Book: My Book Box by Will Hillenbrand
Song: “Cardboard Box” – Justin Roberts: Jungle Gym
Book: Sitting in My Box by Dee Lillegard, illustrated by Jon Agee
Rhyme: “I Like to Be a Jumping Jack”
I like to be a jumping jack
And jump out from a box.
I like to be a rocking horse
And rock and rock and rock.
I like to be a spinning top
And spin around and round.
I like to be a rubber ball
And bounce right to the ground.
Puppets/Movement: “I Have a Friend” (Tune: “I Saw a Bear”)
I have a friend,
From in my box.
They like to ____
Until they stop.
(Take out puppets from a box and do an associated movement (jump, run, etc.))
(Credit: Leah Portz)
Book: Not a Box by Antoinette Portis