Breakfast Story Time – Toddler

Opening Song

Book: Max’s Breakfast by Rosemary Wells

Song: “Roly Poly” (Tune: “Frère Jacques”)
Roly poly, roly poly
Up, up, up
up, up, up
Roly roly poly
roly roly poly
down, down, down
down, down, down

Repeat with: out/in, fast/slow
(Credit: Jbrary)

Book: Please, Mr. Panda by Steve Antony

Action Rhyme: “Pancake Rhyme”
(do the actions indicated)
Mix a pancake, stir a pancake,
Pop it in a pan,
Fry a pancake, toss a pancake,
Catch it if you can!

Book: Cinnamon Bun, I Love You 1 by Amy Schwartz

Flannel Rhyme: “Five Fluffy Pancakes”
Five fluffy pancakes frying in a pan,
The pan got hot and one went BAM!

Repeat, counting down until:
No fluffy pancakes frying in a pan,
The pan got hot and it went BAM!

Scarf Rhyme: “Popcorn Kernels”
Popcorn kernels (wave scarves overhead)
In the pot. (make their scarves ‘disappear’ by bunching them up in their fists)
Shake them, shake them, shake them (shake fists)
‘Til they POP! (toss scarves up into the air)

Scarf Rhyme: “I’m Toast in the Toaster”
I’m toast in the toaster, (crumple scarf in hands)
And I’m getting very hot.
Tick, tock, tick, tock, (sway scarf from side to side)
Up I POP! (toss scarf in the air)
(Credit: King County Library System)

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Closing Rhyme