House Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song

Book: Roy’s House by Susan Goldman Rubin, art by Roy Lichtenstein


Song: “Five Little Monkeys”- David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Book: There’s an Alligator Under My Bed by Mercer Mayer

There's an Alligator Under My Bed book cover

Rhyme/flannel: Some Houses

Some houses are wood and some are stone.
But let’s build one with shapes alone.

Start with a square but we won’t stop.
Add a triangle up on the top.
Then a rectangle for the door.
Now square windows 1, 2, 3, 4!
A little circle just for fun.
Now our shape house is all done!


(Credit: Finger Tales by Joan Phelps)

Song: In and Out the Doors (Credit: Susan M. Dailey) (tune: “Go In and Out the Window”)

Step in and out the front door. (take a step forward, then back)
Step in and out the front door. Step in and out the front door.
Then make a doorbell sound. (say “ding dong”)

Jump in and out the back door. (jump forward, then back)
Jump in and out the back door. Jump in and out the back door.
Bend down and touch the ground. (touch ground with hand)

Slide in and out the side door. (slide to one side, then other)
Slide in and out the side door. Slide in and out the side door.
And then turn all around. (turn around)

Step in and out the front door.
Jump in and out the back door.
Slide in and out the side door.
Then sit yourself right down. (sit down)

Book: Bear at Home by Stella Blackstone, illustrated by Debbie Harter

Bear at Home

Song: “Jumping and Counting” – Jim Gill: Jim Gill’s Irrational Anthem

Activity: Clean Up – Sort Items into the correct bag

Clean up Activity Image

Song: “If You’re Happy and You Know It” – Laurie Berkner: Favorite Classic Kids’ Songs

Closing Rhyme



Family Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song

Book: The Family Book by Todd Parr

The Family Book book cover

Song: “Love Grows”
Love grows one by one, two by two, and four by four
Love grows, round like a circle
And comes back knocking at your front door
(Credit: Actions from Tom Pease)

Book: One Family by George Shannon

one family

Flannel: Hearts
Hearts, hearts, how many do I see?
Hearts, hearts, count them with  me.
I have a red one, orange one, yellow one too.
I have a green one, purple one, and one that is blue.
I have a pink one, brown one, and one that is white.
And one last valentine as black as the night.
Hearts, hearts, how many do I see?
Hearts, hearts, count them with  me.

Song: If You Have a Brother . . . (Tune: “Mary Had a Little Lamb”)

If you have a brother
A brother, a brother
If you have a brother
Please stand up!

Repeat with different family members.
(Credit: Abby the Librarian)

Book: Knuffle Bunny by Mo Willems

knuffle bunny

Song: “Can’t Wait to Celebrate”- Jim Gill: Jim Gill’s Irrational Album

Song: “Pig on her Head” – Laurie Berkner: The Best of the Laurie Berkner Band

Closing Rhyme

Craft: Family Tree

family tree craft


Socks and Shoes Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song

Book: Duck Sock Hop by Jane Kohuth, illustrated by Jame Porter

Song: “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes”

Book: Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes by Eric Litwin, illustrated by James Dean

pete the cat i love my white shoes

Flannel: I Love My White Shoes with Actions

Jumping in my Red Shoes
Walking in my Blue Shoes
Tip toe in my Brown Shoes
Running in my Wet Shoes

Song: Everybody knows I love my toes.
I love my shoulders, my knees, my elbows, and my nose.
But everybody knows I love my toes.

Book: Have You Seen My New Blue Socks? by Eve Bunting, illustrated by Sergio Ruzzier

have you seen my new blue socks

Song: I can walk on two feet, on two feet, on two feet
I can walk on two feet all day long.

Additional verses:
Hop on one foot

Book: Which Shoes Would You Choose? by Betsy R. Rosenthal, illustrated by Nancy Cote

cover image which shoes would you choose

Song: “Boots” – Laurie Berkner: Victor Vito

Closing Rhyme

Craft: Sock coloring sheet with stickers





Fort Night Story Time – Everybody

Opening song

Book: Can’t Sleep Without Sheep by Susanna Leonard Hill, illustrated by Mike Wohnoutka

Flannel: Where is the green sheep?

Song: “Turn-a-round” – Hap Palmer: Getting to Know Myself

Book: Goodnight Bob by Ann and John Hassett

Song: “Moon, moon, moon” – Laurie Berkner: Lullabies

Book: Everyone is Yawning by Anita Bijsterbosch

Song: “Yawn, Yawn, Yawn” – The Wiggles: Yummy, Yummy

Book: Fort Building Time by Megan Wagner Lloyd, illustrated by Abigail Halpin

Song: “Twinkle Twinkle”

Hello, Goodbye Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song

Book: Say Hello by Rachel Isadora

Song: “Clap Your Hands”- Old Town School of Folk Music: Wiggleworms Love You

Book: Hello, Sun! by Dayle Ann Dodds, illustrated by Sachiko Yoshikawa

Flannel: Can We Find? (Tune: The Muffin Man)
(Hide six different items under the houses. Look for each one after singing the refrain. Greet each item with a loud hello after finding.)
Can we find a red cat?
A red cat? A red cat?
Can we find a red cat?
We want to say hello!

(source: Storytime Katie)

Song: Bread and Butter

Book: Hello, Day! by Anita Lobel

Song: Hands Are Clapping
(sing to tune of “Skip To My Lou”)
Hands are clapping
Clap clap clap
Hands are clapping
Clap clap clap
Hands are clapping
Clap clap clap
Clap your hands my darling!

Continue with …
-feet are stomping
-arms are flapping
-legs are jumping

Book: Wave Goodbye by Rob Reid, illustrated by Lorraine Williams

Song (with shaky eggs): “Shaky, Shaky” – The Wiggles: Yummy, Yummy

Closing Rhyme

Craft: Many Languages Waver

Pig Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song

Book: Little Oink by Amy Krouse Rosenthal, illustrated by Jen Corace

Song: “The Tail of a Pig” (Tune: “The Wheels on the Bus”)
The tail of a pig curls round and round… (circle finger round and round) All through the mud.
The mouth of a pig goes oink, oink, oink… (put hand in front of mouth like a snout)
The snout of a pig goes root, root, root…(act with snout and hands like you are rooting through the mud)
The trotters of a pig go run, run, run…
The ears of a pig go twitch, twitch, twitch…

Book: Pigs by Wendy Strobel Dieker

pigs cover

Flannel: Five pigs so squeaky clean
Cleanest that you’ve ever seen
Wanted to outside and play (IN THE MUD)
One jumped into the mud
Landed with a great big thud
Then there were four clean squeaky pigs (Oink, oink!)

Rhyme: Little Pig, Little Pig, turn around
Little Pig, Little Pig, touch the ground
Little Pig, Little Pig, reach up high
Little Pig, Little Pig, wink one eye
Little Pig, Little Pig, touch your nose
Little Pig, Little Pig, touch your toes
Little Pig, Little Pig, slap your knees
Little Pig, Little Pig, sit down please

Book: How Big is a Pig? by Claire Beaton

how big is a pig

Song: “Pig on her Head” – Laurie Berkner: The Best of the Laurie Berkner Band

Book: Pepo and Lolo are Friends by Ana Martin Larranaga

pepo and lolo cover image

Puppet: Do Pigs say Moo? (Source: Falling Flannel Boards)

Song: “Clap Your Hands” – They Might Be Giants: Here Come the ABCs

Closing Rhyme


Monster Story Time – Everybody

Opening song

App: Go Away Big Green Monster

Song: “If You’re Happy and You Know It” – Sesame Street: Kids Favorite Songs 2

Action Rhyme: Monsters, Monsters Turn Around
Monster Monster, Turn Around! (turn around)
Monster, Monster, Touch the ground! (touch ground)
Monster, Monster, Reach up high! (stretch up high)
Monster, Monster, Squint your eyes!  (squint eyes)
Monster, Monster, Show your teeth!  (bare teeth and make claws)
Monster, Monster, Stomp your feet!  (stomp)
Monster, Monster, Slap your knees!  (slap knees)
Monster, Monster, Sit down, please!  (sit down)
(Source: King County Library Wiki)

Book: Tickle Monster by Josie Bissett, illustrated by Kevan J. Atteberry

Tickle Monster

Song: “Monster Boogie” – Laurie Berkner: Buzz Buzz

Song:Horns, Fangs, Knees and Claws
Horns, fangs
Knees and claws
Knees and claws.
Horns, fangs
Knees and claws
Knees and claws.
Eyes and ears and tail and paws
Horns, fangs
Knees and claws
Knees and claws.
(Source: King County Library Wiki)

Book: There’s a Monster in your Book by Tom Fletcher, illustrated by Greg Abbott or There’s a Monster at the End of this Book by Jon Stone


Song: “Games Monsters Play” – Sesame Street: Monster Melodies

Closing rhyme

Craft: alphabet monsters


Mo Willems Story Time – Everybody

Opening song

Book: The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog by Mo Willems

Play: “Hot Dog Dress Up” at

Fingerplay: Five little hot dogs frying in a pan, the grease got hot and it went bam! (clap)

Song: “Shakin’ Everywhere” – Jim Gill: The Irrational Anthem

Book: Should I Share My Ice Cream? by Mo Willems

Should I Share My Ice Cream? book cover

Flannelboard: “Ice Cream Colors”
We have ice cream, the best in town,
Let us begin with chocolate brown.
Now, let us scoop us some bubble-gum pink,
It is sweet and yummy, the best, some think.
Here is ice cream minty and green,
It is the creamiest I have ever seen.
Yellow ice cream is lemony and tart,
We like its taste from the very start.
Scoops of blueberry would make my day,
Look at all this ice cream, hip, hip hurray!
Red ice cream is a strawberry delight,
All these scoops are a wonderful sight.
Vanilla white is a popular flavor,
It tastes very good to an ice-cream craver.
Purple ice cream really gives me a kick,
Good and yummy till the very last lick.
Ice cream, ice cream, what a cool sensation,
We love ice cream in any combination!
Credit: Step By Step

Song: “Pig on Her Head” – Laurie Berkner: The Best of Laurie Berkner

Book: Knuffle Bunny by Mo Willems

 Knuffle Bunny book cover

Song: “Sleeping Bunnies” – Kathy Reid-Naiman: Zoom Zoom Cuddle and Croon

 Closing rhyme

Craft: Pigeon headband

Earth Story time – Everybody

Opening Song

Book: Big Earth, Little Me by Thom Wiley

Big Earth, Little Me by Thom Wiley, book cover

Song: I’m in the Mood for Singing – Raffi: Rise And Shine (played on ukulele)
I’m in the mood for singing
Hey, how about you?

I’m in the mood for singing
Hey, how about you?

I’m in the mood for singing
Singing along with you
Hey, hey, what do you say
D                                     G
I’m in the mood for that today
C                   G
Hey, hey, what do you say
D                                    G
I’m in the mood for that.

(verses: reading, cleaning)

Book: A Grand Old Tree by Mary Newell DePalma

A Grand Old Tree by Mary Newell DePalma, book cover

Song/Flannel: Five Bottles of juice on the Wall

Book: A Rock Can Be by Laura Purdie Salas

A Rock Can Be by Laura Prudie Salas, book cover

Song: Shakin’ Like a Leafy Tree – The Wiggles: Racing to the Rainbow

Book: The Tree: A Fable by Neal Layton

The Tree: A Fable by Neal Layton, book cover

Goodbye Rhyme

Craft: Tree coloring pages with tissue paper




World Story time – Everybody

Opening Song

Book: All the World by Elizabeth Garton Scanlon 

All the World by Liz Garton Scanlon

Song: Hands Are Clapping (to the tune of “Skip To My Lou”)

Hands are clapping
Clap clap clap
Hands are clapping
Clap clap clap
Hands are clapping
Clap clap clap
Clap your hands my darling!

Continue with …
-feet are stomping
-arms are flapping
-legs are jumping

Book: Everywhere the Cow Says Moo by Ellen Weinstein

Everywhere the Cow Says Moo by Ellen Weinstein, book cover

Song: Yo Te Amo (ukulele chords by Story Time Ukulele)

Book: A Little Peace by Barbara Kerley

A Little Peace by Barbara Kerley, book cover

Song: I’ve Got Peace Like a River

Book: Can You Say Peace by Karen Katz

Can You Say Peace by Karen Katz, book cover

Song: Three Little Birds – Elizabeth Mitchell: You Are My Little Bird

Closing Rhyme

Craft: Cupcake liner globes
