Book Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song

Sign Language: Book

Book with Puppets:  Book! Book! Book! by Deborah Brass, illustrated by Tiphanie Beeke

Book! Book! Book! book cover

Song: “There’s a Dog in School” – Stuart Stotts and Tom Pease: Celebrate: A Song Resource

Book: Roger is Reading a Book by Koen Van Biesen

roger-is-reading cover image

Felt Rhyme:
Five little books, sitting in pile.
Look inside, and see a crocodile.
Four little books, all in a pile.
All standing straight in a single file.
Three little books, sitting on the shelf.
Can you take one and read it for yourself?
Two little books, left on the pile.
Find one now and read it with a smile!
One little book, all that is there.
Found itself a reader who is happy to share.

Song: “If you’re happy and you know it read a book (read a book)
If you’re happy and you know it read a book (read a book)
If you’re happy and you know and you really want to show it
If you’re happy and you know it read a book (read a book)
Alternate verses: turn the page, check out some books

Book: Book! by

book cover image

Song: “Rhythm in the Scarves”- The Second Line- Scarf Activity Songs: Johnette Downing

Closing Rhyme

Craft: B Is for book



Elephants Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song

Sign Language: Elephant

Book: My Elephant by Petr Horáček

my-elephant cover image


Song/Rhyme: Two big elephants were sitting on a hill
One named Jack and the other named Jill
Run away, Jack! Run away, Jill!
Come back, Jack! Come back, Jill!

Book: Elephants by Mary Lindeen

elephants cover image

Felt Story:
1 elephant in the bathtub going for a swim.
Knock, knock (clap hands for each knock)
Splash, splash (pat lap for each splash)
Come on in! (Wave hand invitingly)
5 elephants in the bathtub going for a swim.
Knock, knock (clap hands for each knock)
Splash, splash(pat lap for each splash)
And they all fell in!

Song: “Monkey Dance” – The Wiggles: Yummy Yummy

Book: Elecopter by Michael Slack

elecopter cover image

Book: Always by Emma Dodd

always cover image

Song: “The Hands are for Clapping” – Jim Gill: Jim Gill Sings the Sneezing Song and Other Contagious Tunes

Closing Rhyme


elephant craft image


Boxes – Everybody Story Time

Opening Song

Sign Language: “Box”

Book: Harry’s Box by Angela McAllister and Jenny Jones

harry's box cover image

Song/Rhyme: “Jack in the Box” – Carol Totsky Hammett: It’s Toddler Time

Book: More Bugs in Boxes by David A. Carter

more bugs boxes cover image

Puppet Activity: Guess the Animals in the Box
I filled a cardboard box with a variety of puppets.  I described the animals and had them guess. Then we made the animal sounds together.

Rhyme: “I Like to Be a Jumping Jack”
I like to be a jumping jack
And jump out from a box
I like to be a rocking horse
And rock and rock and rock.
I like to be a spinning top
And spin around and round
I like to be a rubber ball
And bounce right to the ground

Big Book: Sitting in My Box by Dee Lillegard, illustrated by Jon Agee

sitting in my box cover image

Book: Not a Box by Antoinette Portis

not a box

Song: “Can’t Wait to Celebrate”- Jim Gill: Jim Gill’s Irrational Album

Closing Rhyme

Craft: Kids used square pieces of paper to make whatever they liked. These are the examples I gave them:


Sports Story Time – Everybody

Opening song

Sign Language:  Sports/Compete/Race

Book: Take Me Out to the Yakyu by Aaron Meshon

Take Me out to the Yakyu

Song: I’m in the Mood for Singing – Raffi: Rise And Shine (played on ukulele)
I’m in the mood for singing
Hey, how about you?

I’m in the mood for singing
I’m in the mood for singing
Singing along with you
Hey, hey, what do you say
D                                     G
I’m in the mood for that today
C                   G
Hey, hey, what do you say
D                                    G
I’m in the mood for that.
(verses: racing, reading)

Book: Clothesline Clues to Sports People Play by Kathryn Heling and Deborah Hembrook, illustrated by Andy Robert Davies

clothesline clues to sports people play

Activity: Baseball Number Match
Children matched the number on the baseballs to the glove with the same number of dots.

baseball math

(Source: Preschool Plan It )

Flannel Story: The Tortoise and the Hare told in the style of Hare and Tortoise by Alison Murray

Hare and Tortoise

Fingerplay: Here’s A Ball
Here’s a little ball.
(Make a small with your thumb and index finger.)
And here’s a bigger ball.
(Make a bigger ball using both thumbs and both index fingers.)
And a great big ball, I see.
(Make a ball by holding your arms up over your head and touching your fingers together.)
Shall we count them?
Are you ready?
One, Two, Three
(make all three balls in succession)

(Source: Bright Hub Education)

Book: Dunk Skunk by Michael Rex

dunk skunk

Closing rhyme

Craft: Pom Pom Sports

Pom Pom Sports





Beach Story Time – Everybody

Opening song

Sign Language: Swim

Book:  Beach Day! by Patricia Lakin, illustrated by Scott NashHey, how about you?

Beach Day!

Song: I’m in the Mood for Singing – Raffi: Rise And Shine (played on ukulele)
I’m in the mood for singing
Hey, how about you?

I’m in the mood for singing
I’m in the mood for singing
Singing along with you
Hey, hey, what do you say
D                                     G
I’m in the mood for that today
C                   G
Hey, hey, what do you say
D                                    G
I’m in the mood for that.
(verses: swimming, reading)

Book: Sea, Sand, Me! by Patricia Hubbell, illustrated by Lisa Campbell Ernst

Flannel: Five Little Sandcastles

5 little sandcastles

Five little sandcastles built by the shore,
Along came a wave and WHOOSH!
there were four.

Four little sandcastles built by you and me,
Along came a wave and WHOOSH!
there were three.

Three little sandcastles built by me and you,
Along came a wave and WHOOSH!
there were two.

Two little sandcastles built in the sun,
Along came a wave and WHOOSH!
there was one.

One little sandcastle built just for fun,
Along came a wave and WHOOSH!
there were none.

(Source: Story Tree)

Movement: Octopus (Slippery Fish) – Charlotte Diamond: 24 Carrot Diamond (with scarves)

Movie: Chicka Cicka Boom Boom

chicka chicka boom boom

Song: The Fish in the Sea (to the tune of The Wheels on the Bus)
The fish in the sea go swish swish swish,
Swish swish swish, swish swish swish,
The fish in the sea go swish swish swish,
G7   C
All day long.

The jellies in the sea go wiggle, wiggle, wiggle…
The sharks in the sea go chomp, chomp, chomp…
The crabs in the sea go pinch, pinch, pinch….

(Source: Storytime Ukulele)

Book: Senses at the Seashore by Shelley Rotner

Closing rhyme

Craft: Crab





Fruit & Veggies Story Time – Everybody

Opening song

Sign Language: Fruit and Vegetables

Book: Little Pea by Amy Krouse Rosenthal, illustrated by Jen Corace

little pea

Fingerplay: Five Little Peas
Five little peas in a pea pod pressed.
(fold hands in front of you)
1 grew, 2 grew and so did all the rest
(pull one set of  fingers out of the fist at a time)
They grew and they grew
(slowly pull hands apart)
And they did not stop
(stretch arms as far apart as possible)
Until one day, that pod went, Pop!
(Clap hands loudly)

Song: I’m in the Mood for Singing – Raffi: Rise And Shine (played on ukulele)
I’m in the mood for singing
Hey, how about you?

I’m in the mood for singing
Hey, how about you?

I’m in the mood for singing
Singing along with you
Hey, hey, what do you say
D                                     G
I’m in the mood for that today
C                   G
Hey, hey, what do you say
D                                    G
I’m in the mood for that.
(verses: eating, reading)

Book: The Watermelon Seed by Greg Pizzoli

watermelon seed

Flannel: Color Soup
Take an apple,
Put it in the pot.
Stir it, stir it, stir it a lot.
Take it out now.
What will it be?
The prettiest RED you ever did see!
(repeat with carrot, banana, broccoli, blueberry, and eggplant)
(Source: Kidjamboree)

Puppet Show: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

Song: Apples and Bananas (ukulele)

C                            G7
I like to eat, eat, eat, apples and bananas.
I like to eat, eat, eat, apples and bananas.

(Source: Storytime Ukulele)

Closing rhyme

Craft: Little Pea Family

pea pod craft





Dance Story Time – Everybody

Opening song

Sign Language:  Dance

Book: Baby Danced the Polka by Karen Beaumont, illustrated by Jennifer Plecas

Baby Danced the Polka

Song: I’m in the Mood for Singing – Raffi: Rise And Shine (played on ukulele)
I’m in the mood for singing
Hey, how about you?

I’m in the mood for singing
Hey, how about you?

I’m in the mood for singing
Singing along with you
Hey, hey, what do you say
D                                     G
I’m in the mood for that today
C                   G
Hey, hey, what do you say
D                                    G
I’m in the mood for that.

(verses: dancing, clapping, reading)

Book: If You’re a Monster and You Know It by Rebecca Emberly & Ed Emberly

If you're a monster and you know it

Movement: “Silly Dance Contest” – Jim Gill: JIm Gill Sings the Sneezing Song and Other Contagious Tunes

App Story Barnyard Dance- Boynton by Loud Crow Interactive ($3.99 iOS and Android)
An app based on  Barnyard Dance by Sandra Boynton.

 Barnyard Dance App

Fingerplay: Dance Your Fingers Up
Dance your fingers up, dance your fingers down.
Dance your fingers to the side, dance them all around.
Dance them on your shoulders, dance them on your head.
Dance them on your tummy, and put them all to bed.

(Source: King County Library System)

Book: Dancing Feet by Lindsey Craig, illustrated by Marc Brown

dancing feet

Closing Song

Craft: Ribbon Dancer

Ribbon Dancer










Playing Outside Story Time – Everybody

Opening song

Sign Language:  Play

Book: Let’s Play in the Forest While the Wolf is Not Around  by Claudia Rueda

let's play in the forest

Song/Rhyme: I’m in the Mood for Singing – Raffi: Rise And Shine (played on ukulele)
I’m in the mood for singing
Hey, how about you?

I’m in the mood for singing
Hey, how about you?

I’m in the mood for singing
Singing along with you
Hey, hey, what do you say
D                                     G
I’m in the mood for that today
C                   G
Hey, hey, what do you say
D                                    G
I’m in the mood for that.

(verses: playing, clapping, reading)

Activity: Kangaroo, Kangaroo Where Are You?

Kangaroo and Joey wanted to play hide and seek! While the kids counted to 10, I hid Kangaroo behind one of the shapes. After saying “Kangaroo, Kangaroo Where Are You?, ” the kids called out a shape or color to look behind.

kangaroo flannel activity

(Source: Falling Flannel Boards)

Book: Sometimes I Like to Curl Up In a Ball by Vicki Churchill, illustrated by Charles Fuge

Sometimes I Like to Curl Up in a Ball

Fingerplay: Five Little Ducks Went Out to Play

Flannel Story:  Stuck  by Oliver Jeffers

 Stuck flannel

Song/Rhyme: Little Red Wagon (played on ukulele):
Bumping up and down in my little red wagon
Bumping up and down in my little red wagon
Bumping up and down in my little red wagon
G7                                    C
Won’t you be my darling

(Source: Storytime Ukulele)

Book: Chalk by Bill Thomson


Closing Song

Craft: Paper Plate Frisbee









Mustache Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song

Sign Language: Mustache

Book: Mustache Baby by Bridget Heos, illustrated by Joy Ang

mustache baby cover image
Song: Red, red, red, touch your head.
Blue, blue, blue, tie your shoe.
Brown, brown, brown, touch the ground.
White, white, white, take a bite.
Black, black, black, touch your back.
Purple, purple, purple, draw a circle.
Pink, pink, pink, give a wink.
Gray, gray, gray, shout hooray!

Book: Mo’s Mustache by Ben Clanton

mo's mustache cover image

Flannel: There once lived a man named Mr. Lou,
He had a mustache that grew, and grew, and GREW!
On Monday it was as tiny as his nose,
On Tuesday it was as wide as his smile.
On Wednesday it stretched as far as his ears.
On Thursday it was as long as his arms!
But on Friday Mr. Lou caught the flu… ACHOOO!
and off went the mustache into the air as it flew, flew, FLEW!

Mr. Lou

Courtesy of Sunflower Storytime

Rhyme: This is the circle that is my head (large circle with both hands)
This is my mouth with which words are said (point to mouth)
These are my eyes with which I see (point to eyes)
This is my nose that’s a part of me (point to nose)
This is the hair that grows on my head (point to hair)
And this is my hat all pretty and red (place hands on head, fingers pointing up and touching)

Book: Book-O-Beards by Donald Lemke, illustrated by Bob Lentz

book-o-beards cover image

Song: One little, two little, three little mustaches
Four little, five little, six little mustaches
Seven little, eight little, nine little mustaches
Ten little mustaches under your nose

Movie: Caps for Sale

caps for sale

Closing Rhyme



Dinosaur Story Time- Everybody

Opening Song

Book: Dinosaur vs. The Library by Bob Shea

dionsaur vs library

Song: “We Are the Dinosaurs” – Laurie Berkner: Whaddaya Think of That?

Book: If I Had a Raptor by George O’Connor

if i had a raptor cover image

Song: Dinosaur, Dinosaur”
Dinosaur, dinosaur, turn around
Dinosaur, dinosaur, touch the ground
Dinosaur, dinosaur, reach up high
Dinosaur, dinosaur, wink one eye
Dinosaur, dinosaur, touch your nose
Dinosaur, dinosaur, touch your toes
Dinosaur, dinosaur, slap your knees
Dinosaur, dinosaur, sit down please

Activity: I hid each dinosaur behind a shape and asked the kids what shape I should look under. I said the name of the dinosaur and then had them say it.

Book: Shape by Shape by Suse MacDonald

Song: The Tyrannosaurus Rex goes grr grr grr grr grr grr, grr grr grr
The Tyrannosaurus Rex goes grr grr grr…All through the swamp.
The Triceratops’ horns go poke poke poke…(etc.)
The Stegosaurus tail goes spike, spike, spike…(etc.)
The Apatasaurus mouth goes munch, munch, munch…(etc.)
The Pteranodon’s wings go flap flap flap…(etc.)

Flannel Story: How Do Dinosaurs Count to Ten? by Jane Yolen & Mark Teague

how do dinosaurs count to ten cover image

Book: Bones, Bones, Dinosaur Bones by Byron Barton

bones bones dinosaur bones cover image

Closing Rhyme


dinosaur egg story time craft