Hugs and Kisses Story Time – Baby

Opening song

Sign language for heart

Book: Time for a Hug by Phillis Gershator and Mim Green, illustrated by David Walker

time for a hug

Rhyme: Up up up in the sky like this (lift baby in the air, facing you)
Down down down for a great big kiss (lower baby down again and give a kiss)
Up like this (lift up)
Down for a kiss  (lower down)
You’re my special baby!

Rhyme: Roly poly ever so slowly [slowly roll baby’s hands]
Roly poly faster faster faster faster! [roll hands faster]

Book: I Kissed the Baby! by Mary Murphy

I kissed the baby

Rhyme: Bunny kisses (rub noses)
Butterfly kisses (brush eyelashes on cheek)
Goldfish kisses (suck in your cheeks and kiss on the lips)
Billy goat kisses (gently bump foreheads)
And a big bear hug!

Song: “Hands Go Up and Down” – Fisher Price: Babbles to Books

Song: “Kiss, Kiss Song”
One little, two little, three little kisses,
Four little, five little, six little kisses,
Seven little, eight little, nine little kisses,
Ten little kisses say “I love you.”

Book: Huggy, Kissy by Leslie Patricelli

huggy kissy

Song: “Let’s Tap our Feet Together” (Tune: “The More We Get Together”)

Let’s tap our feet together, together, together,Let’s tap our feet together, because it’s fun to do.
Let’s clap our hands…
Let’s touch our nose…
Let’s touch our ears…

Rhyme: Tick tock, tick tock, I’m a little cuckoo clock (swing baby side to side)
Tick tock, tick tock, stop!
What time is it? It’s one-o-clock.
Cuckoo! (lift baby)

Book: We Love Each Other by Yusuke Yonezu

we love each other

Song: “Skinnamarink” – Sharon, Lois, and Bram: Sing around the Campfire

Closing rhyme