Opening Song
Book: Firefighter Flo! by Andrea Zimmerman, illustrated by Dan Yaccarino

Rhyme: “This Is Big”
This is big, big, big. (stretch hands far to sides)
This is small, small, small. (cup hands together)
This is short, short, short. (hold palms close vertically)
This is tall, tall, tall. (hold palms far apart vertically)
This is fast, fast, fast. (roll hands quickly)
This is slow, slow, slow. (roll hands slowly)
This is yes, yes, yes. (nod head)
This is no, no, no. (shake head)
Song: “Hurry, Hurry, Drive the Fire Truck”
Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck! (x 3)
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!
Additional verses: Turn the corner, climb the ladder, spray the fire hose
(Credit: Jbrary)
Book: Firefighter Duckies! by Frank W. Dormer

Song: “The Wheels on the Bus”
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round,
Round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round
All through the town!
Additional verses:
Doors/open and shut
Babies/up & down
Parents/I love you
Song: “Open Shut Them”
Open shut them, open shut them.
Give a little clap, clap, clap.
Open shut them, open shut them.
Put them in your lap, lap, lap.
Creep them, crawl them
Creep them, crawl them
Right up to your chin, chin, chin
Open wide your little mouth…
But do not let them in.
(Credit: Laurie Berkner)
Flannel: “5 Big Fire Engines”
Five big fire engines
Racing down the road.
One finds a hydrant and hooks up its hose.
The rest call the station and the fire chief says,
“There are more fires farther ahead!”
Repeat with 4, 3, and 2 fire engines.
One big fire engine
Racing down the road.
It finds a hydrant and hooks up its hose.
All the fire engines put out those fires.
See any more?
Turn those tires.
Sirens roar!
Scarf Song: “Wave Your Scarf” (Tune: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”)
Wave, wave, wave your scarf,
As slowly as you can.
Wave your scarf, wave your scarf,
As slowly as you can.
Additional verses:
Wave, wave, wave your scarf, as quickly as you can…
Swing your arms (slowly, quickly)
Stomp your feet (slowly, quickly)
Scarf Song: “You’ll Wave Your Scarf”
You’ll wave your scarf and I’ll wave my scarf.
We’ll wave our scarves together.
You’ll wave your scarf and I’ll wave my scarf,
In warm or wintry weather.
Additional verses:
You’ll throw your scarf…
You’ll twirl with your scarf…
You’ll shake your scarf…
Scarf Rhyme: “Popcorn Kernels”
Popcorn kernels (wave scarves overhead)
In the pot. (make their scarves ‘disappear’ by bunching them up in their fists)
Shake them, shake them, shake them (shake fists)
‘Til they POP! (toss scarves up into the air)
Song: “Icky Sticky Bubble Gum” – David Landau: Kids and Kitties
Closing Rhyme