Superhero Story Time – Preschool

Introduction: We are going to read about SUPERHEROES today! Do any of you know what a superhero is? Superheroes have special powers like running fast or flying, but what makes them heroes is that they help other people!
Book: Ladybug Girl by David Soman and Jacky Davis
Song: ” Superhero, Superhero”
Superhero, superhero turn around
Superhero, superhero touch the ground
Superhero, superhero put on your suit
Superhero, Superhero put on your boots
Superhero, Superhero put on your cape
Superhero, Superhero don’t be late
Superhero, Superhero jump up high
Superhero, Superhero fly, fly, fly
Superhero, Superhero you are it!
Superhero, Superhero now we sit.
Book: Bedtime for Batman by Michael Dahl
Song: “SUPER” (Tune: “BINGO”)
There was a kid who wore a cape,
she was a super hero.
S-U-P-E-R, S-U-P-E-R,S-U-P-E-R,
She was a super hero!
(Repeat, gradually replacing each letter with Superman-like arm movements or claps)
Flannel Board: Capes of Many Colors

my many colored capes

My cape of bravery
Goes over my head
It makes me feel bold
And its color is ________  (red).

My cape of honesty
Makes villains speak true
And chases out lies
Its color is __________ (blue).
My cape of fairness
Conquers those who are mean
It makes me feel strong,
And its colors is __________ (green).

My cape of calmness
Makes me feel mellow
It quiets the world
And its colors is __________ (yellow).

My cape of wisdom
Helps me to think
And solve tricky problems
Its color is ________ (pink).

My favorite cape
Give me a nice glow
Its all these great colors
In a rainbow!
(Source: Carissa Christner, Madison Public Library)

Flannel/Fingerplay: “Five Superheroes”
5 superheroes ready to fly
Here comes the villain,
Stop that guy!
This superhero can save the day.
Off he flies – up, up, and away!

Count down from 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
(Credit: Jbrary)

Book: Superworm by Julia Donaldson
Craft: Decorate your own superhero cuffs (toilet paper rolls, crayons, star stickers)

Sandra Boynton Story Time – Preschool

Opening song

Book/app: Blue Hat, Green Hat by Sandra Boynton

Song: “I Like my Hat” – Carole Peterson: Stinky Cake

Rhyme: Color Rhyme by Jean Warren
If your clothes have any red
Put your finger on your head

If your clothes have any blue
Put your finger on your shoe.

If your clothes have any green
Wave your hand so you’ll be seen

If your clothes have any yellow,
Smile like a happy fellow

If your clothes have any brown,
Turn your smile into a frown.

If your clothes have any black,
Put your hands behind your back.

If your clothes have any white,
Clap your hands with all your might.

Book:  Pajama Time! by Sandra Boynton

Rhyme: Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

Book: Moo, Baa, La, La, La by Sandra Boynton

moo baa la

Song:  “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” – Bob McGrath: Sing Along with Bob #2

Song: “This is the Way We Clap Our Hands” – Kimbo Educational: Teach a Toddler

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Closing Song

Craft: Udderfly puppet on straw


Spring Story Time – Preschool

Opening Song

Book: Old Bear by Kevin Henkes

old bear cover image

Song: “It Is Springtime” – Junior Jukebox: Four Seasons

Book: Snow Rabbit, Spring Rabbit: A Book of Changing Seasons by Il Sung Na

Rhyme: “Little Brown Rabbit Popped Out of the Ground” (There Was an Old Lady”)
A little brown rabbit popped out of the ground, (Make fist with right hand. Open 2 fingers- like ears – on “popped.”)
Wriggled his whiskers and looked around. (Wriggle fingers.)
Another small rabbit who lived in the grass (Make fist with left hand.)
Popped his head out and watched him pass. (Pop up 2 fingers on left hand.)
Then both the small rabbits went hoppity hop, (Make both fists hop them up and down.)
Hoppity, hoppity, hop, (Continue to hop fists up and down.)
Till they came to a wall and had to stop. (Stop hopping hands.)
Then both the small rabbits turned themselves round, (Twist hands at wrists.)
And hurried off home to their holes in the ground. (Run hands quickly behind back.)
(Credit: Early Play Rhymes)

Flannel: “There’s something in my garden”
There’s something in my garden,
Now what can it be?
There’s something in my garden
That I can’t really see.
Hear its funny sound….
Ribbit – Ribbit – Ribbit
A Frog is what I found!

Repeat with other animals, such as a crow (caw-caw-caw), mouse (squeak-squeak-squeak), rabbit (thump-thump-thump), bird (tweet-tweet-tweet) etc.
(Credit: Sunflower Storytime)

Song: “Won’t you plant your seeds with care” – Kathy Reid-Naiman: Say Hello to the Morning

Puppets/Book: Puddle Jumpers by Anne Margaret Lewis, illustrated by Nancy Cote

Closing Song

Craft: Bunny puppet

Love and Friendship Story Time – Preschool

Opening Song

Book: Love the World by Todd Parr

Song: “The More We Get Together” – Raffi: The Singable Songs Collection (with sign language for “more” “together” and “happy”)

Book: I Just Ate My Friend by Heidi McKinnon

Movement/Rhyme: Little Heart
I have a little heart, (place hand over heart)
And it goes thump, thump, thump (pat chest three times)
It keeps right on beating,
When I jump, jump, jump (jump three times)
I get a special feeling, when I look at you. (point to child)
It makes me want to give you a hug or two. (hug yourself)
(Credit: The Best Kids Book Site)

Book: I Need a Hug by Aaron Blabey

Flannel:  “Heart” (Tune: “B-I-N-G-O”)
I know a shape and it means love
and heart is its name-o
H-E-A-R-T 3x
And heart is its name-o
(Credit: Everything Preschool)

Song: “Love Grows One by One” – Tom Pease: I’m Gonna Reach!

Puppet Story: Porcupining by Lisa Wheeler

Closing Rhyme

Craft: Porcupine fork painting

Construction Story Time – Preschool

Opening Song

Book: Go! Go! Go! Stop! by Charise Mericle Harper

Song:  “Stop & Go” – Kira Willey: Mindful Moments for Kids

Book: Job Site by Nathan Clement

Song: “This Is the Way Construction Song” (Tune: “This Is the Way”)
This is the way we pound our nails,
Pound our nails, pound our nails.
This is the way we pound our nails,
So early in the morning.

Additional Verses:
Saw the wood
Turn the screw
Stack the bricks
Stir the paint
Paint the walls

Flannel: Six Big Machines

Rhyme: Brick by Brick
Brick by brick
By brick by brick,
My building’s so high,
It’s scraping the sky.
(Place fists one on top of the other, going higher each time.)

Brick by brick
By brick by brick,
My building will sway
When the wind blows this way.
(Sway left, then right.)

Brick by brick
By brick by brick,
Now I’m ready to stop
And a flag goes on top.
(Open one fist and wave hand left and right.)

Book: Builders and Breakers by Steve Light

Closing rhyme

Coffee ground construction site

Airplanes Story Time – Preschool

Opening Song

Book: The Noisy Airplane Ride by Mike Downs, illustrated by David Gordon

Song: “The Airplane Song” – Laurie Berkner: Whaddaya Think of That?

Book: Little Plane Learns to Write by Stephen Savage

Movement/Song: “Go Plane Go” – Kira Willey: Kings & Queens of the Forest

Flannel: “Six Little Airplanes”
Six little airplanes flying around
One decided to touch down …zoom
Leaving 5 little airplanes flying around.

Repeat, counting down until there are no airplanes left.

Song: “I’m an Airplane” (Tune: “Frère Jacques”)
I’m an airplane, I’m an airplane
Flying high, flying high
I can tilt this way, I can tilt this way
In the sky, in the sky.

Additional verses:
I can tilt that way, in the sky
I can make a landing, from the sky

Book: A Plane Goes Ka-Zoom! by Jonathan London, illustrated by Denis Roche

Closing Rhyme

Craft: Classic paper airplanes

Brave Story Time – Preschool

Opening song

Book: Morris Mole by Dan Yaccarino

Scarves/Song:  “Brave” – Sara Bareilles: The Blessed Unrest

Book: I am (Not) Scared by Anna Kang, illustrated by Christopher Weyant

Song: “Roller Coaster” – Kira Willey: Kings & Queens of the Forest

Flannel: PAW Patrol Colors
Flannel: PAW Patrol Colors

Pups to the Rescue! book cover

A fire hose on his back
A fireman’s helmet on his head
Marshall’s patrol vest is RED

With a nose meant to follow
He sniffs a scent that’s new
Chase’s patrol vest is BLUE

She flies in a helicopter
She jets off in a blink
Skye’s patrol vest is PINK

He loves a digger and a shovel
And a bath to feel mellow
Rubble’s patrol vest is YELLOW

He recycles and reuses
To keep the Earth clean
Rocky’s patrol vest is GREEN

With tanks for underwater
And a hovercraft in storage
Zuma’s patrol vest is ORANGE
(Credit: Leah Portz)

Movement rhyme: ” Superhero, Superhero”
Superhero, superhero turn around
Superhero, superhero touch the ground
Superhero, superhero put on your suit
Superhero, Superhero put on your boots.
Superhero, Superhero, jump up high
Superhero, Superhero, fly, fly, fly
Superhero, Superhero, turn around.
Superhero, Superhero, please sit down.
(Credit: Jbrary)

Puppets/Book: Boo! by Ben Newman

Closing rhyme

Craft: Decorate a bravery mask