Book: Nose to Toes, You are Yummy! by Tim Harrington
Song: “My Body Likes to Wiggle Waggle” (Tune: “Have You Ever Seen…?”)
Fingers like to wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle (wiggle fingers)
Fingers like to wiggle waggle this way and that!
Feet like to wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle (wiggle feet)
Feet like to wiggle waggle this way and that!
My body likes to wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle (wiggle body)
My body likes to wiggle waggle this way and that!
Big Book: From Head to Toe by Eric Carle
Song: “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”
Book: I Got the Rhythm by Connie Schofield-Morrison, illustrated by Frank Morrison
Song: “Mi Cuerpo” – Hot Peas ‘n Butter: Best of the Bowl
Book: Can You Make a Scary Face? by Jan Thomas
Song: “They’re A Part of Me” (Tune: “The Wheels on the Bus”)
I can make my hands go clap, clap, clap
Clap, clap, clap
Clap, clap, clap
I can make my hands go clap, clap, clap
They’re a part of me.
Additional verses:
I can make my feet go stomp, stomp, stomp, etc…
I can make my legs go bend, bend, bend, etc…
Song: “Can You Shake Your Egg?” (Tune: “Have You Ever Seen?”)
Can you shake your egg with me,
egg with me, egg with me?
Can you shake your egg with me
and put it on your (head, knee, belly, etc.)?