Alligator and Crocodile Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song

Book: Snip Snap! What’s That? by Mara Bergman, illustrated by Nick Maland

Song: “Crocodile Family, Don’t You Bite” (Tune: “Frère Jacques”)
Baby crocodile, baby crocodile, (pinch thumb and forefinger together like a crocodile mouth)
Don’t you bite, don’t you bite, (hold forefinger up and wave back and forth in a no-no motion)
I can run away from you, I can run away from you, (run in place or, if sitting, drum hands on thighs)
Out of sight, out of sight. (cover eyes with hands, like peek-a-boo)

Additional verses:
Mommy crocodile (place hands together, hold flat, open and close)
Daddy crocodile (hold arms out like a mouth, clap hands as you bring your arms together and apart)

Book: Crocodile or Alligator? by Susan Kralovansky

Flannel: “Five Hungry Alligators”
Five hungry alligators lying on the shore,
A fish swims by, and now there are four.

Four hungry alligators lying by a tree,
A fish swims by, and now there are three.

Three hungry alligators swimming in a pool,
A fish swims by, and now there are two.

Two hungry alligators soaking up some sun,
A fish swims by, and now there is one.

One hungry alligator looking for some fun,
A fish swims by, and now there are none!

Song: “Alligator Chomp” – Jack Hartmann: Kindergarten Songs, Greatest Hits, Vol. 1

Book: A Girl and Her Gator by Sean Bryan, illustrated by Tom Murphy

Song: “Pig On Her Head (Alternate Version)” – Laurie Berkner: The Best of the Laurie Berkner Band

Song: “Ha, Ha, This-a-way” – Bob McGrath: Bob’s Favorite Sing Along Songs

Closing Rhyme

Craft: Alligator or crocodile clothespin magnet