Julie has been working at the Verona Public Library since 2009 and is the head of youth services and assistant director of the library. If Julie could only eat one food for the rest of her life she would pick sushi. Julie’s favorite illustrator is Marla Frazee.
Leah has been working at the Verona Public Library since 2011. She is a youth services librarian who presents preschool story times and specializes in teen services, but she enjoys working with all ages. Leah likes incorporating puppets and creative play into her work with young children. Outside the library, she loves audiobooks, outdoor activities, knitting, martial arts, and dancing.
Jess has been working at the Verona Public Library since 2021, and before that she was a librarian in Pacifica, CA. Jess presents toddler storytimes, and is a youth services librarian facilitating tween craft programs. Her favorite picture book is I Want My Hat Back by Jon Klassen. Jess loves cooking recipes she finds on the internet and watching Korean dramas.
Amy has been working at the library since 2018. Before becoming a librarian, she was a kindergarten teacher for many years. Amy currently presents sensory friendly story time in collaboration with the Verona Area School District, along with leading book clubs for school-age readers, organizing craft events, and helping with other library programs. Her favorite picture books are Little Pea by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes. Besides reading, Amy enjoys going to country music concerts and spending time with her family and cats.
Lizzy has been working at the Verona Public Library since 2021. Before that, she worked in youth services at the Fitchburg Public Library. Lizzy presents baby story times, and she loves engaging with young children. Her favorite picture book authors/illustrators include Mo Willems, Jan Thomas, and Jane Cabrera. She enjoys reading picture books at home as well with her two children.

Mia has been working at the Verona Public Library since 2017. You can find her presenting preschool story times, helping people find great books, and running clubs for school-age kids. Some of Mia’s favorite picture books are Tar Beach by Faith Ringgold, Pokko and the Drum by Matthew Forsythe, and Hoot Owl, Master of Disguise by Sean Taylor and Jean Jullien. Outside the library, she enjoys sewing, bouldering, and doing puzzles.