Yarn Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song

Book: Cat Knit by Jacob Grant

Song: “If You’re a Kitty and You Know It” (Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
If you’re a kitty and you know it, lick your paws. (pretend to lick paws)
If you’re a kitty and you know it, lick your paws. (pretend to lick paws)
If you’re a kitty and you know, and you really want to show it,
If you’re a kitty and you know it, lick your paws. (pretend to lick paws)

Additional verses:
Show your claws (show claws)
Swish your tail (wiggle bottom)
Say, “Meow!”

Song: “Let’s Play in the Snow” – Rachel Buchman: Sing a Song of Seasons

Book: One Little Lamb by Elaine Greenstein

Song: “The Mitten Song” – Rachel Buchman: Sing a Song of Seasons

Rhyme: “Ten Balls of Yarn”
Ten balls of yarn on my lap, (show number on fingers, then pat lap)
Clickety clack, clickety clack, (clap)
Needles go, the [color] ball rolls, (roll hands, take ball away)
I sit and knit, but what is it? (clap hands, add coordinating color section to mitten)

Repeat, counting down until there are no more balls of yarn.
(Credit: Leah Portz)

Song: “Dancing Scarf Blues” – Carole Peterson: Dancing Feet

Puppet Story: The Mitten by Jan Brett

Closing Rhyme

Clothes and Hats Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song

Book: Mr. Bat Wants a Hat by Kitty Black, illustrated by Laura Wood

Song: “Boots, Parka, Scarf and Hat” (Tune: “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”)
Boots, parka, scarf and hat, scarf and hat.
Boots, parka, scarf and hat, scarf and hat.
In wintertime we dress like that!
Boots, parka, scarf and hat, scarf and hat.
(Credit: Mel’s Desk)

Song: “The Wheels on the Bus”
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round,
Round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All through the town!

Additional verses:
Doors/open and shut
Babies/up & down
Parents/I love you

Book: Hooray for Hat! by Brian Won
hooray for hat cover image

Rhyme: “This Is Big”
This is big, big, big. (stretch hands far to sides)
This is small, small, small. (cup hands together)
This is short, short, short. (hold palms close vertically)
This is tall, tall, tall. (hold palms far apart vertically)
This is fast, fast, fast. (roll hands quickly)
This is slow, slow, slow. (roll hands slowly)
This is yes, yes, yes. (nod head)
This is no, no, no. (shake head)

Activity: “Hat Hunt”
(Credit: Miss Meg’s Storytime)

Book: Applesauce Is Fun to Wear by Nancy Raines Day, illustrated by Jane Massey

Scarf Song: “Four Corners”
My scarf has four corners,
Four corners has my scarf.
And if there weren’t four corners,
It would not be my…scarf.

Additional verses:
My hat…
My blanket…
My cape…
My pillow…

Scarf Song: “Wave Your Scarf Up and Down” (Tune: “London Bridge”)
Wave your scarf up and down,
Up and down, up and down.
Wave your scarf up and down,
Wave your scarf.

Additional verses:
Left and right
Fast and slow
High and low
Around and around
Wave it goodbye
(Credit: Jbrary)

Scarf Song: “We Wave Our Scarves Together”
We wave our scarves together,
We wave our scarves together,
We wave our scarves together
Because it’s fun to do.

Wave them up high,
Wave them down low,
Wave them in the middle
Because it’s fun to do.
(Credit: Jbrary)

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Closing Rhyme

Monsters Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song

Book: The Monster Mac and Cheese Party by Todd Parr

Song: “Horns, Fangs, Knees and Claws” (Tune: “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”)
Horns, fangs, knees and claws, knees and claws,
Horns, fangs, knees and claws, knees and claws,
Eyes and ears and tail and paws,
Horns, fangs, knees and claws, knees and claws.
(Credit: King County Library System)

Song: “Them Bones” – Caspar Babypants: Sing Along!

Book: Monsters Go Night-Night by Aaron Zenz

Prop Box: “Five Little Cookies”
Five little cookies, with frosting galore,
Cookie Monster ate the pink one, then there were four.
Four little cookies, two and two, you see,
Cookie Monster ate the green one, then there were three.
Three little cookies, but before I knew,
Cookie Monster ate the blue one, then there were two.
Two little cookies, oh, what fun!
Cookie Monster ate the orange one, then there was one.
One little cookie, watch me run!
Cookie Monster ate the red one, then there were none.
cookie monster prop image

Rhyme: “Monster, Monster”
Monster, Monster, turn around! (turn around)
Monster, Monster, touch the ground! (touch ground)
Monster, Monster, reach up high! (stretch up high)
Monster, Monster, squint your eyes! (squint eyes)
Monster, Monster, show your teeth! (bare teeth and make claws)
Monster, Monster, stomp your feet! (stomp)
Monster, Monster, slap your knees! (slap knees)
Monster, Monster, sit down, please! (sit down)
(Credit: King County Library System)

Book: If You’re a Monster and You Know It by Rebecca and Ed Emberley
If you're a monster and you know it

Song: “Monster Boogie” – Laurie Berkner: Buzz Buzz

Closing Rhyme

Fall Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song: “Bread and Butter”

Book: In the Middle of Fall by Kevin Henkes, illustrated by Laura Dronzek

Song: “Autumn Leaves” (Tune: “London Bridge”)
Autumn leaves are in the trees,
In the trees, in the trees.
Autumn leaves are in the trees
All over town.

Additional verses:
Autumn leaves are falling down…
Autumn leaves are whirling round…
Everybody rake them up…
Jump into the pile we made…

Song: “Leaves are Falling” (Tune: “Jingle Bells”)
Leaves are falling, leaves are falling, falling on my nose,
Leaves are falling, leaves are falling, falling on my toes,
On my head, on my ears, even my elbows,
Leaves are falling, leaves are falling, when the brisk wind blows.

Book: That Pup! by Lindsay Barrett George

Song: “Walk Old Squirrel” – Kathy Reid-Naiman: When It’s Autumn

Song: “Shakin’ Like a Leafy Tree” – The Wiggles: Racing to the Rainbow

Book: It’s Fall! by Renée Kurilla

Song: “(Silly) Wheels on the Bus” – Miss Nina and the Jumping Jacks: Every Day’s Your Birthday!

Song: “Can You Clap” – Sue Schnitzer: Wiggle and Whirl, Clap and Nap

Closing Rhyme

Elephant & Piggie Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song

Book: We Are in a Book! by Mo Willems

Song: “Pig on Her Head” – Laurie Berkner: The Best of the Laurie Berkner Band

Book: Elephants Cannot Dance! by Mo Willems

Movement Activity: “Animal Actions” (pull animals out of a bin and do their actions)
Piggie: twirl
Gerald: stomp feet
Squirrel: gather and eat nuts
Duckling: quack and eat cookies
Pigeon: drive the bus

Song: “Can’t Wait to Celebrate” – Jim Gill: Jim Gill’s Irrational Anthem

Book: I Am Invited to a Party! by Mo Willems
I Am Invited to a Party

Song: “The Party Freeze Dance Song” – The Kiboomers: Kids Music Channel

Closing Rhyme

Silly Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song: “Bread and Butter”

Book: The Duck Never Blinks by Alex Latimer

Song: “Bananas Unite!”
Bananas unite!
Peel bananas, peel, peel bananas!
Chop bananas, chop, chop bananas!
Mash bananas, mash, mash bananas!
Eat bananas, eat, eat bananas!
Go bananas, go, go bananas!
(Credit: Jbrary)

Song: “Shake My Sillies Out” – Raffi: The Singable Songs Collection

Puppet Story: Bark, George by Jules Feiffer
Bark, George book cover

Song: “Tooty Ta” – Dr. Jean: Dr. Jean & Friends

Book: Is That Wise, Pig? by Jan Thomas

Song: “Silly Dance Contest” – Jim Gill: The Sneezing Song and Other Contagious Tunes

Closing Rhyme

Earth Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song: “Bread and Butter”

Book: Reuse This Book! illustrated by Emma Morris

Song: “To Help Our Mother Earth” (Tune: “Mulberry Bush”)
This is the way we pick up trash,
Pick up trash, pick up trash.
This is the way we pick up trash
To help our Mother Earth.

This is the way we turn off the light,
Turn off the light, turn off the light.
This is the way we turn off the light
To help our Mother Earth.

This is the way we plant a seed,
Plant a seed, plant a seed.
This is the way we plant a seed
To help our Mother Earth.

Book: Jo MacDonald Saw a Pond by Mary Quattlebaum, illustrated by Laura J. Bryant

Song: “All the Fish” – Sue Schnitzer: Wiggle and Whirl, Clap and Nap

Book: It’s Earth Day, Cookie Monster! by Mary Lindeen

Song: “Shakin’ Like a Leafy Tree” – The Wiggles: Racing to the Rainbow

Book: The Earth and I by Frank Asch

Song: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” – Old Town School of Folk Music: Songs for Wiggleworms

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Closing Rhyme

Ocean Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song

Book: I Hear You, Ocean by Kallie George, illustrated by Carmen Mok

Song: “The Waves in the Sea” (Tune: “The Wheels on the Bus”)
The waves in the sea go up and down, (raise and lower arms)
Up and down, up and down,
The waves in the sea go up and down
All day long.

Additional verses:
The shark in the sea goes snap, snap, snap… (clap your hands)
The fish in the sea go swish, swish, swish… (swish back and forth)
The boats in the sea go toot, toot, toot… (make blowing horn motion)
The crabs in the sea go back and forth… (move side to side)
The jellyfish in the sea go wibble, wobble, wibble… (wiggle)

Rhyme: “This Is Big”
This is big, big, big. (stretch hands far to sides)
This is small, small, small. (cup hands together)
This is short, short, short. (hold palms close vertically)
This is tall, tall, tall. (hold palms far apart vertically)
This is fast, fast, fast. (roll hands quickly)
This is slow, slow, slow. (roll hands slowly)
This is yes, yes, yes. (nod head)
This is no, no, no. (shake head)

Book: I’m the Biggest Thing in the Ocean by Kevin Sherry

Song: “Baby Shark”

Song: “Slippery Fish”
Little crab, little crab, scuttling in the water,
Little crab, little crab, Gulp, Gulp, Gulp!
Oh, no! It’s been eaten by a…

Slippery fish, slippery fish, sliding through the water,
Slippery fish, slippery fish, Gulp, Gulp, Gulp!
Oh, no! It’s been eaten by an…

Octopus, octopus, squiggling in the water,
Octopus, octopus, Gulp, Gulp, Gulp!
Oh, no! It’s been eaten by a…

Great white shark, great white shark, lurking in the water,
Great white shark, great white shark, Gulp, Gulp, Gulp!
Oh, no! It’s been eaten by a…

Humongous whale, humongous whale, spouting in the water,
Humongous whale, humongous whale,
Gulp!… Gulp!… Gulp!… BURP!
(Cover your mouth.) Excuse me!
(Credit: Storytime Katie and Jbrary)

Book: I Spy Under the Sea by Edward Gibbs

Scarf Song: “We Wave Our Scarves Together”
We wave our scarves together,
We wave our scarves together,
We wave our scarves together
Because it’s fun to do.

Wave them up high,
Wave them down low,
Wave them in the middle
Because it’s fun to do.
(Credit: Jbrary)

Scarf Song: “Four Corners”
My scarf has four corners,
Four corners has my scarf.
And if there weren’t four corners,
It would not be my…scarf.

Additional verses:
My hat…
My blanket…
My cape…
My pillow…

Scarf Rhyme: “Popcorn Kernels”
Popcorn kernels (wave scarves overhead)
In the pot. (make their scarves ‘disappear’ by bunching them up in their fists)
Shake them, shake them, shake them (shake fists)
‘Til they POP! (toss scarves up into the air)

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Closing Rhyme

Quiet Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song: “Bread and Butter”

Book: Don’t Wake the Dragon by Bianca Schulze, illustrated by Samara Hardy

Song: “Clap, Clap, Clap Your Hands”
Clap, clap, clap your hands.
Clap them all around.
Clap them loud and
Clap them soft,
Now don’t make a sound. (fold arms)

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet.
Stamp them all around.
Stamp them loud and
Stamp them soft,
Now don’t make a sound. (put knees together)
(Credit: Preschool Storytime Outlines)

Puppet Song: “Loud and Quiet” – Caspar Babypants: Sing Along!

Book: Tiger Can’t Sleep by S. J. Fore, illustrated by R. W. Alley

Flannel: “Five Little Dinosaurs Jumping On the Bed”
Five little dinosaurs jumping on the bed,
One fell off and bumped his head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
“No more dinosaurs jumping on the bed!”

Repeat with 4, 3, 2, and 1 little dinosaurs.

Song: “Walking, Walking” – Old Town School of Folk Music: Songs for Wiggleworms

Book: Noisy Night by Mac Barnett, illustrated by Brian Biggs

Song: “We Are Dinosaurs” – Laurie Berkner: Whaddaya Think of That?

Closing Rhyme

Dinosaur Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song

Book: The Dinos on the Bus by Peter Millett, illustrated by Tony Neal

Rhyme: “Dinosaur, Dinosaur”
Dinosaur, Dinosaur, turn around!
Dinosaur, Dinosaur, stomp the ground!
Dinosaur, Dinosaur, make some claws!
Dinosaur, Dinosaur, roar!
Dinosaur, Dinosaur, big and tall!
Dinosaur, Dinosaur, scary and small!
Dinosaur, Dinosaur, shake the ground!
Dinosaur, Dinosaur, sit back down!

Song: “The Wheels on the Bus”

Book: How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? by Jane Yolen, illustrated by Mark Teague

Flannel Song: “5 Little Dinos Jumping on the Bed”

Song: “Roly Poly” (Tune: “Frère Jacques”)
Roly poly, roly poly
Up, up, up
up, up, up
Roly roly poly
roly roly poly
down, down, down
down, down, down

Repeat with: out/in, fast/slow
(Credit: Jbrary)

Book: Shape by Shape by Suse MacDonald

Puppet Song: “3 Dinosaurs”
One dinosaur went out to play
On a bright and sunny day.
He had such enormous fun
That he called another dinosaur to come.
(call very loudly) DI-NO-SAUR!
(chant while patting hands on laps) Thump! Thump!

Additional verses:
2 dinosaurs…
3 dinosaurs…
Instead they heard their mother,
And she was calling, “DINNER!”
And they all went home for dinner!

Shaker Eggs: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”
Verses: Give a shake, give a tap, clap your hands

Shaker Eggs: “Shake Your Shakers” (Tune: “The Wheels on the Bus”)
Shake your shakers, shake, shake, shake,
Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake shake.
Shake your shakers, shake, shake, shake,
Shake your shakers.

Additional verses:
Shake your shakers high, high, high
Shake your shakers low, low, low
Shake your shakers fast, fast, fast
Shake your shakers slow, slow, slow

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Closing Rhyme