Beach Story Time – Sensory Friendly

Opening Song

Book: Little Houses by Kevin Henkes, illustrated by Laura Dronzek

Song: “The Waves at the Beach” (Tune: “The Wheels on the Bus”)
The waves at the beach go up and down, (raise and lower arms)
Up and down, up and down,
The waves at the beach go up and down
All day long.

Additional verses:
The sun at the beach goes shine, shine, shine… (open and close hands)
The crab at the beach goes pinch, pinch, pinch… (pinch fingers)
The seagulls at the beach go flap, flap, flap… (flap arms)
The children at the beach have fun, fun, fun… (clap hands)
(Credit: Jen in the Library)

Book: A Perfect Day by Sarah S. Brannen

Song: “Tap, Tap, Tap” – Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer: Get Set for School Sing Along

Movement: Learn the yoga pose “crab”

Social Story: Hum and Swish by Matt Myers

Closing Song

Craft: Paper plate seagulls

Earth Story Time – Sensory Friendly

Opening Song

Book: Red House, Tree House, Little Bitty Brown Mouse by Jane Godwin, illustrated by Blanca Gómez

Song: “Sammy” – Hap Palmer: Getting to Know Myself

Book: The Earth Is Good: A Chant in Praise of Nature by Michael DeMunn, illustrated by Jim McMullan

Song: “Mat Man” – Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer: Get Set for School Sing Along

Yoga: Mountain and tree

Social Story: Big Earth, Little Me by Thom Wiley, illustrated by Kate Endle

Closing Song

Craft: Earth suncatchers

Boat Story Time – Sensory Friendly

Opening Song

Book: Boats on the Bay by Jeanne Walker Harvey, illustrated by Grady McFerrin

Song: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” – Old Town School of Folk Music: Songs for Wiggleworms

Book: And Then Came Hope by Stephen Savage

Song: “Tap, Tap, Tap” – Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer: Get Set for School Sing Along

Movement: Learn the yoga pose “row your boat”

Social Story: We’re All in the Same Boat! by Barney Saltzberg

Closing Song

Craft: Pool noodle boats

Bug Story Time – Sensory Friendly

Opening Song

Book: I Love Bugs! by Philemon Sturges, illustrated by Shari Halpern
love bugs cover image

Song: “Itsy Bitsy Spider” – Old Town School of Folk Music: Songs for Wiggleworms

Book: Firefly Home by Jane Clarke, illustrated by Britta Teckentrup

Song: “Tap, Tap, Tap” – Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer: Get Set for School Sing Along

Movement: Learn the yoga pose “butterfly”

Social Story: Try a Bite, Trilobite! by Jonathan Fenske

Closing Song

Craft: Ladybug headbands

Garden Story Time – Sensory Friendly

Opening Song

Book: How to Say Hello to a Worm by Kari Percival

Song: “The Gardener Plants the Seeds” (Tune: “The Farmer in the Dell”)
The gardener digs the soil.
The gardener digs the soil.
Hi-ho, the derry-oh,
The gardener digs the soil. (pretend to dig)

The gardener plants the seeds.
The gardener plants the seeds.
Hi-ho, the derry-oh,
The gardener plants the seeds. (pretend to plant seeds)

Additional verses:
The rain falls on the ground… (flutter fingers down to the ground)
The sun shines bright and warm… (hold hands in a circle overhead)
The seeds/plants begin to grow… (slowly raise hands from ground)
Flowers grow everywhere… (hold hands outstretched)
Fresh vegetables to eat… (pretend to eat)

Book: Flower Garden by Eve Bunting, illustrated by Kathryn Hewitt
Flower Garden book cover

Song/Video: “Dance for the Sun” – Kira Willey: Dance for the Sun

Yoga: Flower pose

Social Story: Being Responsible by Rebecca Pettiford

Closing Song

Craft: Cupcake liner flowers

Silly Story Time – Sensory Friendly

Opening Song

Book: Silly Sally by Audrey Wood

Song: “Shake My Sillies Out” – Raffi: The Singable Songs Collection

Book: Rhyming Dust Bunnies by Jan Thomas

Song: “Mat Man” – Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer: Get Set for School Sing Along

Yoga/Breathing: Pedal laughing

Social Story: If You’re Angry and You Know It! by Cecily Kaiser, illustrated by Cary Pillo

Closing Song

Craft: Silly sculptures (used pipe cleaners instead of straws)
(Credit: Life with Moore Learning)