Thanksgiving Story Time – Toddler

Opening song

Sign language: thank you

Book: Thank You for Me! by Marion Dane Bauer, illustrated by Kristina Stephenson

thank you for me cover image 

Song: “If You’re Thankful and You Know It”

If you’re thankful and you know it, Clap your hands.
If you’re thankful and you know it, Stomp your feet.
If you’re thankful and you know it, Shout “I am!”
If you’re thankful and you know it, Do all three.

Song: “Can’t Wait to Celebrate”- Jim Gill: Jim Gill’s Irrational Album

Book: Thanks for Thanksgiving by Julie Markes

thanks for thanksgiving cover image

Rhyme: Popcorn

You put the oil in the pot and you let it get hot
You put the popcorn in and you start to grin.
Sizzle, sizzle Sizzle, sizzle Sizzle, sizzle Sizzle, sizzle, POP!

(Children begin in a crouched position, knees bent, then s-l-o-w-l-y rise until the final POP! when we jump up in the air!)

Song: “Hot Potato” – The Wiggles: Yummy Yummy

Song: “Fruit Salad Salsa” – Laurie Berkner: Victor Vito

Book: Happy Thanksgiving, Curious George (3 pages) by Cynthia Platt and Julie M. Bartynski, illustrated by Mary O’Keefe Young

happy thanksgiving curious george cover image
Song: “Hello Mr. Turkey, how are you?” (Tune: “If you’re happy and you know it”)

Hello Mr. Turkey how are you,? (clap twice)
Hello Mr. Turkey how are you,? (clap twice)
With a gobble, gobble, gobble and a wobble, wobble, wobble (flap and walk like a turkey)
Hello Mr. Turkey how are you? (clap twice)

Song: “Bodies 1-2-3” – Ellen and Peter Allard: Sing it! Say it! Stamp it! Sway it! vol. 2

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Closing rhyme

Craft: Trace hand, then color and decorate with feathers

Monster Story Time – Toddler

Opening song

Book: Tickle Monster by Josie Bissett, illustrated by Kevan J. Attaberry (abridged)

Tickle Monster

Song: “If You’re Happy and You Know It” – Sesame Street: Kids Favorite Songs 2

Book: Monsters Dance by Ann Hodgman, illustrated by Hannah Wood or Cookie Monster’s Busy Day by Ernie Kwiat (1st story)

Monsters Dance

Cookie Monster's Busy Day

Song: “Monster Boogie” – Laurie Berkner: Buzz Buzz

Song:Horns, Fangs, Knees and Claws
Horns, fangs
Knees and claws
Knees and claws.
Horns, fangs
Knees and claws
Knees and claws.
Eyes and ears and tail and paws
Horns, fangs
Knees and claws
Knees and claws.
(Source: King County Library Wiki)

Song: “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”

Book: If You’re a Monster and You Know It by Ed and Rebecca Emberly (abridged)

 If you're a monster and you know it

Song: “Bodies 1-2-3” – Ellen and Peter Allard: Sing it! Say it! Stamp it! Sway it! vol. 2

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Closing rhyme

Craft: alphabet monsters

alphabet monster


Zoo Story Time – Toddler

Opening song

Sign language: zoo

Book: My Heart is Like a Zoo by Michael Hall

My Heart is Like a Zoo

App: Animal Sounds

animal sounds app

Song: “The Animals at the Zoo”
The lions at the zoo go roar, roar, roar!
Roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar,
The lions at the zoo go roar, roar, roar!
All day long

Monkeys….ooh ooh ah!
Snakes…hiss hiss hiss!
Penguins…waddle, waddle, waddle

Song: “Monkey Dance” – The Wiggles: Yummy Yummy

Book: Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell

Dear Zoo

Song:“We Went to the Zoo One Day”(tune: “Mary Had a Little Lamb”)
We went to the zoo one day, zoo one day, zoo one day
We went to the zoo one day, and this is what we saw: snake!

(Repeat with other animal puppets.)

Action Rhyme: “Monkey See, Monkey Do”*
Monkey see, monkey do
Little monkey at the zoo
Monkey, monkey in the tree
Can you ________ like me?
(jump around, swing your arms, scratch an itch, eat a banana)
(Credit: Perry Public Library)

Book: Peek-a-Zoo by Marie Torres Cimarusti, illustrated by Stephanie Peterson


Song: “Zoo Movements” – Dr. Jean: Better Bodies and Brains

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Closing rhyme

Craft: Paper plate snake

Fruit Story Time – Toddler

Opening song

Sign language: fruit

Book: Ned’s New Home by Kevin Tseng

Ned's New Home

Flannel: Four red apples

Song: “Apples and Bananas” – Raffi: One Light, One Sun

Book: Banana! by Ed Vere


Song: “Be Bananas” – Stuart Stotts and Tom Pease: Celebrate

Book: Lunch by Denise Fleming


Song: “Fruit Salad Salsa” – Laurie Berkner: Victor Vito

Puppet show: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Closing Rhyme

Craft: g is for grapes

g is for grapes

Underpants Story Time – Toddler

Opening Song

When you learn to use the potty, you can wear underpants that are all kinds of colors and patterns.

Sign: Underpants

Book: Polar Bear’s Underwear by Tupera Tupera

Polar Bear's Underwear


Head, shoulders, knees, and underpants.
Head, shoulders, knees, and underpants.
Eyes and ears and mouth and underpants.
Head, shoulders, knees, and underpants, knees and underpants!
(Credit: Miss Sarah’s Storytime)

Book: What Color is Bear’s Underwear? by Todd H. Doodler

What Color is Bear's Underwear?

Song: “Peanut Butter” – Dr. Jean: Keep on Singing and Dancing with Dr. Jean

Song: “Wheels on the Bus” – Toddlers on Parade

Book:  What Color is Your Underwear? by Sam Lloyd

What Color is Your Underwear?

Song: “Reach for the Ceiling” – Toddlers on Parade

Song: “Row, Row, Row your Boat” – Old Town School of Folk Music: Songs for Wiggleworms

Song: “Jumping and Counting” – Jim Gill: Jim Gill’s Irrational Anthem

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Closing Song

Craft: Sheep With Underpants

sheep craft toddler

Source: Miss Sarah’s Storytime


Fall Story Time – Toddler

Opening song

Sign language: fall

Book: Welcome Fall by Jill Ackerman


Song: “Wheels on the Bus” – Toddlers on Parade

Book: Leaves in Fall by Martha E.H. Rustad

 leaves in fall

Song: (Tune: “London Bridge”)

Autumn leaves are in the trees…All over town.
Autumn leaves are falling down…All over town.
Autumn leaves are whirling round…
Everybody rake them up…

Book: Where’s the Pumpkin? by Frankie Jones, illustrated by Fhiona Galloway

 where's the pumpkin

Song: (Tune: “Twinkle, twinkle”)

Pumpkin, pumpkin on the ground, (touch the ground)
How’d you get so big and round? (make a big circle)
Once you were a seed so small, (pinch fingers together)
Now you are a great big ball! (make a big circle)
Pumpkin, pumpkin on the ground, (touch the ground)
How’d you get so big and round? (make a big circle)

Credit: Step by Step Childcare

Song/puppet: So many leaves are falling on the ground (Tune: “Five Little Ducks”)

So many leaves are falling on the ground,
Orange ones, yellow ones, and even brown,
But the one little leaf that rhymes with ____________.
Is my favorite color, it’s the color ___________.

 tree puppet

Song: “Row, Row, Row your Boat” – Old Town School of Folk Music: Songs for Wiggleworms

Song: “Reach for the Ceiling” – Toddlers on Parade

Song: “Monkey Dance” – The Wiggles: Yummy Yummy

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Closing rhyme

Craft: Apple with hole for finger/worm


Summer Story Time – Toddler

Opening Song

Sign Language: Summer

Book: Mouse’s First Summer by Lauren Thompson, illustrated by Buket Erdogan

mouses first summer

Rhyme: 1 ant, 2 ants, 3 and 4,
Our picnic is their grocery store.
5 ants, 6 ants, 7 ants, 8,
They are crawling on my plate!
8 ants, 7 ants, stomp around.
6 ants, 5 ants, on the ground.
4 ants, 3 ants, on the run.
2 ants, 1 ant, no more fun!

Song: “Going on a Picnic” – Raffi: The Corner Grocery Store

Book: Beach Feet by Kiyomi Konagaya, illustrated by Masamitsu Saito

beach feet

Flannel: I’m Going to the Beach (Tune: “Farmer in the Dell”

I’m going to the beach,
I’m going to the beach!
I think I’ll see a ___ there,
I’m going to the beach.
repeat with other beach accessories
(Credit: Mel’s Desk)

 Song: “Having Fun at the Beach” – The Wiggles: Splish, Splash, the Big Red Boat

 Book: Just One More by Jennifer Hanson Rolli


Rhyme:  Five Ice Cream Cones

Five little ice cream cones so good to eat.
The first one said, “I’m a summer time treat.”
The second one said, “It’s such a hot day.”
The third one said, “I’m melting away.”
The fourth one said, “Don’t lose your top.”
The fifth one said, “Oh dear, ker-plop!”

 Song: “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Craft: Coloring ice cream cones with pom-pom cherrries and tissue paper sprinkles


Superhero Story Time- Toddler

Opening Song

We are going to read about SUPERHEROES today! Do any of you know what a superhero is? Superheroes have special powers like running fast or flying, but what makes them heroes is that they help other people!

Sign Language: Superman

Book: Do Super Heroes have Teddy Bears? by Carmela LaVigna Coyle; illustrated by Mike Gordon

do superheroes have teddy bears

Fingerplay: Five Superheroes

Five superheroes ready to fly,

Here comes a villain. Stop that guy!

This superhero can save the day.

Off he flies—up, up and away!

(Credit: Read, Rhyme & Sing)

Song: If you’re a hero and you know it…

If you’re a hero and you know it, flex your muscles

If you’re a hero and you know it, flex your muscles

If you’re a hero and you know it then your pose will surely  show it

If you’re a hero and you know it, flex your muscles

(Verses: Jump up high, fly around, run really fast)

(Credit: Franklin Park Public Library District)

Book: Super Sam! by Lori Ries; illustrated by Sue Rama

super sam

Rhyme: Superman

Put your hands way up high (Raise arms up in air)
Like Superman flying across the sky (Assume flying position)
Fly to the left / Now fly to the right (Lean to YOUR right then left)
Now show me your muscles with all your might, (Make arm muscles)
Now Superman’s putting his suit away (Bring arms down slowly)
So he can go flying another day (Rest hands in lap)

(Credit: Sunflower Storytime)

Song: “Jump and Fly” – Laurie Berkner: Rocketship Run

Book (with puppet): Go Away Big Green Monster by Ed Emberley

go away big green monster

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubblegum”- David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Craft: Coloring superhero masks


Family Heroes Story Time- Toddler

Opening Song

Sign language: Family

Today we’ll talk about families! Think about who is in your family… maybe you have a mommy, or a daddy, or a brother, or sister! All families are different but what’s most important is that all families love each other.

Book: The Family Book by Todd Parr

family book

Song:   Where is daddy? (thumb)
Where is mommy? (pointer)
Where is brother? (middle)
Where is sister? (ring)
Where is baby? (pinkie)

(Source: CSLP Manual, adapted by Julie Dietzel-Glair)

Song: ““Jumping and Counting” – Jim Gill: Jim Gill’s Irrational Anthem

Book: Counting Kisses by Karen Katz

counting kisses

Rhyme: I can hug, hug, hug
I can hop, hop, hop
I can kiss, kiss, kiss
I can stop, stop, stop
I can nod my head for yes,
And I can shake my head no,
And I can sit down very slow.

(Credit: Surlalune Storytime)

Song (with scarves): “All I need”- Raffi: Celebration of Family

Book: One Family by George Shannon

one family

Song: Love Grows

Love grows one by one, two by two, and four by four

Love grows, round like a circle

And comes back knocking at your front door

(Credit: Actions from Tom Pease)

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubblegum”- David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Craft: Worksheet (coloring a picture frame and drawing their family)

Medical Heroes Story Time- Toddler

Opening Song

Sign Language: Doctor

Book: How do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon? by Jane Yolen; illustrations by Mark Teague

how do dinosaurs get well soon

Song: “We are the Dinosaurs”- Laurie Berkner: Whaddaya Think of That?

Rhyme: I’ve Got a Cold

I’ve got a cold
My nose can’t smell
My eyes are red
I don’t feel well
So I’ll drink my juice
And go to bed. . .
My nose feels better
And so does my head!

(Credit: SurLaLune Storytime)

Book: Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed by Eileen Christelow

five little monkeys jumping on the bed

Game: Use various animal puppets to complete the rhyme!

Sheep’s nose twitches, sheep’s nose tingles, sheep is going to sneeze! Baa-choo! Baa-choo! Baa-choo!

(Credit: Miss Barbara at the Library)

Song: “Wiggle Song”- Carole Peterson: Sticky Bubble gum & Other Tasty Tunes

Book: Maisy, Charley, and the Wobbly Tooth by Lucy Cousins

maisy charley and the wobbly tooth

Song: “Brush your Teeth”- Raffi: Singable Songs for the Very Young

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubblegum”- David Landau: Kids and Kitties