Superheroes Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song

Book: Ten Rules of being a Superhero by Deb Pilutti

Flannel Board: Capes of Many Colors

my many colored capes

My cape of bravery
Goes over my head
It makes me feel bold
And its color is ________  (red).

My cape of honesty
Makes villains speak true
And chases out lies
Its color is __________ (blue).
My cape of fairness
Conquers those who are mean
It makes me feel strong,
And its colors is __________ (green).

My cape of calmness
Makes me feel mellow
It quiets the world
And its colors is __________ (yellow).

My cape of wisdom
Helps me to think
And solve tricky problems
Its color is ________ (pink).

My favorite cape
Give me a nice glow
Its all these great colors
In a rainbow!
(Source: Carissa Christner, Madison Public Library)

Book: Super Jumbo by Fred Koehler

Rhyme: “Superhero, Superhero”
Superhero, superhero turn around.
Superhero, superhero touch the ground.
Superhero, superhero put on your suit.
Superhero, Superhero put on your boots.
Superhero, Superhero, jump up high.
Superhero, Superhero, fly, fly, fly!
Superhero, Superhero, turn around.
Superhero, Superhero, please sit down.

Book: Super Hair-o and the Barber of Doom by John Rocco

Song: “The Superhero” (Tune: “Wheels on the Bus”)
The Superhero’s arms flex and lift,
Flex and lift, flex and lift,
The superhero’s arms flex and lift, all around the town.

Additional verses:
The Superhero’s eyes go zap, zap, zap…
The Superhero’s legs run very fast…
The Superhero jumps up super high…
The Superhero flies zoom zoom zoom…
The person in trouble yells help help help!….
The Superhero goes to save the day!….

Closing Song

Craft: Make your own Superhero!