Opening Song
Book: If You Ever Want to Bring a Piano to the Beach, Don’t! by Elise Parsley

Song: “I Am a Fine Musician” – Carole Peterson: Sticky Bubble Gum and Other Tasty Tunes
Book: Squeak, Rumble, Whomp! Whomp! Whomp! by Wynton Marsalis

Flannel: “I Know A Shy Fellow Who Swallowed a Cello” by Barbara S. Garriel & John O’Brien
I know a shy fellow who swallowed a cello.
I don’t know why he swallowed a cello. Perhaps he’ll bellow.
I know a shy fellow who swallowed a harp. Not so sharp, to swallow a harp.
He swallowed the harp to jam with the cello.
I don’t know why he swallowed a cello. Perhaps he’ll bellow.
I know a shy fellow who swallowed a sax. Hard to relax, when you swallow a sax.
He swallowed the sax to jam with the harp… cello…
I don’t know why he swallowed a cello. Perhaps he’ll bellow.
I know a shy fellow who swallowed a fiddle. No time to twiddle, when you swallow a fiddle.
He swallowed the fiddle to jam with the sax… harp… cello…
I don’t know why he swallowed a cello. Perhaps he’ll bellow.
I know a shy fellow who swallowed a cymbal. Not so nimble, to swallow a cymbal.
He swallowed the cymbal to jam with the fiddle… sax… harp… cello…
I don’t know why he swallowed a cello. Perhaps he’ll bellow.
I know a shy fellow who swallowed a flute. That was a hoot to swallow a flute.
He swallowed the flute to jam with the cymbal… fiddle… sax… harp… cello…
I don’t know why he swallowed a cello. Perhaps he’ll bellow.
I know a shy fellow who swallowed a kazoo. Strange thing to do, swallow a kazoo.
He swallowed the kazoo to jam with the flute… cymbal… fiddle… sax… harp… cello…
I don’t know why he swallowed a cello. Perhaps he’ll bellow.
I know a shy fellow who swallowed a bell. The teeniest, tiniest, petite cascabel. Well…
He belched and he burped, he turned shades of yellow.
It seemed he was doomed, that very shy fellow.
He weaved and he wallowed, then stomped and he yelled.
And the next he know, out jingled the bell.
Then… out buzzed the kazoo, out tooted the flute, out crashed the cymbal. That noisy galoot! Out flashed the fiddle, out sizzled the sax, out strummed the harp.
He played to the max! Well, he bellowed, that fellow, that fellow did bellow… and last, but not least, out cha-chaed the cello!

Song: “The Finger Band Is Coming to Town” (Tune: Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush)
The finger band is coming to town
Coming to town, coming to town
The finger band is coming to town
So early in the morning
This is how they strum their guitar
Strum their guitar, strum their guitar
This is how they strum their guitar
So early in the morning
This is how they play their flute
Play their flute, play their flute
This is how they play their flute
So early in the morning
This is the way they bang the drums,
Bang the drums, bang the drums
This is the way they bang the drums
So early in the morning
Oh my look at the time, the band has played all day. It’s time for them to go!
The finger band is going away
Going away, going away
The finger band is going away
They’ve played all day
[Action Book, if time]: Play This Book by Jessica Young

Song/Drums: “Mr. Bassman” – Laurie Berkner: Rocketship run
Closing Song
Craft: Coloring Instruments