Opening song
Sign language: Bird
Book: Birds by Kevin Henkes, illustrated by Laura Dronzek

Song (puppets): Owl in the tree (Tune: “Skip to My Lou”)
Owl in the tree goes, “Hoo, hoo hoo,”
Owl in the tree goes, “Hoo, hoo hoo,”
Owl in the tree goes, “Hoo, hoo hoo,”
Skip to my Lou, my darling
Blue bird in the nest goes, “Tweet, tweet, tweet…”
Duck in the pond goes, “Quack, quack, quack…”
Rooster in the yard goes, “Cock a doodle doo…”
Song: Hop, hop, hop along (Tune: “Row Your Boat”)
Hop, hop, hop along (hop)
Or bounce on someone’s knee (bounce)
Higher and higher and higher and higher (lift)
Bunny hop with me. (hop)
Book: Silly Little Goose! by Nancy Tafuri

Rhyme: One, two, buckle my shoe
One, two, buckle my shoe (clap, tap shoes)
Three, four, shut the door (clap, cover eyes)
Five, six, pick up sticks (clap, wiggle fingers)
Seven, eight, lay them straight (clap, raise arms)
Nine, ten, a big fat hen (clap, widen arms)
Song (iPod): “The Little Bird” – Elizabeth Mitchell; Blue Clouds
Book: Nest by Jorey Hurley

Rhyme: Trot, trot to Boston
Flannel: Five little owls
Song: Forgot a bag to carry (Tune: “Ring around the Rosie”)
Forgot a bag to carry (sign for bag)
Our books at the library (sign for book)
Stack’em, stack’em (lift baby, or stack hands)
They all fall down (baby to lap, or hands open)
Credit: Leah Portz
Book: Big Fat Hen by Keith Baker

Song (shaky eggs): “I Know a Chicken” – Laurie Berkner; Whaddaya Think of That?
Closing rhyme