Book: Stop Snoring, Bernard! by Zachariah OHora
Song: “Roly Poly” (Tune: “Frère Jacques”)
Roly poly, roly poly
Up, up, up
up, up, up
Roly roly poly
roly roly poly
down, down, down
down, down, down
Repeat with: out/in, fast/slow
(Credit: Jbrary)
Song: “Bread and Butter”
(Credit: Jbrary)
Book: Big Gorilla: A Book of Opposites by Anthony Browne
Fingerplay with Puppet: “Quiet Bear”
Here’s a quiet little bear,
Living in a quiet little stump, (hold thumb in fist)
When all was quiet as could be,
OUT popped he! (pop out thumb)
Flannel: “Five Little Monkeys”
Scarf Song: “Wave Your Scarf Up and Down” (Tune: “London Bridge”)
Wave your scarf up and down,
Up and down, up and down.
Wave your scarf up and down,
Wave your scarf.
Additional verses:
Left and right
Fast and slow
High and low
Around and around
Wave it goodbye
(Credit: Jbrary)
Scarf Rhyme: “Popcorn Kernels”
Popcorn kernels (wave scarves overhead)
In the pot. (make their scarves ‘disappear’ by bunching them up in their fists)
Shake them, shake them, shake them (shake fists)
‘Til they POP! (toss scarves up into the air)
Song: “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties