Opening Song:
Wave everybody and say hello,
Wave everybody and say hello,
Wave everybody and say hello,
How are you today?
Repeat with: Clap, stomp, floss
Song: “Bluey Theme Tune” – Joff Bush: Bluey the Album
Book: Meet Bluey’s Friends by Meredith Rusu
Song: “If You’re Bluey and You Know It” (Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
Clap your paws
Twirl around
High five Bingo
Do the floss
Book w/Props: What Games Should We Play? by Tallulah May
Flannel: “Bluey Houses”
(Hide Bluey, Bingo, and Bob Bilby behind different houses and try to find which one Bluey is in.)
Song: “Bingo”
There was a friend that played pretend,
And Bingo was her name-o!
B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O,
And Bingo was her name-o!
Book: Grannies
Song w/Balloons: “Keepy Uppy” – Joff Bush: Bluey the Album