Pumpkins and Apples Story Time – Baby

Opening Song

Sign language: Apple , Pumpkin

Book: Apples and Pumpkins by Anne Rockwell, illustrated by Lizzy Rockwell

Song: “Pumpkin, Pumpkin” (Tune: “Twinkle twinkle”)
Pumpkin, pumpkin on the ground, (touch the ground)
How’d you get so big and round? (make a big circle)
Once you were a seed so small, (hold baby’s hands together)
Now you are a great big ball! (make a big circle)
Pumpkin, pumpkin on the ground, (touch the ground)
How’d you get so big and round? (make a big circle)

Rhyme: Shoe the old horse (tap one foot)
Shoe the old mare (tap other foot)
But let the little pony
Run bare, bare, bare (tap feet together)

Song: Counting sheep (Tune: “This Old Man”)
Counting sheep, counting sheep
Helps my _________ go to sleep

One sheep, two sheep
Three sheep, four —
Soon my _________
Starts to snore
(Credit: Sing a Song of Storytime)

Puppets/Book: The Busy Little Squirrel by Nancy Tafuri
The Busy Little Squirrel book cover

Rhyme: This little pig

Fingerplay: Five Little Apples

Rhyme: Away up high in the apple tree (lift baby)
I saw a little baby smiling at me
I shook that tree as hard as I could (shake gently)
Down came the baby (bring down)
Mmm, was she good! (Kiss)

Book (Choral): Duck and Goose Find a Pumpkin by Tad Hills
Duck and goose find a pumpkin

Song (shaky eggs): “Apple Pickin’ Time” – Tom Pease: I’m Gonna Reach!

Closing rhyme

Fall Story Time – Baby

Opening Song

Sign language: Leaf

Book: When Autumn Falls by Kelli Nidey, illustrated by Susan Swan

Rhyme: Away up high in the apple tree (lift baby)
I saw a little baby smiling at me
I shook that tree as hard as I could (shake gently)
Down came the baby (bring down)
Mmm, was she good! (Kiss)

Song: Counting sheep (Tune: “This Old Man”)
Counting sheep, counting sheep
Helps my _________ go to sleep

One sheep, two sheep
Three sheep, four —
Soon my _________
Starts to snore
(Credit: Sing a Song of Storytime)

Book: Hocus Pocus, It’s Fall! by Anne Sibley O’Brien, illustrated by Susan Gal

Rhyme: This little pig

Rhyme: Shoe the old horse (tap one foot)
Shoe the old mare (tap other foot)
But let the little pony
Run bare, bare, bare (tap feet together)

Book: Who Loves the Fall? by Bob Raczka, illustrated by Judy Stead
Who Loves the Fall? book cover

Song (with scarves): “Autumn Leaves” (Tune: “London Bridge”)
Autumn leaves are in the trees, in the trees, in the trees.
Autumn leaves are in the trees all over town.

Additional verses:
Autumn leaves are falling down…All over town.
Autumn leaves are whirling round…All over town.
Everybody rake them up… All over town.
Jump into the pile we made . . .All over town.

Song (with shaky eggs): “Shakin’ Like a Leafy Tree” – The Wiggles: Racing to the Rainbow

Fingers and Toes Story Time – Baby

Opening song

Sign Language: Mittens and Shoes

Book:  Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes by Mem Fox, illustrated by Helen Oxenbury

ten little fingers and ten little toes

Song: Face fingers feet and toes, feet and toes
Face fingers feet and toes, feet and toes
Ankles, knees, elbows and nose
Face fingers feet and toes, feet and toes.
(Source: King County Library System)

Rhyme: Shoe the old horse (tap one foot)
Shoe the old mare (tap other foot)
But let the little pony
Run bare, bare, bare (tap feet together)

Song: Counting sheep (Tune: “This Old Man”)
Counting sheep, counting sheep
Helps my _________ go to sleep

One sheep, two sheep
Three sheep, four —
Soon my _________
Starts to snore
(Credit: Sing a Song of Storytime)

Book: Ten Tiny Toes by Todd Tarpley, illustrated by Marc Brown

ten tiny toes

Song: “Round and Round You Go” (Tune: “The Bear Went over the Mountain”)
Our toes are starting to wiggle, our toes are starting to wiggle,
our toes are starting to wiggle, around and round they go. (slow, then fast)

Our fingers are starting to wiggle, our fingers are starting to wiggle,
Our fingers are starting to wiggle, around and round they go. (slow, then fast)
(Credit: Librarian Lisa’s Storytimes)

Rhyme: Away up high in the apple tree (lift baby)
I saw a little baby smiling at me
I shook that tree as hard as I could (shake gently)
Down came the baby (bring down)
Mmm, was she good! (Kiss) 

Song: “Hands Go Up and Down” – Fisher Price: Babbles to Books

Song: “On my Toe There is a Flea” (play 2x)John M. Feierabend and Luann Saunders: Frog in the Meadow

Book: Piggies by Audrey and Don Wood


Rhyme: This little pig

Song (with shakers): “Fingers and Toes” – Milkshake: Happy Songs

happy songs

Closing rhyme

Art Story Time – Baby

Opening Song

Sign Language: Art, draw, paint, craft

Book: Lines That Wiggle by Candace Whitman, illustrated by Steve Wilson
Lines That Wiggle book cover

Balloon goes up, (lift)
Balloon goes down, (lap)
Balloon goes up to reach the clouds. (lift high)
Storm rolls by, (wiggle side to side)
Babe rocks down. (sway to lap)
Made it home
Safe and sound. (hug and kiss)
(Credit: Leah Portz)

Trot, trot, trot to Boston. (gently bounce baby on your knees)
Trot, trot, trot to Lynn.
Look out baby,
You’re going to fall in. (lower knees)

Book: The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse by Eric Carle
The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse

Scarf Song: “Colors” – Kira Willey: Dance for the Sun

Song: “Did You Ever See a Baby?”
Did you ever see a baby, a baby, a baby?
Did you ever see a baby go this way and that? (lean side to side)
Go this way and that way, and this way and that way, (lean front to back, side to side)
Did you ever see a baby go this way and that? (lean front to back)

Rhyme: “Away Up High in the Apple Tree”
Away up high in the apple tree, (lift baby)
I saw a little baby smiling at me.
I shook that tree as hard as I could. (shake gently)
Down came the baby. (bring down)
Mmm, was she good! (kiss)

Pop-up Book: 600 Black Spots by David A. Carter
600 Black Spots

Shaker Eggs: “Hey Hey! Big Line” – Handwriting Without Tears: Rock, Rap, Tap & Learn

Closing Rhyme