Opening Song
Book: Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson, illustrated by Jane Chapman

Song: Grizzly Bears (Tune: “Mary Had A Little Lamb”)
Grizzly bears are big and brown, (stretch up tall)
Big and brown, big and brown,
Grizzly bears are big and brown,
And live in the woods.
Polar bears are soft and white, (rub arms)
Soft and white, soft and white,
Polar bears are soft and white,
And live where it’s cold.
Teddy bears are just my size, (hug pretend bear)
Just my size, just my size,
Teddy bears are just my size,
To cuddle with at night.
(Credit: Jbrary)
Book: My Little Polar Bear by Claudia Rueda

Flannel: Polar bear’s not tired,
He wants to play!
He wants to catch the RED ball today.
Is this the red ball? (etc.)

(Source: My Storytime Life blog)
Song: “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Turn Around” – The Wiggles: Taking Off
Book: Old Bear by Kevin Henkes

Song: If You’re A Bear and You Know It (Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
If you’re a polar bear and you know it…clap your paw
If you’re a black bear and you know it…show your teeth
If you’re and grizzly bear and you know it …give a growl
Book: If You Were a Panda Bear by Florence and Wendell Minor

Rhyme: My Bear (using a bear puppet)
My bear is looking all around.
My bear is sniffing at the ground.
My bear is looking at my toes.
My bear can kiss me on the nose.
My bear can whisper in my ear.
What’s he saying? Can you hear?
My bear can hide behind me,
But wherever I go, my bear can surely find me.
Song: “Shake My Sillies Out” – Raffi: The Raffi Singable Songs Collection
Closing Rhyme
Craft: Bear Headband