Shapes Story Time – Sensory Friendly

Opening Song

Book: Mouse Shapes by Ellen Stoll Walsh

Rhyme: “Star Chant” (pass out star cutouts to each of the children)
Put your star shape in the air, (hold in the air)
Hold it high and keep it there.
Put your star shape on your back, (reach back and put star on back)
Now lay it on your lap. (put star on lap)
Put your star shape on your toes, (touch star to toes)
Now hold it by your nose. (touch star to nose)
Hold your star shape in your hand, (stretch hand out in front of you)
Now everyone please stand. (have children stand up)
Wave your star shape at the door, (face door and shake star)
Now touch your star to the floor. (touch star to floor in front of you)
Hold your star in your hand and jump, jump, jump, (hold star and jump up and down)
Now toss your star shape way, way, up! (toss star up in front of you)

Book: A Starfish: A Shapes Book by Britta Teckentrup

Yoga/Breathing: Learn the yoga pose “triangle”

Song/Video: “Dance for the Sun” – Kira Willey: Dance for the Sun

Social Story: Thank You by Janet Riehecky

Closing Song

Craft: Pictures made from different shapes