Swimming Story Time – Preschool

Opening Song

Book: Jabari Jumps by Gaia Cornwall

Action Rhyme: “Swimming”
Swimming in the water cool and bright, (pretend to swim)
I kick my feet with all my might, (kick feet)
And when I’m tired I turn and float, (spin and hold arms out)
Pretending that I’m a boat! (rock hands)
I like to hold my breath and dive, (take a breath and bend down)
I swim beneath the water and count to five. (count to five)
Wow! What a dive!
(Credit: Hummingbird Educational Resources)

Book: Froggy Learns to Swim by Jonathan London, illustrated by Frank Remkiewicz

Song: “Swimming, Swimming”
Swimming, swimming (mime swimming)
In the swimming pool (outline rectangle with fingers)
When days are hot (fan yourself)
When days are cold (shiver)
In the swimming pool. (outline rectangle with fingers)
Breaststroke, sidestroke, (mime both strokes)
Fancy diving, too. (make diving hands)
Don’t you wish you never had anything else to do? (shrug)
(Credit: Miss Nina – Music & Movement for Preschool)

Book: Swim Swim Sink by Jenn Harney

Song (if time): “The Goldfish” – Laurie Berkner: Victor Vito

Closing Rhyme