Opening Song
Book: Froggy Gets Dressed by Jonathan London, illustrated by Frank Remkiewicz

Song/Book: The Croaky Pokey! by Ethan Long

Song: “Mmm, Ahh Went the Little Green Frog”
Hop, hop went the little green frog one day. (hop in place)
Hop, hop went the little green frog.
Hop, hop went the little green frog one day.
And his legs went boing, boing, boing! (tap legs)
Glunk, glunk went the little green frog one day. (stick out tongue to catch food)
Glunk, glunk went the little green frog.
Glunk, glunk went the little green frog one day.
And his eyes went blink, blink, blink! (BIG blinks!)
Munch, munch went the little green frog one day. (open and close mouth)
Munch, munch went the little green frog.
Munch, munch went the little green frog one day.
And his mouth went gulp, gulp, gulp! (BIG gulps!)
Splash, splash went the little green frog one day. (splash motion with hands)
Splash, splash went the little green frog.
Splash, splash went the little green frog one day.
And he swam, swam, swam away! (slow swimming arms)
Book: Froggy Learns to Swim by Jonathan London, illustrated by Frank Remkiewicz

Song: “Five Green and Speckled Frogs” (use frogs on a log prop)

Song: “Tadpoles” (Tune: “Mary Had a Little Lamb”)
Tadpoles are little baby frogs, (pinch fingers and thumb for size)
Baby frogs, (pinch)
Baby frogs. (pinch)
Tadpoles are little baby frogs, (pinch)
And they can swim like fish. (pantomime swimming)
Tadpoles grow four stretchy legs, (stretch arms and legs)
Stretchy legs, (stretch)
Stretchy legs. (stretch)
Tadpoles grow four stretchy legs, (stretch)
So they can hop, hop, hop! (pat hands on lap)
Closing Rhyme