Thanksgiving Story Time – Toddler

Opening Song

Book: Thanks for Thanksgiving by Julie Markes, illustrated by Doris Barrette

Song: “If You’re Thankful and You Know It” (Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
If you’re thankful and you know it, clap your hands.
If you’re thankful and you know it, clap your hands.
If you’re thankful and you know it, and you really want to show it,
If you’re thankful and you know it, clap your hands.

Additional verses:
If you’re thankful and you know it, stomp your feet…
If you’re thankful and you know it, shout “I am!”…
If you’re thankful and you know it, do all three…

Song: “Can’t Wait to Celebrate” – Jim Gill: Jim Gill’s Irrational Anthem

Book: Turkey Gobble by Allison Black

Song: “Thanksgiving Freeze Dance” – The Kiboomers

Book: All for Pie, Pie for All by David Martin, illustrated by Valeri Gorbachev

Flannel: “Four Pieces of Pie”
One whole pie
Set by the door,
Cut into four pieces,
I count…four.

Four pieces of pie,
All for me!
I ate one piece
Now there are…three.
[Gasp], Cat ate a piece!
Now there are…two.

Two pieces of pie,
All for me!
[“Squeak, sharing is fun!”] (mouse)
[Gasp], Mouse ate a piece!
Now there is…one.

One piece of pie,
All for me!
[“Hurry, scurry, you’re my hero!”] (ant)
[Gasp], Ant ate a piece!
Now there’s…zero.
My pie’s all gone.

Song: “Hot Potato” – The Wiggles: Yummy Yummy

Song: “Turkey Dance” – Patty’s Primary Songs

Song: “The Turkey Hop” – Carole Peterson: H.U.M. All Year Long

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Closing Rhyme

Thanksgiving Story Time – Baby

Opening Song

Puppet Song: “When Ducks Get Up in the Morning”
When ducks get up in the morning, they always say good day.
When ducks get up in the morning, they always say good day.
Quack, quack, quack, quack, this is what they say.
Quack, quack, quack, quack, this is what they say.

Repeat with other animals/sounds
(Credit: King County Library System)

Sign Language: Thank you, turkey, eat, drink

Book: Duck, Duck, Gobble! by J. D. Forester, illustrated by Lydia Nichols

Song: “If You’re Thankful and You Know It” (Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
If you’re thankful and you know it, clap your hands.
If you’re thankful and you know it, clap your hands.
If you’re thankful and you know it, and you really wanna show it,
If you’re thankful and you know it, clap your hands.

Additional verses:
Give a hug
Say, “Thank You”
(Credit: The Loudest Librarian)

Rhyme: “Chicken in the Barnyard”
Chicken in the barnyard (make a circle on baby’s tummy)
Staying out of trouble,
Along comes a turkey and – (creep fingers up to baby’s chin)
Gobble! Gobble! Gobble! (tickle baby under chin)
(Credit: Pasadena Public Library)

Book: Where Is Baby’s Turkey? by Karen Katz

Lap Rhyme: “I’m a Little Cuckoo Clock”
Tick tock, tick tock, I’m a little Cuckoo clock. (rock gently side to side)
Tick tock, tick tock, now I’m striking one o’clock.
Cuckoo! (lift in air once)

Repeat with: two o’clock (lift into air 2x), three o’clock (lift into air 3x)
(Credit: King County Library System)

Lap Rhyme: “Giddyap Giddyap”
Giddyap, giddyap ride to town (bounce)
Giddyap, giddyap up and down (lift)
Giddyap fast, giddyap slow
Giddyap, giddyap WHOA! (lean baby back)
(Credit: Read Sing Play)

Lap Rhyme: “I’m Toast in the Toaster”
I’m toast in the toaster, (bounce baby gently on lap)
And I’m getting very hot.
Tick, tock, tick, tock, (sway baby from side to side gently)
Up I POP! (lift baby up in the air)
(Credit: King County Library System)

Shaker Eggs: “Mahalo” – Laurie Berkner: Under a Shady Tree

Closing Rhyme

Cat Story Time – Sensory Friendly

Opening Song

Book: No Cats in the Library by Lauren Emmons

Song: “If You’re a Kitty and You Know It” (Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
If you’re a kitty and you know it, lick your paws. (pretend to lick paws)
If you’re a kitty and you know it, lick your paws. (pretend to lick paws)
If you’re a kitty and you know it, and you really want to show it.
If you’re a kitty and you know it, lick your paws. (pretend to lick paws)

Additional verses:
Show your claws (show claws)
Swish your tail (wiggle bottom)
Chase some yarn (swat high)
Say “Meow!”

Book: Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes by Eric Litwin, illustrated by James Dean

Song/Video: “Dance for the Sun” – Kira Willey: Dance for the Sun

Yoga/Breathing: Cat

Social Story: I Want to Be Mad for a While! by Barney Saltzberg

Closing Song

Craft: Cats in sweaters


Sneezy Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song

Book: Llama Llama Home with Mama by Anna Dewdney
llama llama home with mama cover image

Song: “When I Woke Up Today” – Laurie Berkner: Superhero

Book: Roar-Choo! by Charlotte Cheng, illustrated by Dan Santat

Puppet Song: “The Sneezing Song” – Jim Gill: Jim Gill Sings The Sneezing Song and Other Contagious Tunes

Song: “If You’re Sneezy and You Know It” (Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
If you’re sneezy and you know it, say Ah-choo, “Ah-choo”…
If you’re shivery and you know it, slurp your soup, “Slurp, slurp”…
If you’re sweaty and you know it, drink your juice, “Glug, glug”…
If you’re sleepy and you know it, take a nap, “Snore”…
If you’re better and you know it, jump on up, “Woo-hoo”…

Book: How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon? by Jane Yolen, illustrated by Mark Teague
How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon? book cover

Puppets: “Animal Sneezes”
Gather a bunch of animal puppets and sneeze with the sound of the animal and have the patrons guess.
“What animal is sneezing? Moo-Achoo! Moo-Achoo! A Cow!”

Closing Rhyme

Sleepy Story Time – Preschool

Opening Song

Big Book: The Napping House by Audrey Wood, illustrated by Don Wood
Napping House book cover

Fingerplay: “Five in the Bed”
There were five in the bed and the little one said,
“Roll over, roll over!”

So they all rolled over and one fell out.
There were four in the bed and the little one said,
“Roll over, roll over!”

So they all rolled over and one fell out.
There were three in the bed and the little one said,
“Roll over, roll over!”

So they all rolled over and one fell out.
There were two in the bed and the little one said,
“Roll over, roll over!”

So they all rolled over and one fell out.
There was one in the bed and the little one said, “Goodnight.”

Action Song: “This Is the Way We Yawn & Stretch” (Tune: “Here We Go ‘Round the Mulberry Bush”)
This is the way we yawn and stretch,
Yawn and stretch, yawn and stretch.
This is the way we yawn and stretch
On our way to bed.

Additional verses:
This is the way we take a bath…
This is the way we read a book…
This is the way we hug and kiss…
This is the way we close our eyes…
(Credit: Mel’s Desk)

Book: Shhh! The Baby’s Asleep by JaNay Brown-Wood, illustrated by Elissambura

Song: “The Goldfish” – Laurie Berkner: Victor Vito

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Closing Rhyme

Zoo Story Time – Toddler

Opening Song

Book: From Head to Toe by Eric Carle

Song: “The Animals at the Zoo” (Tune: “The Wheels on the Bus”)
The lions at the zoo go roar, roar, roar,
Roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar!
The lions at the zoo go roar, roar, roar!
All day long!

Additional verses:
Monkeys…ooh ooh ah!
Snakes…hiss hiss hiss!
Penguins…waddle, waddle, waddle!

Song: “The Monkey Dance” – The Wiggles: Hot Potatoes!

Book: The Underpants Zoo by Brian Sendelbach

Action Rhyme: “Monkey See, Monkey Do”
Monkey see, monkey do,
Little monkey at the zoo.
Monkey, monkey in the tree.
Can you ________ like me?

Actions: jump around, swing your arms, scratch an itch, eat a banana, screech
(Credit: Perry Public Library)

Book: Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell
Dear Zoo

Song: “At the Zoo” – B Minor Music

Song: “Wheels on the Bus (at the Zoo)” – Bounce Patrol

Song: “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties

Closing Rhyme

Animal Sounds Story Time – Baby

Opening Song

Puppet Song: “When Ducks Get Up in the Morning”
When ducks get up in the morning, they always say good day.
When ducks get up in the morning, they always say good day.
Quack, quack, quack, quack, this is what they say.
Quack, quack, quack, quack, this is what they say.

Repeat with other animals/sounds
(Credit: King County Library System)

Sign Language: Cat, duck, bear

Book: Flappy, Waggy, Wiggly by Amanda Leslie

Rhyme: “Chicken in the Barnyard”
Chicken in the barnyard, (make a circle on baby’s tummy)
Staying out of trouble,
Along comes a turkey and – (creep fingers up to baby’s chin)
Gobble! Gobble! Gobble! (tickle baby under chin)
(Credit: Pasadena Public Library)

Puppet Song: “Old MacDonald Had a Farm”
Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.
And on his farm, he had a cow, E-I-E-I-O.
With a moo, moo here, and a moo, moo there,
Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo, moo.
Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Repeat with other animals/sounds

Book: Peek-a-Moo! by Marie Torres Cimarusti, illustrated by Stephanie Peterson

Lap Rhyme: “Little Frog”
A little frog in a pond am I,
Hippity, hippity, hop, (bounce)
And I can jump in the air so high, (lift)
Hippity, hippity, hop! (bounce)

Lap Rhyme: “A Hippopotamus Got On A City Bus”
A hip, a hip, a hippopotamus,
Got on, got on, got on a city bus,
And all, and all, and all the people said,
“You’re squishing us!” (hug baby)

A cow, a cow, a cow got on the bus,
And all, and all, and all the people said,
“Moooove over!” (lean baby to side)

A sheep, a sheep, a sheep got on the bus,
And all, and all, and all the people said,
“Baaaaaack up!” (lean baby back)
(Credit: Jbrary)

Lap Rhyme: “Giddyap Giddyap”
Giddyap, giddyap ride to town (bounce)
Giddyap, giddyap up and down (lift)
Giddyap fast, giddyap slow
Giddyap, giddyap WHOA! (lean baby back)
(Credit: Read Sing Play)

Bell Song: “The Monkey Dance” – The Wiggles: Yummy Yummy

Closing Rhyme

Pie Story Time – Sensory Friendly

Opening Song

Book: All for Pie, Pie for All by David Martin, illustrated by Valeri Gorbachev

Flannel: “Alligator Pie”
Alligator, alligator, alligator pie.
If I don’t get some,
I think I’m gonna cry.
Take away the green grass,
Take away the sky,
But don’t take away
My alligator pie.

Alligator, alligator, alligator cake.
If I don’t get some,
I think I’m gonna shake.
Take away the river,
Take away the lake,
But don’t take away
My alligator cake.

Alligator, alligator, alligator soup.
If I don’t get some,
I think I’m gonna droop.
Take away my basketball,
Take away my hoop,
But don’t take away
My alligator soup.

Alligator, alligator, alligator stew.
If I don’t get some,
I don’t know what I’ll do.
Take away my socks,
Take away my shoe,
But don’t take away
My alligator stew.

Alligator, alligator, alligator tea.
If I don’t get some,
I think I’ll climb a tree.
Take away the ocean,
Take away the sea,
But don’t take away
My alligator tea.
(Credit: Pre-K Fun)

Book: Apple Pie ABC by Alison Murray

Yoga: Basket pose (aka rocking horse)

Social Story: Pete’s a Pizza by William Steig
Pete's a Pizza book cover

Closing Song

Craft: Paper plate pumpkin pie

Underwear Story Time – Everybody

Opening Song

When you learn to use the potty, you can wear underpants that are all kinds of colors and patterns.

Book: Polar Bear’s Underwear by Tupera Tupera
Polar Bear's Underwear

Song: “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Underpants”
Head, shoulders, knees and underpants, knees and underpants.
Head, shoulders, knees and underpants, knees and underpants.
Eyes and ears and mouth and underpants.
Head, shoulders, knees and underpants, knees and underpants!
(Credit: Miss Sarah’s Storytime)

Book: Monsters Love Underpants by Claire Freedman, illustrated by Ben Cort

Song: “Monster Boogie” – Laurie Berkner: The Best of the Laurie Berkner Band

Song: “Wheels on the Bus” – Kimbo Children’s Music: Toddlers on Parade

Book: What Color is Bear’s Underwear? by Todd H. Doodler

Song: “Peanut Butter” – Dr. Jean: Keep on Singing and Dancing with Dr. Jean

Song: “Reach for the Ceiling” – Kimbo Children’s Music: Toddlers on Parade

Closing Rhyme

Hungry Story Time – Preschool

Opening Song

Book: Hoot Owl, Master of Disguise by Sean Taylor, illustrated by Jean Jullien

Action Rhyme: “Abracadabra, Alaka-zow!”
Abra-cadabra, Alaka-zow
When I say KAZAM you’ll all be cows! KAZAM!

Abra-cadabra, Alaka-zello
When I say KAZAM you’ll all be jello! KAZAM!

Abra-cadabra, Alaka-zitty
When I say KAZAM you’ll all be kitties! KAZAM!

Abra-cadabra, Alaka-zids
When I say KAPOW you’ll turn back into kids! KAPOW!
(Credit: Handley Regional Library)

Action Song: “Bananas Unite!”
Bananas unite! (put your hands above your head so your body makes a banana shape)
Sing each line twice.
Peel bananas, peel, peel bananas. (“peel” your arms down to your sides)
Chop bananas, chop, chop bananas. (hold one hand straight up and down and chop on the other hand)
Mash bananas, mash, mash bananas. (make one hand into a fist and mash the other hand)
Eat bananas, eat, eat bananas. (pretend to eat)
Go bananas, go, go bananas! (do a silly dance)
(Credit: Jbrary)

Book: Roll, Roll, Little Pea by Cécile Bergame, illustrated by Magali Attiogbé, translated by Angus Yuen-Killick

Flannel Song: Today Is Monday by Eric Carle

Closing Rhyme