Ocean Creatures Story Time – Preschool

Opening Song

Book: Turtle Tug to the Rescue by Michael Slack

Flannel Song: “Bubble, Bubble, Pop!”
One little red fish
Swimming in the water,
Swimming in the water,
Swimming in the water.

One little red fish
Swimming in the water,
Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble…POP!

Additional verses: Increase the number and change the color of the fish.
(Credit: Jbrary)

Book: I Spy Under the Sea by Edward Gibbs

Action Rhyme: “I’m a Little Octopus”
Arm #1 goes swish, swish, swish (swing arms back and forth)
Arm #2 helps me catch fish (wiggle hand back and forth)
Arm #3 pats my head (pat hand on head)
Arm #4 makes sure I’m fed (put hand to mouth)
Arm #5 swims me to shore (move arms in swimming motion)
Arm #6 touches the ocean floor (touch hand to floor)
Arm #7 can grab and tug (open and close hands)
But all eight arms give me a hug! (cross arms and hug yourself)
(Credit: Storytime Katie)

Book/Flannel: I’m the Biggest Thing in the Ocean by Kevin Sherry

Song: “The Goldfish” – Laurie Berkner: Victor Vito

Closing Rhyme

Ocean Story Time – Preschool

Opening Song

Song: “Open Shut Them”
Open shut them, open shut them.
Give a little clap, clap, clap.
Open shut them, open shut them.
Put them in your lap, lap, lap.
Creep them, crawl them
Creep them, crawl them
Right up to your chin, chin, chin
Open wide your little mouth…
But do not let them in.
(Credit: Laurie Berkner)

Book: Jules vs. the Ocean by Jessie Sima

Song: “The Waves in the Ocean” (Tune: “The Wheels on the Bus”)
The waves in the ocean go up and down,
Up and down, up and down.
The waves in the ocean go up and down,
All day long!

Additional verses:
The tide goes in and out
The crabs go pinch, pinch, pinch
The clams go open and shut
The lobsters go click, click, click
The sharks go snap, snap, snap
The fish go swim, swim, swim
The eels go slither, slither, slither
(Credit: Miss Sarah’s Storytime)

Song: “The Goldfish” – Laurie Berkner: Victor Vito

Book: Here Comes Ocean by Meg Fleming, illustrated by Paola Zakimi

Flannel: “Slippery Fish”
Little crab, little crab, scuttling in the water,
Little crab, little crab, Gulp, Gulp, Gulp!
Oh, no! It’s been eaten by a…

Slippery fish, slippery fish, sliding through the water,
Slippery fish, slippery fish, Gulp, Gulp, Gulp!
Oh, no! It’s been eaten by an…

Octopus, octopus, squiggling in the water,
Octopus, octopus, Gulp, Gulp, Gulp!
Oh, no! It’s been eaten by a…

Great white shark, great white shark, lurking in the water,
Great white shark, great white shark, Gulp, Gulp, Gulp!
Oh, no! It’s been eaten by a…

Humongous whale, humongous whale, spouting in the water,
Humongous whale, humongous whale,
Gulp!… Gulp!… Gulp!… BURP!
(Cover your mouth.) Excuse me!
(Credit: Storytime Katie and Jbrary)

Book: A Perfect Day by Sarah S. Brannen

Closing Rhyme

Poetry Story Time – Preschool

Opening Song

Book: Daniel Finds a Poem by Micha Archer

Rhyme: “Hickory Dickory Dock”
Hickory dickory dock,
The mouse ran up the clock. (run fingers up arm)
The clock struck one, (clap once)
The mouse ran down, (run fingers down arm)
Hickory dickory dock.

Additional verses (clap for each number the clock strikes):
…two…said “Boo!”…
…three…said “Whee!”…
…four…said “No more!”…
(Credit: Jbrary)

Song: “Put Your Hands Up High” (tune: “Do Your Ears Hang Low?”)
Put your hands up high,
Put your hands down low,
Put your hands in the middle
And wiggle just so. (wiggle fingers)

Put your elbows in the front,
Put your elbows in the back,
Put your elbows to the side
And “quack, quack, quack.” (flap wings on each quack)
(Credit: Jbrary)

Song: “Open Shut Them” – Laurie Berkner: Laurie Berkner’s Favorite Classic Kids’ Songs

Book: Otto the Owl Who Loved Poetry by Vern Kousky

Song: “The Ants Go Marching”
The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah.
The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah.
The ants go marching one by one,
The little one stops to suck his thumb.
And they all go marching down,
To the ground, to get out, of the rain.

Additional verses:
…two…tie her shoe…
…three…climb a tree…
…four…shut the door…
…five…take a dive…
…six…pick up sticks…
…seven…count to eleven…
…eight…check the gate…
…nine…check the time…
…ten…say “The End!”
(Credit: adapted from King County Library System)

Closing Rhyme

Worm Story Time – Preschool

Opening Song

Book: Wonderful Worms by Linda Glaser, illustrated by Loretta Krupinski

Song: “Little Wiggle Worm Song” (Tune: “I’m a Little Teapot”)
I’m a little wiggle worm, watch me go!
I can wiggle fast, or very very slow
I wiggle all around, then back I go
Down into the ground, to the home I know
(Credit: Handley Regional Library System)

Flannel: Images and facts from Deep Down Underground by Olivier Dunrea.

Song: “The Gardener Plants the Seeds” (Tune: “The Farmer in the Dell”)
The worms mix up the soil,
The worms mix up the soil,
Hi-ho, the derry-oh,
The worms mix up the soil. (pretend to dig)

The gardener plants the seeds.
The gardener plants the seeds.
High ho the derry oh,
The gardener plants the seeds. (pretend to plant seeds)

Additional verses:
The rain falls on the ground… (flutter fingers down to ground)
The sun shines bright and warm… (hold hands in circle overhead)
The seeds/plants begin to grow… (slowly raise hands from ground)
Flowers grow everywhere… (hold hands outstretched)
Fresh vegetables to eat… (pretend to eat)

Book: How to Say Hello to a Worm: A First Guide to Outside by Kari Percival

Song: “The Wiggly Wiggly Earthworm” (Tune: “The Itsy Bitsy Spider”)
The wiggly wiggly earthworm dug through the dirt.
Down came the rain, and wet all the earth.
Out came the sun, and dried up all the rain,
And the wiggly wiggly earthworm dug through the dirt again.

Song/Puppets: “Out in the Garden” (Tune: “Down by the Station”)
Out in the garden, early in the morning,
See the red tomatoes all in a row.
See the hungry _______ coming out to eat them.
Crunch, munch, crunch, munch, off s/he goes.

(Have puppets eat different color vegetables and fruits.)

Book/Puppets: Toto’s Apple by Mathieu Lavoie

Closing Rhyme

Pockets Story Time – Preschool

Opening Song

Book: Poem in My Pocket by Chris Tougas, illustrated by Josée Bisaillon

Song: “Bottle Caps” – Laurie Berkner: Victor Vito (-2:14)

Book/Flannel: What Did You Put in Your Pocket? by Beatrice Schenk de Regniers, illustrated by Michael Grejniec
What did you Put in Your Pocket Cover Image

Song: “I’m Gonna Catch You” – Laurie Berkner: Under a Shady Tree

Activity: Sort colorful items into color-matching pockets

Book/Puppets: A Sock Is a Pocket for Your Toes by Elizabeth Garton Scanlon, illustrated by Robin Preiss Glasser
A Sock is a Pocket for Your Toes Cover Image

Closing Rhyme

Rain Story Time – Preschool

Opening Song

Book: Raindrops Roll by April Pulley Sayre

Song: “It Ain’t Gonna Rain No More”
It ain’t gonna rain no more, no more
It ain’t gonna rain no more
Oh no, it’s up to my toe
But it ain’t gonna rain more.

Additional verses:
Oh gee, it’s up to my knee
Oh my, it’s up to my thigh
Oh fiddle, it’s up to my middle
Oh heck, it’s up to my neck
Oh dread, it’s up to my head, I’m just going to swim on home.

Book: Mushroom in the Rain by Mirra Ginsburg, illustrated by Jose Aruego and Ariane Dewey (Adapted from the Russian of V. Suteyev)

Song: “Open Shut Them” – Laurie Berkner: Laurie Berkner’s Favorite Classic Kids’ Songs

Song: “Little Raindrops” (Tune: “London Bridge”)
Little raindrops falling down, falling down, falling down (tap fingers on the ground/legs)
Little raindrops falling down, falling to the ground

Bigger raindrops falling down, falling down, falling down (tap hands on the ground/legs)
Bigger raindrops falling down, falling to the ground

Other Verses:
Giant raindrops… (stamp feet on the ground)
Fast raindrops… (wiggle fingers and sing quickly)
Slow raindrops… (wiggle fingers and sing slowly)
Teeny Tiny raindrops… (use fingers only for rain and sing in a high pitched voice)
(Credit: Pasadena Public Library)

Book: Tap Tap Boom Boom by Elizabeth Bluemle, illustrated by G. Brian Karas

Song: “If All of the Raindrops” – Old Town School of Folk Music: Songs for Wiggleworms

Closing Rhyme

Disguise Story Time – Preschool

Opening Song

Book: Hoot Owl, Master of Disguise by Sean Taylor, illustrated by Jean Jullien

Song: “If You’re an Owl and You Know It”
If you’re an owl and you know it hoot like this “Hoo(t), hoo(t)…”
If you’re an owl and you know it hoot like this “Hoo(t), hoo(t)…”
If you’re an owl and you know it then your hoot will surely show it
If you’re an owl and you know it hoot like this “Hoo(t), hoo(t)…”

Additional verses:
Flap your wings (flap wings)
Blink your eyes (blink eyes and open and close hands to help mimic the movement)
Turn your head (turn it from side to side!)
Put on your disguise (mime putting on costume)

Book: Undercover Ostrich by Joe Kulka

Flannel: “Who Is That?”
Who is that? Who is that?
Who is under the [say type of hat] hat?
(Credit: Storytime in the Stacks)

Song: “Open Shut Them” – Laurie Berkner: Laurie Berkner’s Favorite Classic Kids’ Songs

Book: You Are NOT A Cat! by Sharon G. Flake, illustrated by Anna Raff

Rhyme: “Abracadabra, Alaka-zow!”
Abra-cadabra, Alaka-zow
When I say KAZAM you’ll all be cows! KAZAM!

Abra-cadabra, Alaka-zello
When I say KAZAM you’ll all be jello! KAZAM!

Abra-cadabra, Alaka-zitty
When I say KAZAM you’ll all be kitties! KAZAM!

Abra-cadabra, Alaka-zids
When I say KAPOW you’ll turn back into kids! KAPOW!
(Credit: Handley Regional Library)

Closing Rhyme

Green Story Time – Preschool

Opening Song

Book: Little Pea by Amy Krouse Rosenthal, illustrated by Jen Corace

Song: “Oats, Peas, Beans, and Barley Grow” – Peter Moses: 90 Nifty Songs
Oats, peas, beans, and barley grow,
Oats, peas, beans, and barley grow,
Can you or I or anyone know
How oats, peas, beans, and barley grow?

First the farmer sows his seed,
Then he stands and takes his ease,
He stamps his feet and claps his hands,
And turns around to view his lands.


Next the farmer waters the seed,
Then she stands and takes her ease,
She stamps her feet and claps her hands,
And turns around to view her lands.


Next the farmer hoes the weeds,
Then he stands and takes his ease,
He stamps his feet and claps his hands,
And turns around to view his lands.


Last the farmer harvests her seed,
Then she stands and takes her ease,
She stamps her feet and claps her hands,
And turns around to view her lands.


Song: “Green Zucchini” (Tune: “Alouette”)
Green zucchini, I like green zucchini
Green zucchini, that’s what I like best.
Do you like it on your head?
Yes I like it on my head.
On your head? On my head.

Verses: on my shirt, on my socks

Book: Green is a Chile Pepper: A Book of Colors by Roseanne Greenfield Thong, illustrated by John Parra
Green is a Chile Pepper cover image

Song: “Mi Cuerpo” – Hot Peas ‘n Butter: Best of the Bowl
Mi cuerpo, mi cuerpo hace musica (2x)

Mis manos hacen (clap clap clap)
Mis pies hacen (stomp stomp stomp)
Mi boca dice (la la la)
Mi cintura hace (cha cha cha!)

Book: Green by Laura Vaccaro Seeger
Green book cover

Song/flannel: “Ten Little Grasshoppers”

Song: “This is How I Do It” – Laurie Berkner: Superhero

Closing Rhyme

Home Story Time – Preschool

Opening Song

Book: Home Is… by Hannah Barnaby, illustrated by Frann Preston-Gannon

Flannel: “Can We Find?” (Tune: “The Muffin Man”)

Song: “In and Out the Doors” (Tune: “Go In and Out the Window”)
Step in and out the front door. (take a step forward, then back)
Step in and out the front door. Step in and out the front door.
Then make a doorbell sound. (say “ding dong”)

Jump in and out the back door. (jump forward, then back)
Jump in and out the back door. Jump in and out the back door.
Bend down and touch the ground. (touch ground with hand)

Slide in and out the side door. (slide to one side, then other)
Slide in and out the side door. Slide in and out the side door.
And then turn all around. (turn around)

Step in and out the front door.
Jump in and out the back door.
Slide in and out the side door.
Then sit yourself right down. (sit down)
(Credit: Susan M. Dailey)

Book: Windows by Julia Denos, illustrated by E. B. Goodale

Finger Puppets: “A Window Light”
A window light,
So bright at night.
The shade goes up (open shade)
Who do I see?
________ is there,
Waiting for me!
Goodnight, ________. (close shade)
(Credit: Leah Portz)

Song: “Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Book/Puppets: Lilah Tov, Good Night by Ben Gundersheimer, illustrated by Noar Lee Naggan

Closing Rhyme

Messy and Clean Story Time – Preschool

Opening Song

Book: Bathe the Cat by Alice B. McGinty, illustrated by David Roberts

Song/Activity: “Clean It Up” – Laurie Berkner: Buzz Buzz

Book: Dog’s Colorful Day: A Messy Story about Colors and Counting by Emma Dodd
dogs colorful day

Song: “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” – Joanie Bartels: Bathtime Magic

Flannel: “Five Pigs So Squeaky Clean” (Tune: “Five Green and Speckled Frogs”)
Five pigs so squeaky clean
Cleanest you’ve ever seen
Wanted to go outside and play
Oink! Oink!
One jumped into the mud
Landed with a big THUD
Then there were four clean squeaky pigs.
(Credit: Mel’s Desk)

Book: Off-Limits by Helen Yoon

Closing Rhyme