Pet Story Time – Baby

Opening Song

Sign language: dog, cat, fish

Book: Dog’s Noisy Day: A Story to Read Aloud by Emma Dodd

Dog's Noisy Day book cover

Song: Hop, hop, hop along (Tune: “Row Your Boat”)
Hop, hop, hop along (hop)
Or bounce on someone’s knee (bounce)
Higher and higher and higher and higher (lift)
Bunny hop with me. (hop)

Flannel: Little dog, little dog

little dog

Rhyme/Puppet: Here goes a turtle

Rhyme: Pitty, patty, polt
Pitty, patty, polt, (tap feet together)
Shoe the little colt.
Here a nail, (tap one foot)
There a nail, (tap other foot)
Pitty, patty, polt. (tap feet together)

Book: I Spy Pets by Edward Gibbs

I Spy Pets book cover

Song: Forgot a bag to carry (Tune: “Ring around the Rosie”)
Forgot a bag to carry (sign for bag)
Our books at the library (sign for book)
Stack’em, stack’em (lift baby, or stack hands)
They all fall down (baby to lap, or hands open)
Credit: Leah Portz

Song/Puppets: “Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee” – Dr. Jean: Sings Silly Songs

Book (choral): Baby Animals: Pets by Kingfisher

Baby Animals: Pets book cover

Song (shaky eggs): “Bingo” – Old Town School of Music: Wiggleworms Love You

Closing Rhyme

Dog Story Time – Baby

Opening song

Book:  Please Take Me for a Walk by Susan Gal

please take me for a walk

Song (with dog puppet): “How much is that doggie in the window?”

Flannelboard: Dog houses (credit: Mel’s Desk)
Little dog, little dog, are you in the green house? Is this the green house? No, this is the red house. No, little dog, you are not in the red house, etc.


Rhyme: You put the oil in the pot and you let it get hot,
You put the popcorn in and you start to grin,
Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, POP! (wiggle baby, then lift)

Book: One, Two, That’s My Shoe! by Alison Murray

one two thats my shoe

Song: This Old Man (verses 1-3)

Rhyme: Ride away ride away (Bounce baby on lap)
Johnny will ride
He shall have a pussycat
Tied to one side (Slip baby to one side)
He shall have a puppy dog
Tied to the other (Slip baby to the other side)
And Johnny will ride to see his grandmother


Rhyme: Diddle diddle dumpling

Book (choral reading, with song): Snuggle Puppy by Sandra Boynton, song from Sandra Boynton: Philadelphia Chickens

snuggle puppy

Song (with shakers): “Hot Dog” – They Might Be Giants: Disney’s Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (stop after brass section)

mickey mouse clubhouse

Closing rhyme