Pie Story Time – Preschool

Hello Song

Book: Sweet Dream Pie by Audrey Wood, illustrated by Mark Teague

sweet dream pie

Song: A Song for Making Mud Pie (Tune: Sing of Sing a Song of Sixpence)
Sing a song for mud pie, It’s my favorite brand.
Mix it ‘til it’s mushy,
Squeeze it with your hand.
Put it in a tin pan,
Leave it in the sun.
Wait about an hour,
Then you know it will be done!

Book: All for Pie, Pie for All by David Martin, illustrated by Valeri Gorbachev

all for pie pie for all

Song: “Making Pie” – Kira Willey: Dance for the Sun

Parachute Play:
Roll out dough: See-Saw Pull (Sitting position, have children pull the parachute back and forth)
Put in Filling: Roll in different color balls and talk about what kind of pie they would make
Bake: Bubble crust with little and big waves
Done: make pie shape (Standing, lift the parachute waist height. On three, all lift the chute overhead, crouch down & pull the parachute down)

Craft: Rainbow Pie (bottom paper plate crust, 6 numbered color slices, paper bag top crust)

Pie craft Pie crust craft Pie craft color match triangles Pie craft preschool story time

End Rhyme