Dinosaur Story Time- Everybody

Opening Song

Book: Dinosaur vs. The Library by Bob Shea

dionsaur vs library

Song: “We Are the Dinosaurs” – Laurie Berkner: Whaddaya Think of That?

Book: If I Had a Raptor by George O’Connor

if i had a raptor cover image

Song: Dinosaur, Dinosaur”
Dinosaur, dinosaur, turn around
Dinosaur, dinosaur, touch the ground
Dinosaur, dinosaur, reach up high
Dinosaur, dinosaur, wink one eye
Dinosaur, dinosaur, touch your nose
Dinosaur, dinosaur, touch your toes
Dinosaur, dinosaur, slap your knees
Dinosaur, dinosaur, sit down please

Activity: I hid each dinosaur behind a shape and asked the kids what shape I should look under. I said the name of the dinosaur and then had them say it.

Book: Shape by Shape by Suse MacDonald

Song: The Tyrannosaurus Rex goes grr grr grr grr grr grr, grr grr grr
The Tyrannosaurus Rex goes grr grr grr…All through the swamp.
The Triceratops’ horns go poke poke poke…(etc.)
The Stegosaurus tail goes spike, spike, spike…(etc.)
The Apatasaurus mouth goes munch, munch, munch…(etc.)
The Pteranodon’s wings go flap flap flap…(etc.)

Flannel Story: How Do Dinosaurs Count to Ten? by Jane Yolen & Mark Teague

how do dinosaurs count to ten cover image

Book: Bones, Bones, Dinosaur Bones by Byron Barton

bones bones dinosaur bones cover image

Closing Rhyme


dinosaur egg story time craft