Opening Song: “Bread and Butter”
Book: Hat Tricks by Satoshi Kitamura

Action & Puppet Song: “A Walk in the Magic Forest” (Tune: “The Farmer in the Dell”)
Get ready! Let’s put on our adventure hats (put on hat) and put on our magic glasses so we can see all the creatures in the forest (put on glasses). Maybe we’ll even see something magical. Now let’s go into the woods!
Through the woods we go, through the woods we go,
Let’s see what we can see! There’s magic here we know.
Hoo, hoo! What is that we hear? (An owl!) Put on your magic glasses to look at it! (Take puppet out) There it is! Can you make the owl song? Hoo, hoo! Let’s sing along with it.
Now we see an owl, now we see an owl,
Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, now we see an owl.
Awoo! What is that we hear? (A wolf!) Put on your magic glasses to look at it! (Take puppet out) Let’s sing with it!
Now we see a wolf, now we see a wolf,
Awoo, awoo, now we see a wolf.
Ribbit, ribbit! What is that we hear? (A frog!) Put on your magic glasses to look at it! (Take puppet out) Time to sing…
Now we see a frog, now we see a frog,
Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, now we see a frog!
Neigh, neigh! What is that we hear? (A unicorn!) Put on your magic glasses to look at it! But where is it? Maybe it will come out if we sing.
Now we hear a unicorn, now we hear a unicorn,
Neigh, neigh, neigh, neigh, now we hear a unicorn!
Song: “Can You Dance?” – Aaron Nigel Smith: Everyone Loves to Dance!
Flannel: “Five Little Unicorns” (red, blue, orange, green, purple)
Great dancing, everybody! Let’s see if our song worked.
Unicorns, unicorns, let’s have some fun!
Oh look! Here one comes!
Now there is one.
What color is it? (Blue)
One little unicorn felt a little blue;
Along came a green one,
And then there were two.
Two little unicorns friendly as can be;
The red unicorn joined them,
And then there were three.
Three little unicorns, wishing there were more;
Along came the purple unicorn,
And then there were four.
Four little unicorns, happy to be alive;
Found an orange unicorn,
And then there were five.
Five little unicorns all out to play;
Now we know that if we dance, they’ll come out to enjoy the day!
Puppet Song: “If You’re a Unicorn and You Know It” (Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
If you’re a unicorn and you know it, shake your horn (or prance around).
If you’re a unicorn and you know it, shake your horn.
If you’re a unicorn and you know it, and you really want to show it,
If you’re a unicorn and you know it, shake your horn.
Additional verses:
If you’re a wizard or a witch, wave your wand…
If you’re a yeti and you know it, stomp your feet…
If you’re a dragon and you know it, flap your wings…
Book: Do Not Bring Your Dragon to the Library by Julie Gassman, illustrated by Andy Elkerton

Action Rhyme: “Dragons, Dragons”
Dragons, dragons, turn around.
Dragons, dragons, touch the ground.
Dragons, dragons, reach up high.
Dragons, dragons, touch the sky.
Dragons, dragons, touch your toes.
Dragons, dragons, touch your nose.
Dragons, dragons, clap your hands.
Dragons, dragons, sit down friends.
Action Song: “Fairies in the Yard” (Tune: “The Wheels on the Bus”)
Fairies in the yard are flying around,
Flying around, flying around.
Fairies in the yard are flying around,
All around the yard.
Additional verses:
Trolls (stomping)
Mermaids in the pond (swimming)
Unicorns (skipping)
Closing Rhyme