houses are wood and some are stone.
But let’s build one with shapes alone.

Start with a square but we won’t stop.
Add a triangle up on the top.
Then a rectangle for the door.
Now square windows 1, 2, 3, 4!
A little circle just for fun.
Now our shape house is all done!


(Credit: Finger Tales by Joan Phelps)

Song: In and Out the Doors (Credit: Susan M. Dailey) (tune: “Go In and Out the Window”)

Step in and out the front door. (take a step forward, then back)
Step in and out the front door. Step in and out the front door.
Then make a doorbell sound. (say “ding dong”)

Jump in and out the back door. (jump forward, then back)
Jump in and out the back door. Jump in and out the back door.
Bend down and touch the ground. (touch ground with hand)

Slide in and out the side door. (slide to one side, then other)
Slide in and out the side door. Slide in and out the side door.
And then turn all around. (turn around)

Step in and out the front door.
Jump in and out the back door.
Slide in and out the side door.
Then sit yourself right down. (sit down)

Book: Bear at Home by Stella Blackstone, illustrated by Debbie Harter

Bear at Home

Song: “Jumping and Counting” – Jim Gill: Jim Gill’s Irrational Anthem

Activity: Clean Up – Sort Items into the correct bag

Clean up Activity Image

Song: “If You’re Happy and You Know It” – Laurie Berkner: Favorite Classic Kids’ Songs

Closing Rhyme



House Story Time – Sensory Friendly

Opening Song

Book: The Napping House by Audrey Wood, illustrated by Don Wood

Napping House

Song: “In and Out the Doors” (tune: “The Bear Went Over the Mountain”)

Step in and out the front door. (take a step forward, then back)
Step in and out the front door. Step in and out the front door.
Then make a doorbell sound. (say “ding dong”)

Jump in and out the back door. (jump forward, then back)
Jump in and out the back door. Jump in and out the back door.
Bend down and touch the ground. (touch ground with hand)

Slide in and out the side door. (slide to one side, then other)
Slide in and out the side door. Slide in and out the side door.
And then turn all around. (turn around)

(Credit: Susan M. Dailey)

Book: Too Tall Houses by Gianna Marino

Too Tall Houses

Demo and song with magnetic pieces: “Mat Man” –

Movement: Learn the yoga pose “child’s pose”

Social Story: “Pointing at Stuff”

Closing song

Craft: Peek-a-boo house

peekaboo house

Houses Story Time – Baby

Opening song

Sign language: House

Book: My House by Lisa Desimini

My House

Rhyme: Round and Round the Garden
Round and round the garden (make a circle in child’s palm)
Goes the teddy bear.
One step, two steps, (fingers walk up arm)
Tickle you under there. (tickle under arm)
Round and round the haystack, (make a circle in child’s other palm)
Goes the little mouse.
One step, two steps, (fingers walk up arm)
Into his little house. (tickle under arm)

Rhyme: Diddle diddle dumpling

Book: Bear at Home by Stella Blackstone, illustrated by Debbie Harter

Bear at Home

Song/Puppets: “Bringing Home a Baby Bumble Bee” – Dr. Jean; Sings Silly Songs

Song: Buckle, buckle (Tune: “Sailing, Sailing”)
Buckle, buckle, buckle my baby in (pat tummy)
Start up the car and drive around (sign for car)
Until we get to town (sign for travel, as you travel up the tummy to tickle chin)
Buckle, buckle, buckle my baby in (pat tummy)
Start up the car and drive around (sign for car)
‘Til we come home again (sign for travel, as you travel up the tummy to tickle chin)
(Credit: Leah Portz)

Rhyme: Balloon goes up
Balloon goes up (lift)
Balloon goes down (lap)
Balloon goes up to reach the clouds (lift high)
Storm rolls by (wiggle side to side)
Babe rocks down (sway to lap)
Made it home, safe and sound (hug and kiss)
(Credit: Leah Portz)

Puppet: The Quiet Mouse
Once there lived a quiet mouse (hold out index finger)
In a quiet little house (wrap other hand around it)
When all was quiet as can be
OUT popped he! (pop finger out)

Flannel: Some Houses are wood and some are stone.
But let’s build one with shapes alone.
Start with a square but we won’t stop.
Add a triangle up on the top.
Then a rectangle for the door.
Now square windows 1, 2, 3, 4!
A little circle just for fun.
Now our shape house is all done!
(credit: Finger Tales, by Joan Phelps)

Song: Baby Hop (Tune: “Bunny Hop”)
Snuggle up together
Baby’s in your lap
Snuggle up together and clap, clap, clap

Snuggle up together
Baby don’t you nap
Snuggle up together and tap, tap, tap

You’re working out together
Baby don’t stop
You’re working out together now hop, hop, hop

Rhyme: Rickety rocking horse

Book: Minerva Louise by Janet Morgan Stoeke

Minerva Louise

Rhyme: Slowly, Slowly
Slowly, slowly, very slowly, Creeps the garden snail (walk fingers over baby)
Slowly, slowly, very slowly, Up the wooden rail
Quickly, quickly, very quickly, Runs the little mouse (run fingers over baby)
Quickly, quickly, very quickly, Round about the house

Song (shaky eggs): “Home on the Range” – Victor Johnson; Cowboy Playground

Closing rhyme

House Story Time – Toddler

Opening song

Sign language for house

Book: Napping House by Audrey Wood, illustrated by Don Wood

napping house

Flannel: Some houses

Some houses are wood and some are stone.
But let’s build one with shapes alone.
Start with a square but we won’t stop.
Add a triangle up on the top.
Then a rectangle for the door.
Now square windows 1, 2, 3, 4!
A little circle just for fun.
Now our shape house is all done!


(Credit: Finger Tales by Joan Phelps)

Song: In and Out the Doors (Credit: Susan M. Dailey)
(sung to “Go In and Out the Window”)

Step in and out the front door. (take a step forward, then back)
Step in and out the front door. Step in and out the front door.
Then make a doorbell sound. (say “ding dong”)

Jump in and out the back door. (jump forward, then back)
Jump in and out the back door. Jump in and out the back door.
Bend down and touch the ground. (touch ground with hand)

Slide in and out the side door. (slide to one side, then other)
Slide in and out the side door. Slide in and out the side door.
And then turn all around. (turn around)

Step in and out the front door.
Jump in and out the back door.
Slide in and out the side door.
Then sit yourself right down. (sit down)

Book: A House Is a House for Me (abridged) by Mary Ann Hoberman, illustrated by Betty Fraser

house is a house for me

Rhyme: Fingerplay: “Houses”
Here is a nest for robin (cup both hands)
Here is a hive for bee (fists together)
Here is a hole for bunny (make a circle)
And here is a house for ME! (make a roof)
Credit: Perry Public Library

Song: “Jumping and Counting” – Jim Gill: Jim Gill’s Irrational Anthem

Book: Do Lions Live on Lily Pads? by Melanie Walsh

do lions live on lily pads

Song: “Monkey Dance” – The Wiggles: Yummy Yummy

Song: “Bodies 1-2-3” – Ellen and Peter Allard: Sing it! Say it! Stamp it! Sway it! vol. 2

Song: “Icky, Sticky Bubble Gum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Closing rhyme

Craft: Houses out of construction paper shapes
