Opening Song
Book: Deserts by Tim Mayerling

Song: “We Are Going on a Journey” (Tune: “She’ll Be Comin’ ‘Round the Mountain”)
We are going on a journey to the desert
We are going on a journey to the desert
We are going on a journey,
We are going on a journey,
We are going on a journey to the desert
Additional verses:
Well we won’t see rain for a while, (It’s dry!)…
Oh it might be hot while we’re there, (So hot!)…
Or it might be cold while we’re there, (Brrr, brrr!)…
Either way, bring some water when we go (Glug, glug!)…
Book: Welcome to the Sea of Sand by Jane Yolen, illustrated by Laura Regan

Flannel/Song: “Have You Ever Seen a Lizard?” (Tune: “Have You Ever Seen a Lassie?”)
Have you ever seen a lizard, a lizard, a lizard?
Have you ever seen a lizard all dressed up in Green?
With Green eyes, and Green nose,
And Green legs and Green toes.
Have you ever seen a lizard all dressed up in Green?
(Credit: Perfectly Preschool)
Song: “In the Desert” (Tune: “The Wheels On The Bus”)
The jackrabbit in the desert can hop like this, hop like this, hop like this (hop in place)
The jackrabbit in the desert can hop like this, all night long
The coyote in the desert can howl Ah-ooo!, Ah-ooo!, Ah-ooo!
The coyote in the desert can howl Ah-ooo! all night long
The rattlesnake in the desert goes hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss (move hands like a snake)
The rattlesnake in the desert goes hiss, hiss, hiss, all night long
The saguaro in the desert can stand like this, stand like this, stand like this (pose like a cactus!)
The saguaro in the desert can stand like this, all night long!
(Credit: Literary Hoots)
Book: Not a Bean by Claudia Guadalupe Marínez, illustrated by Laura González

Fingerplay: Five Little Black Flies
Five little black flies flying ’round the cactus
Teasing Mr. Lizard, saying, “You can’t catch us!”
Then came the Lizard, being oh so sly
And SLUUUURP!! He ate one tasty little fly!
(Credit: Literary Hoots)
Book: The Sunhat by Jennifer Ward, illustrated by Stephanie Roth Sisson

Closing rhyme