Opening Song
Book: Even Superheroes Make Mistakes by Shelly Becker, illustrated by Eda Kaban

Song: ” Superhero, Superhero”
Superhero, superhero turn around
Superhero, superhero touch the ground
Superhero, superhero put on your suit
Superhero, Superhero put on your boots.
Superhero, Superhero, jump up high
Superhero, Superhero, fly, fly, fly
Superhero, Superhero, turn around.
Superhero, Superhero, please sit down.
(Credit: Jbrary)
Book: Super Jumbo by Fred Koehler

Flannel: “Capes of Many Colors”
My cape of bravery
Goes over my head
It makes me feel bold
And its color is RED.
My cape of honesty
Makes villains speak true
And chases out lies
Its color is BLUE.
My cape of fairness
Conquers those who are mean
It makes me feel strong,
And its color is GREEN.
My cape of calmness
Makes me feel mellow
It quiets the world
And its color is YELLOW.
My cape of wisdom
Helps me to think
And solve tricky problems
Its color is PINK.
My favorite cape
Gives me a nice glow
Its all these great colors
In a rainbow!
(Source: Carissa Christner, Madison Public Library)
Song: “The Superhero” (Tune: “The Wheels on the Bus”)
The Superhero’s arms flex and lift,
Flex and lift, flex and lift.
The superhero’s arms flex and lift, all around the town.
Additional Verses:
The Superhero’s legs run very fast…
The Superhero jumps up super high..
(Credit: The Mild-Mannered Librarian)
Book: Do Super Heroes Have Teddy Bears? by Carmela LaVigna Coyle

Flannel: “Five Superheroes”
5 superheroes ready to fly
Here comes the villain,
Stop that guy!
This superhero can save the day.
Off he flies – up, up, and away!
Count down from 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
(Credit: Jbrary)
Song: “If You’re a Superhero and You Know It” (Tune: “If you’re happy and you know it”)
If you’re Spiderman and you know it, jump up high…..
If you’re the Flash and you know it, run super-fast…..
If you’re Catwoman and you know, climb a building…..
If you’re Aquaman and you know it, swim through the ocean…
(Credit: Sunflower Storytime)
Action Song: “Did You Ever See a Superhero?” (Tune: “Did You Ever See…?”)
Did you ever see a hero, a hero, a hero,
Did you ever see a hero, flying through the sky?
Fly this way and that way, and that way and this way
Did you ever see a hero flying through the sky?
Additional verses: hopping on one foot, twirling around
(Credit: Jbrary)
Closing rhyme
Craft: Masks