Mouse Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song

Book: Big Bear, Small Mouse by Karma Wilson, illustrated by Jane Chapman

Puppet Rhyme: “Where Are the Baby Mice?” (with the mice in a box puppet)
Where are the baby mice?
Squeak, squeak, squeak!
I cannot see them,
Peek, peek, peek.
Here they come out of their hole,
One, two, three, and that is all!
(Credit: Perry Public Library)

Song: “The Little Mouse Goes Creeping” – Miss Carole: Tiny Tunes

Rhyme: “Hickory Dickory Dock” (with cardboard cutout)
Repeat, doing toes, tummy, and head (standing)

Book: Mommy, Where Are You? by Leonid Gore

Rhyme: “Little Clapping Mouse” (clap when you see *)
Behind the tree * *
And under the house * *
There lived a teeny * *
Tiny mouse * *
She loved to sing * *
She loved to tap * *
But most of all * *
She loved to clap * *
She clapped all night * *
She clapped all day * *
She clapped to frighten * *
The cat away * * * * * * * * (lots of claps, meow)

Song: “Mickey Mouse March” – Disney: Children’s Favorite Songs Volume 4

Book: Run Home, Little Mouse by Britta Teckentrup

Song: “Three Blind Mice” – Caspar Babypants: Here I Am!

Song: “Put Your Finger in the Air” – Jacki Berger

Closing Rhyme